Chapter Six

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"Everybody is his own hero in his own story. And even heroes make mistakes." ~when your creativity goes all kung fu panda on you so you make this "quote"???

Dean Ambrose

It has been almost a week now since Brianna ran away but it feels like years. I feel like a fool because I am one, I never actually cared about the consequences and I didn't care this time either. And it was the most stupidest thing to do. I fell for her and ofcourse I lied about why I kidnapped her... I needed money but... nothing goes as planned. She was beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful, fun and amazing and I could go on and on and I have never felt like this about a woman. I was a typical teenage playboy and I still am.. well was? Or am? Ughr, she drove me and I hated it so badly but I loved it more than I hated it to be completely honest. I hated not to talk to her, I hated not to just stare at her and admire her whatever she's doing. Damn she would even look beautiful while she'd be sweating like a horse! I hated the fact that she would look into the mirror every morning and let out a groan as if she thought she looked awful because she didn't. She looked magnificent and her sleepy face was like the cutest thing on earth. But the fact I hated the most that I had to lie to her. Tease her while I knew it would hurt her feelings. Roll my eyes as if I didn't care which I did. I hated myself and I hated myself so much. I tried to find her but I couldn't.

I loud ringtone broke the silence, pushing out the thoughts out of my mind with a loud AC/DC song. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. I had never used my phone, well barely. And I'd only use it whenever I needed some help from a couple of my old friends but I would never be contacted on this phone without me knowing about it. Unless... I quickly picked up the phone, placing the old Nokia against my ear and pressing the green button. "Brianna!"

"Well, well,well... who do we have here? Dean Ambrose." I placed my eyebrows closer to each other as I heard a low manly voice, almost laughing at my mistaken name.

"And who is this be if I may ask?" I took a deep breath as I swallowed the bad feeling away.

"Guess three times, brother." I could swear that I felt the smirk through the phone and quickly I recognized the stranger on the other line. "Vincent," I quietly spoke into the phone as I tried to hide the rage in my voice.

"Bullseye!" He answered with his hysterical laugh.

"What do you need?"

"The question is, what do you need and what do I get, my old friend."

I shook my head, not understanding his statement. "What are you talking about?"

He chuckled before answering my confusion. "Well you see, Dean. We both need something and I'm sure we can make a wonderful deal out of it. You know that I need cash. I know that you need... the girl. Brianna was her name, right?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, how did he know about Bri? "Wait up. How do you know about Brianna?"

"Oh I not only know, Dean. In fact I have her right now. Beautiful, soft hair she has, just a little feisty isn't she? So now listen up, Ambrose. Let's not make this a stupid conversation about you insulting the holy crap out of me, telling me that when you'll find me you'll kill me, etc. etc. etc. Let's get straight to the point. U bring me 2mil cash in between 48 hours and if not... the girl dies. The address is transferred into your computer and will be deleted in between 1 minute. So hurry up, Ambrose. The less time you'll take, the less bones we'll break." Before I could even gasp he hung up. I felt rage crawling through every vein on my body. I felt as I was about to strangle someone. My mind went crazy and I smashed the phone against the wall as I screamed out the rage. "God damnit, Brianna!" I breathed heavily as I walked around the room, grabbing my messy hair. "Shit, shit, shit." I knew Vincent wasn't somebody to mess around with and I knew I couldn't fool him into showing up without cash and just shooting all of those bastards there. Plus there would be way too many to take them on by myself. I had no idea what to do and the questions kept bouncing around in my mind. What will I do? Where will I get the cash? How did he get Bri? Is she even okay? I had to get my shit together and figure out what to do but I couldn't. I closed my eyes and sighed to calm myself down as I heard a 'ding' on my laptop, meaning I had an email so quickly I opened my eyes and ran towards the computer, taking a sheet of paper, a black pen and writing down the address I had received.

Brianna Garcia

"...the less bones we'll break." Ugh his voice disgusted me. I knew I was scared to death, these guys didn't look like they like to be fooled but I had to stay strong, just don't show them that you're scared, they'll eventually get tired of it and back off. But gosh my body felt like it was falling apart. They beat as rough and harsh as they look. "So, Miss..."

"Garcia," I answered him as I sighed.

"Wasn't it... Danielson?"

I slowly tilted my head as I looked deep into his eyes, if only looks could kill. "For you it's Garcia, asshole."

"Oh nono, no. See, miss... Garcia. I don't like your stupid little attitude at all. So why don't you just shut that mouth of yours and be a good girl, won't you?" He smiled as he stroked my hair, making me puke in my mind as I bit my lip to control myself. "What else, huh? Son of a bi—" before I could even finish my sentence I had to gasp by the rough punch into my stomach, making me cough loudly as I gasped in between coughs. "Excuse me, what? I didn't hear." I coughed a couple of more times as I looked at him as I was about to strangle him. But I didn't answer as I tried to avoid getting punched again. "Good girl," he smiled and tapped my head as I was some 5 year old kid. "Go to hell," I mumbled, out of breath as I was grabbing the wooden arms of the chair.

He grabbed my jaws and roughly pulled my face closer to his. "You either shut up and don't be a bitch or you keep talking with that dirty little mouth of yours and showing me that fucked up attitude but then wish we'd killed you earlier." I closed my eyes, trying to avoid eye contact with him as I tried not to let out any tears. "Good," he whispered before letting go off my jaw and untying the ropes off my wrists.

I placed my hands close to myself as I tried to hide the burned spots from the old and rough ropes. "Now stay here and remain quiet," he grabbed me by the arm and threw me on some old military. I quietly watched him leave with his men as I threw my arms around my legs and placed my face into my knees. "Dean, please hurry up."


Just wanted to thank everyone for reading my story.

love you guys,


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