Chapter XVIII

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Next chapter people! Love me, hate me at the end of it, it’s all up to you...A VERY HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY TO MY DAUGHTER ALYX!!!!!





Cain’s POV

It was a tense ride from the school to the pack grounds. My knuckles were white from how tight was grip on t he wheel was. All the bullshit with the hunters were pissing me off. Why couldn’t they just mind their own damn business? We weren’t bothering anyone. So what if we could change into wolves, we were just the same as they were (even if we were a bit better). The only wolves they should be worrying about are the rogues. They were the real problem, attacking humans and all the crap.

My thoughts switched to the task at hand to my mate. I admired the fact that she wanted to help but, there was no freaking way in hell I would let her anywhere near a fucking hunter. Sometime’s I thought they were worse than the rogues. Rogues didn’t use weapons, they used instinct. Hunters used all kind of stuff from crossbows to rifles. I couldn’t chance her getting hurt because of them. She meant too much to me and I couldn’t lose her.

“Did they get a count on how many hunters there are?” Mana asked

“At least 50.” I grunted. Fucking hunters!

“How many wolves are at the pack house?” he asked

“I don’t know, a lot of them have jobs so most of them aren’t home. If they were we wouldn’t have been called.” I replied 

“A bunch of the guys from school - well from our dorm - are headed that way as well.” Nate said. 

“Yeah, but, those are only the one’s from our pack.” Dean pointed out. He turned in his seat to look at the three guys in the back. “You three are the only ones from another pack that came along from what I saw.”

“What did you expect?” Mana asked “You think we were just going to sit by and do nothing?”

“We may not be part of your pack, but, our Alpha taught us to help out other packs when they need it.” Kai piped in “Since neither of you know how many people are at the pack ground you guys could use all the help you can get.”

“I can smell all the scents in the air so I know that we’re almost to the pack grounds.” Mana said “Since it’s so close to the school you bet your ass I’m going to do everything I can to make sure those hunters don’t try to double back that way.”

“They wont get that far if that’s what they’re planning.” I growled “No fucking way in hell.”

I pushed my car to it’s limits needing to get to the pack ground already. We needed to get rid of this threat fast so I can get back to my mate. My car screeched to a stop in front of the pack house. There was already a bunch of other cars parked here and there. The six of us jumped out of the car and hauled ass in to the pack house. There were bodies everywhere, people yelling over each other. I couldn’t pick out what anyone was saying because there were too many of them talking at the same time. 

I pushed my way through everyone to find my dad. He was standing near the far wall with his Beta - Sasha’s father, Jim. I finally broke through everyone and leaned against the wall next to him. I knew better than to interrupt him when he was talking with his Beta. After a few minutes they finished up and Jim went to talk to the other. 

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