Chapter XI

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Not very long and probably not that great. But, I've been braining on my freaking stories for days wondering what to right...This is all I've got so I hope you like it...So for any mistakes or errors!





Was I dreaming? I thought to myself when I had opened my eyes to see Cain crouching down next to me. I am definitely dreaming! was my next thought when he began to cry. I had to be dreaming cause just with one look you'd know right off the bat that Cain Nixon was not a guy who cried. Half the time you couldn't even tell what he was feeling. His face was usually blank; eye's showing nothing as he broke out his trademark smirk. 

If I wasn't dreaming maybe I had lost my mind. That seemed like a pretty logical explanation to me. I mean, just a few hours ago I tried to kill myself so why wouldn't my mind conjure up Cain? He was after-all the only person who could help me. He wouldn't fly all the way here though, he had too much going on back home. So, yup, I am either dreaming or I'm crazy. Hell, maybe I'm a bit of both. I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again; nope he's still here! 

His breathing had calmed down so I knew that he had stopped crying. Why was he crying? He looked up at me with red rimmed eyes; so many emotions passing through them. More than I had ever seen in his eyes before. So much sadness and pain. I reached my hand out to touch his face just to make sure he was real. His eyes fluttered close at my touch. My fingers traced along his jaw, up over his eyebrows, down his nose and along the outline of his lips. Definitely real.

"Cain?" I whispered 

"I'm here, baby." he smiled a small sad smile.

"You really are here, right?" I questioned "I'm not dreaming or loosing my mind?"

"I'm really here." he nodded

"Good!" I whispered before slapping him across the face. 

Now that I knew for certain that he was real and I was in fact not going crazy. All the pain I had been feeling quickly turned into anger. I jumped off my bed and glared down at him. He rubbed his cheek as he looked up at me and stood.

"I deserved that." he whispered

"You deserve more than that!" I stated throw a right hook. "Do you have any idea what I've been going through because of you?"

"Why do you think I'm here?" he asked sounding defeated. "You think I wanted you to go through all this?"

"You didn't seem to give a damn when you let Sasha shove her tongue down your throat." I shouted

"Why don't you let me explain that instead of being stubborn and assuming shit!" he yelled throwing his hands in the air.

"I don't need your damn explanations!" I shouted back punching him again; if my hits hurt him he didn't show it.

How dare he come here thinking I'm just going to fall into his arms just so he could explain. What the hell kind of girl did her think I am. Ugh, and how dare he call me stubborn. He stepped closer to me as I pounded my fists against him. He was so infuriating!

"You just think I'll fall all over you just cause you're my mate!" I yelled slapping him again. "Mate's don't do that to each other!" the pain began to creep up on me again as he grabbed me by my wrists and pulling my body flush against his. "Why would you do that to me?" I whispered

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