Chapter I

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Boarding School

Two word I never thought I'd ever here. Well, two words that I'd never thought I hear being directed at me. Whoever had come up with such a thing was surely deranged. What person in their right mind would want to go to boarding school. Wasn't regular school punishment enough? Why in the world would any sane person want to go to a school that you were stuck at the whole school year?

Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Kaila Slade and I'm 17 years old and I'm a werewolf. I would consider myself you're typical local girl. With my long dark brown hair, dark green eyes, tanned skin and toned body with curves in just the right places I guess you could say I was pretty good looking; or so I've heard. I'm the only daughter of the Alphas of my pack and have a brother who is younger than me by two years named Na'ali'i. So thankfully that role for the next Alpha doesn't fall on my shoulders.

It was the end of the summer when my father dropped the bomb on me. But, apparently I wasn't the only going and neither was my younger brother. All the wolves under the age of 18 from our pack and every other pack in the country were going. Why you ask? Hunters and rouges were quickly becoming more of a problem than they already were. There had been far too many attacks on packs all across the nation and the adults were beginning to worry.

The Council had began the construction of two werewolf boarding schools a few years back in case something like this had occurred. One on each end of the country. Being from Hawaii I obviously would be attending the one on the west coast. Personally I thought this whole situation was absurd. We lived in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Things like rouges and hunters were a rarity in our parts. So I really didn't think we had much to worry about.

My protests had of course fallen of deaf ears. My parents being Alphas of our pack over ruled me--as usual. Definite down side to having the Alphas as parents. They didn't even have to use their Alpha tone to get what they wanted when it came to their kids. I really didn't want to leave my home state of Hawaii. I loved it here; everything I knew was here. How the heck was I supposed to adjust to moving thousands of miles away? How was I supposed to move away from the ocean which is my play ground?

After my semi-heated conversation with my parents about this arrangement I had stalked to my bedroom and grudgingly began packing up everything that I was going to be taking. I obviously wouldn't be needing my surfboard much to my disappointment. It took me less than and hour to pack up everything. My parents told my brother and I that we really didn't need to pack much of our clothing only the items that would be warm. Since we'd be going to the middle of nowhere Washington to a school called Full Moon Prep West--how original!

I've read in books about how werewolves are resistant to cold weather. Well, news flash this isn't twilight where nothing fazes us, in other words yes, we do get cold. Granted we don't get as cold as a human would in freezing weather; but cold none the less. Another thing, silver? Just a myth! It would really suck if it was true though, I really like silver; it's pretty.

"Kaila, honey are you ready?" my mom asked standing in my doorway

"Yeah, don't really have a choice but to be ready." I sighed

"Sweetie, we've been through this." she said "It's for your own safety. For all of you."

"I know, I know. " I said rolling my eyes "I get mom, every pack around the country is doing it to protect the 'next generation'."

"At least all your friends will be there. It's not like we're just shipping you and Kalani off to somewhere you wont know anyone." She offered like that was going to help.

Sure, it was great the everyone I've grown up with would be going to. That just wasn't the point. I didn't want to pack up and move just because some fucked up hunters and rogue wolves. Like I said before we've hardly ever come in contact with either of the two. I knew I wasn't being the easiest daughter in the world right now and I'm pretty damn sure that other parents were having the same problems right about now.

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