Chapter 14

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I slowly open my eyes, to see my pitch black room with only a little light coming from my computer. I picked up my phone to see that it was only 2 in the morning. I went to my messages and saw that I had a bunch of messages and phone calls from Carson, Sam, Brady, Finn, and Michael.

I opened Carsons messages and read some of the things he ssid.

-Abby im sorry
-please answer me
-I know I fucked up, im sorry
-please dont do anything because of me
-please forgive me

I exited out of Carson's and I conversation when my phone started vibrating. I looked at the caller ID to see it was Finn so I answered.

"Hello?" I said in a raspy voice

"Abby?! Are you okay??" He asked sounding worried

"I'm fine" I Iied

"Don't lie to me! I'm on my way over with Taco Bell" He said, I could hear his smile through the screen.

"Don't lie about taco bell." I said bluntly

"I'm not I actually have taco bell, so go open your door so I can come in." he said giggling. I said okay and hung up. I stood up out of my bed and didn't bother putting pants on because my sweater was pretty long but mostly because I didn't care. I walked downstairs to see a smiling Finn standing at the door.

He walked in and gave me a hug, I smiled seeing the taco bell in his hand.

"So I was thinking we could watch a movie and eat out food?" He said smirking.

I giggled and nodded leading him upstairs to the couch.

"Your parents wont mind me being here right?" he asked nervously

"No considering there never home" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh" is all he said.

"Wanna watch 21 Jump Street?" I asked changing the subject

"YEAA" He yelled making me laugh. we sat down and started eating when he brought up a topic I didn't expect.

"So about the Carson thing?" he said turning to me.

"What about it?" I asked turning my vision away from the T.V

"You seemed really upset, and when I tried to stop you from leaving you pulled away and disappeared" He said a small frown forming on his face.

I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet till he asked me something else.

"Do you love him...?" he asked. I froze in my place. I waited a bit until finally answering hi.

"Yea..." I said looking down at my hands.

"He really does love you" Finn said smiling a bit.

"Then why did he do what he did?" I asked looking back at the T.V

"Because he's a fucking idiot." He said bluntly making me laugh a bit.

"Yanno before you came he would always talk about you. telling us how hot and beautiful you were, we basically knew everything about you. Everything he said was almost to true to believe so we thought you were fake and he was making up. It got to the point where we had to tell him to shut up about you. Its all he ever talked about. you're his whole world..." Finn said looking up at me. I could feel my face heating up with a small smile forming on my face.

Finn and I watched a couple more movies before falling asleep on the couch.


I opened my eyes to see that Finn wasn't on the couch anymore. I figured he just went into my room and went to my closet to change clothes. I pulled out my light washed jean shorts and my purple crop top with a pineapple on it. I went to the bathroom and put on my small amount of makeup and put my hair up in a messy bun. I unwrapped my arm to see the bright red cuts across it. I was just planning on staying home today so I didn't bother covering them up. after doing everything I needed to I headed downstairs.

As I headed I heard a bunch of guys talking. Great. I grabbed my black sweater by the front door and slipped it on before walking to the kitchen.

"You guys cant just keep barging in-" I froze in the doorway seeing who was there.

"Luke?" I asked surprised. Luke was my old friend back from Cali but he moved away when we were 10.

"Abby?" He said with a huge smile on his face. I ran up to him wrapping my arms around his neck as he picked me up completely ignoring the other guys in the room.

"I've missed you" I said putting my head in the crook of his neck. "I've missed you too" he sais smiling. he set me down and I looked to see who was all in the kitchen.

Me, Luke, Finn, Mickey, Sam, Brady, and Carson. So everyone.

"You guys know each other?" Brady asked eyeing me.

"Yea we go way back. we have been friends since we were really little but I moved when we were 10, and we haven't seem each other since" Luke said pulling me into a hug.

I looked over to Carson to see him glaring at Luke. Is he seriously mad? He latterly did worse to me yesterday, and me and Luke are just friends anyways.

"Carson can I talk to you please?" I asked him letting go of Luke. He nodded and we walked upstairs to my room.

We sat down on my bed and nobody said anything so it got kinda awkward until he broke the silence.

"I'm sorry Abby" He said putting his head down.

"Yea I know" I said crossing my legs.

He looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

"She's just really ho-" I cut him off.

"I really don't wanna talk about her." I said. He nodded

I stood up and started walking to the door until he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He put his hand up to my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb. I saw him starting to lean forward and I felt myself leaning forward too. all of a sudden our lips smashed together. It felt like the whole world stopped. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and when I first kissed him I should feel fireworks throughout my whole body.

I reached my hand up to his hair and tangled my hands in his hair, making a small moan escape from his mouth. He put his lips to my neck untill he reached my sweet spot making me moan. He smirked into my neck then made his way back up to my lips. Hegently pushed me down on my bed starting to take off my sweater. As he did all of a sudden he stopped and grabbed my wrist. Oh shit...

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