Chapter 9

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The first little bit of the car ride I just looked out the window crying thinking of all the good memories I've had with them and thinking about how much I'm gonna miss them. As I was looking out the window I fell asleep. I woke up with a sore neck because if you have ever fell asleep in a car you would understand.

I had stopped crying so I decided to put my makeup on. I don't wear a lot because I'm not trying to be a cake face. I put some mascara, eyeliner and powder on and Ta-Da I was done. It didn't really look good because I was in a moving car but it was better then nothing.

"Is someone gonna fucking tell me where were moving to?!" I asked getting mad

"Watch your language." My step mom said.

"No, freedom of speech. I will say whatever the fuck I want" I said

honestly how hard is it to fucking say where we are going to. if you're gonna drag me away from everyone I love at least tell me. God they piss me off.

I took out my earphones and plugged them into my phone and played "Break The Distance" Bye Ashton Edminster. It basically explained what I wanted.

As were driving a look out my window and saw a sign saying "Georgia 20km" And I started to freak-out. were we actually moving to Georgia!! Does this mean I might be able to meet Carson. Right now that was the only thing I could wish for.

Carson was the only one who truly understood me. And I know what you're thinking. "What about Jade and Jacob. You haven't even met him that's impossible" And no its not. Carson can make me laugh when I don't want to. He knows when to make a joke and when to just listen to what I'm saying. he knows me better then I know myself. He has always been there when I needed him the most. He told me he would never stop talking to me and so far he's kept his promise.

I started daydreaming when I heard my phone beep. It was Jade.

Jade- Hey gurlll, Jaxon came right after you left. He said sorry he missed saying goodbye but he will talk to you later.

I didn't really know what to say. I was really mad at him.

Me- Okay.

That's all I could say because I didn't wanna start anything. Since I was on my phone I decided to text Carson.

Me- Hey whore;)

I Checked Instagram while I waited for him to respond.

Carson- Hey hoe, how's the car ride going?

Me- Boring as fuck please kill me?!

Carson- Nope I'll let you suffer ;)

Me- Fine, but hey I think I know where I'm going!!!

Carson- Where!!

Me- Opps gtg phones gonna die ;)Tell ya after

Carson- Bitch

The sad part was that my phone was actually about to die so I shut it off.

As we continued driving which seemed like it was lasting forever, I saw a huge sign saying "Welcome To Georgia" I swear to go I almost has a heart attack.

"There's your answer" My dad said

I let out the loudest squeal EVER. I was honestly so happy. I know I said I didn't want to move but knowing that it was to here it made me happy!!

About 30 minutes later we pulled into a drive way. The house looked huge. As we were pulling in I saw 3 really cute guys standing in the drive way of the house next to ours.

I fixed my hair a but but there was nothing really to do to it because it was so straight. I made sure my makeup was okay and then I stepped out of the car. As I was closing the car door I looked over at the 3 guys and that's when I saw him...





-Hey guys Author here:) I hope y'all are enjoying the book so far. ill be updating soon!! stay tuned

Bye lovies

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