Chapter 15

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"W-We should go back downstairs" I said as I pulled my arm away and put my sweater back on. Carson followed me back downstairs to the guys.

"What were y'all doing" Michael asked smirking at me.

"Talking." I said bluntly while rolling my eyes.

"Im boarding to the park so if y'all are gonna come cool, but if not. Get out of my house" I said walking to the door. They all followed behind me and I locked the door.

We all started boarding to

Luke sat next to me on the picnic table and put his hand on my thigh, while I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Woah looks like the slut found a new boy toy" A girl said walking up to us. It was Chloe of course.

"Its kinda impossible to be a slut when you're a virgin" I said rolling my eyes. All the guys gave me a weird look exsept for Carson because he knew.

"You're a virgin?" Luke asked.

"Suprise im not a slut, shocker right." I said sarcasticly

"Aww sweety we all know its by force not choice. You're to ugly for a guy to want to fuck you" chloe said looking proud of her responce.

"Yanno ive heard a poem that you might like to hear, it goes like this: twinkle twinkle little whore shut your legs your not a door you're going to catch an STD you're only wanted cause you're free, twinkle twinkle little whore your cheaper than the dollar store"

Her mouth dropped open, and she just stood there saying nothing.

"Opps, was that offensive?" I asked

The next thing I know I was getting slapped across the face. I put my hand up to my throbbing cheek and looked over at her. I stood up and walked ober to her but before I could say or do anything I was being pulled away. I looked back to see it was Carson.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked him pissed off.

"I knew you would hit her and i wasnt letting that happen" He said.

"Oh so you wont let that happen but you will let her smack me?" I said crossing my arms

"Abby you know what I meant." He said

"Yea I do. You didnt want me to hit her because when you're fucking her you dont want to see a fucked up face." I said glaring over at her.

"Whats you're problem" Carson asked me, now yelling.

"You are my fucking problem" I yelled back. I could feel my eyes wattering up again. Great. I tried my best to blink them away.

"Hop off my dick. Chloes right, you are a slut, just fuck off okay!!" He yelled in my face.

I just froze in shock, the more I tried to move the more I couldnt. I was stuck.

"You were the only person who had never said that to me before..." I said quietly as tears started streaming down my face. "Remeber this, morning when you saw these?" I asked lifting up my sweater so everyone could see my scars "There because of you." I said pulling my sleeve back down and walking away. Before I left I saw Carson's mouth drop open.

I didnt want to go home because I knew if I did it wouldnt turn out good, so instead I walked across the park untill I found a tree with shade to sit under.

I guess I must have eneded up falling asleep because when I woke it it had started to get dark. I grabbed my phone to see that it was 7:30pm, so I walked home. As I got to my front door andopened it, it was already unlocked. I walked in to hear people talking inthe kitchen again. I walked in to see everyone, including Carson. How could he do that. Say all that shit to me then come into my house like it was just fine.

I looked at all of them and they looked like they had a relived look on there face. Bear who I didnt notice came up to me and gabe me a big hug.

"Carson, get out of my house." I said bluntly.

"Come on Abby just forgive him" Sam said.

"Fuck you sam." I said walking away and up to my room. I needed to get rid of stress soi did the first thing that came to mind. I went into my closet and grabbed my suitcase and pulled it into my storage closet in my room shutting the door behind me. I turned on the light and sat down on the floor of the small closet. I opened up the suitcase to see all my babies still in there places. I grabbed my blue pokadoted bong and a baggie of weed. I put everything else away exasept for a lighter as well. I filled the bowlofthebong up with weed, I put my mouth to the top opening and continued lighting it u tillit was full of smoke. I tookthe top off and sucked in all the smoke holding it in as long as I could before breathing out the rest of the smoke. Right away I could feel myself getting light headed and I gotthe biggest smile on my face ever. I took 3 more hits untill I heard my door open and a bunch of people walk in.

"Abby?" I heard finn say.

"It smells like weed" Brady said.

"Does she smoke?" Luke asked, I could hear them getting closer.

"Uh yea!" Caraon said. I cant beileve he was still here. Whatever I wasnt gonna let him ruin my high. I looked up at the door as they opened it.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Finn asked.

"Smokimg what does it look like?" I asked in the duhh voice.

"Whichout me?!?" Finn asked laugning.

"Sorry, you looked like you were havjng to much fun with asshole over here, while im confused why hes in my room let alone my house" I said pointing to Carson.

"Abby can we talk?" Carson asked looking down

"Nope, im not letting u ruin my high" I said taking another hit.

"Can we at least join you?" Brady said peeking his head out behind Finn.

"Whatever" I said handing them the bong as they sat down and closed the door.

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