Chapter Five

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"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." ~A. A. Milne

Brianna Garcia

"Dean," I whispered as I shook his shoulder. "Dean, wake up." All he did was gave a groan in annoyance and slowly started opening his eyes. "What's going on?" His voice was extremely raspy as he just woke up and I had to control myself to not bite my lip at the sleepy man. "I-I... I think I heard a gunshot outside." He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What are you talking about? I didn't hear anything."

"Please, Dean. Just... at least go check because I really do not feel safe."

He sighed as he shook his head. "Fine," he said before he stood up, making me stare at his behind. "Stay here." I nodded as answer and put on a terrified look upon my face as I slowly swallowed. As Dean left the room I quickly got up, putting on my lightblue jean shorts and a red tanktop before quietly taking the metal box from underneath the bed. I grabbed the gun, placing it between my jean shorts and my back and covering it up with my tanktop. "You go this," I whispered to myself before heading out of the bedroom.

"Bri, there was no one out the-" His eyes widened and I saw him swallow as I pointed my gun at him, resting my finger on the trigger.

"W-what the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm breathing, don't you see? Otherwise I'd be dead, my dear. Now do me and favor and shut the fuck up?" I smiled, knowing it would confuse him a lot more. "Good boy, Dean." I giggled, giving him the killer eyes. "Or... should I say Jonathan?"

I could feel his gasp almost on my neck as his eyes widened more. "H-how do y-you know my name?"

"Jon, I'm not stupid, you know. There's this thing called instinct and this magical technology device called... a laptop. You think I ain't gon research you, Ambrose? Or.. Good?" I saw his lips moving as he was either mumbling something or either the confusion was eating out all his words. I guess on the second one and I was right. "Listen up, Jonathan. I played a fair game... you did research on me, you got it. I did research on you, I got it. But I need more information."

"Well you ain't getting it."

"You say one more word I shoot you. And I shoot you so you will speak through the pain and if that doesn't work... then pretty boy, listen good to what the lady says otherwise you will beg me to kill you before I finish of with you." He took a deep breath as he stared into my eyes, knowing he had believed me, I smiled. "Great. Then we're on the same track. So, mister Good. Why don't you take a nice seat and let's have a talk, won't we?"

"B-but I don't have any clothes on." I chuckled as I was trying to hide the smirk. "I like it this way too... but alright, catch." I grabbed a pair of his jeans and threw them to him.

"That's it?" He asked, catching the jeans.

"Either you put on the jeans, either you sit in your shorts." He sighed and shook his head as he put on the jeans. "Perfect," I said giggling as I took a seat on a chair and placed my feet on his knees.

"Can I first ask you a question?" He said as he put a hand on my ankle.

"First of all, you better put that dirty stupid hand off my leg, mister. And secondly, speak up." He shook his head as he put his hand off my ankle, placing it on his leg.

"Where did you get a gun? And why should I even be feel threatened by you if you don't even know how to use that damn thing?" I chuckled a little bit and look over to a vase in the corner of the room before looking back to him and shooting the thing right in the middle without even glancing at it. I felt even his leg muscles tense as he swallowed at my shooting response and I placed the mate black gun on my lap. "So, mister Good. Can we continue our conversation now?" He quickly nod his head and I smirked a little. "Great."

"So what do you need to know?"

"Firstly I want to know why you lied about your name."

"It brings up bad memories." I kind of felt bad for him as I saw sadness in his eyes but mostly I was mad... oh and I was very mad.

"So you decided to pick a random name? Like Dean Ambrose?"

"Dean Ambrose is like.. kinda my stage name. Everyone knows me by that name and I prefer to be called Dean and not Jonathan."

I sighed, pretending I actually cared. "Well alright... Jonathan. I have one main question then I'm sure will answer every question I have on my mind right now." I took a deep breath before continuing. "Why did you lie about your daughter?"

I saw the guilt and embarrassment in his eyes as he lowered his head. "Don't you fucking dare to look away from me, Ambrose. Look at me and answer my damn question you son of a bitch." I felt like my blood was boiling and I felt my hand burning as if I was about to strangle him with my bare hands.

"Look, it's complicated, alright?" He tried to avoid looking at me like he was a little 5 year old shy boy.

"Complicated? I don't give a damn. Explain me why you carry a picture of a little girl with you and pretend she has some heart problems just to get money, huh?"

"The girl on the picture is really my daughter and no I'm not lying. She's four and she has no heart problems but she does have some health problems. She lives with my parents because her mother left after she turned only 3 months. I need the money because I can't afford to pay for the medical bills, I can't afford to pay my parent's rent since they won't let her stay with them if I don't pay, I basically can't afford anythi-"

"Stop lying. I know your little game, idiot and your acting skills are fucked up."

He sighed as he grabbed his hair with one hand. "Fine! Fine, alright I lied. I lied about my 'daughter', I lied about my name but Brianna everything what happened wasn't a lie."

"Then what was it, Dean?!" I yelled, trying to remain calm.

"It was you! You, Bri! I tried to trick myself into having some stupid ass plan about some kid I had to save. I don't need money!"

I yelled, jumping up from my chair and grabbing the gun inside my hand. "Then what do you need from me?! Tell me, asshole!"

"You!" He took a deep breath and stood up before walking closer to me and placing his warm hand on my cheek. "I only. Need. You." I bit my lip as I forced myself not to cry but I couldn't hold back the tears. "You lied, Dean!" I yelled as I gasped silently. "You lied, you son of a bitch!" I roughly pushed him away as I dropped the gun and ran out of the house. "Brianna, wait!" But I didn't stop. I ran as fast as I could until his voice was only an echo from outside the woods.


Finally Chapter Five!

I'm so sorry that it took so long to update but I've been pretty busy these past days and I didn't have a lot of time to update :/ But hey, it's finally here xD

I'll try to update more often from now on :)

Thankyou, SO much for reading, commenting and voting, like I wanna hug y'all right now :''D


oh and if you could please read my new story "Ancient Sins", i wanna hear what you think about it, it would mean so so much :* love y'all :)


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