Chapter Seven

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"I trusted you. But now your words mean nothing, because your actions spoke the truth." ~Unknown

Dean Ambrose

I pushed my foot against the pedal as hard as I could, reaching a high speed limit I raced through the city streets. I was actually really surprised I didn't hit anything or anyone, okay well maybe one bird but at the moment I didn't care. I knew what kind of man Vincent was and if he wanted something he wouldn't care who he had to kill to get what he wanted. Brianna was in serious danger and if I didn't get the 2 million as fast as I could... then things wouldn't end up well out at all. I know that getting 2 million in between 48 hours was impossible but I knew my contacts.

I grabbed my smartphone and dialed an old contact. "The famous Dean," I heard a voice on the other end of the line, laughing. "What up, Ambrose?"

"Jimmy, hey dude. Can u do me a favor?" I put my phone on speaker and put the black device down on the passenger's seat.

"And that might?"

"I need you to hack into Dupont's bankaccount and—"

"Hold up a second, Ambrose. You want me to hack into Dupont's account?" I could hear the confusion and irony in his voice and I could barely hold in my laughter.

"That is exactly what I said, my dear friend." I let out a wide smirk as I lowered my speed.

"Dean, are u insane?! You don't remember what happened last time? The son of a bitch with kill you!" Slowly I rolled my eyes at my stressing friend and shook my head.

"Jim, listen. Just do it alright? And when you're done mail me. Thaaankyou." I canceled the call and focused my sight on the road.


Brianna Garcia

I woke up to terrible pain in my side and someone yelling which I didn't quiet understand, let's say I didn't understand it at all. My body was shaking and the pain went through muscle and bone. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to the sight of two blonde men. I had to bite my lip to fight the pain and bury my nails into my hand palms.

"Enough!" The rough and loud man's voice painted goosebumps all over my body and quickly I cuddled up to myself, wrapping my arms around my legs and placing my face into my knees.

"So, Brianna. It has been now about 42 hours, darling. Where is your lovely savior?" I swear I could slap that smirk of his face if I could but the pain took me over, I was weak.

"D-don't say my name l-like you know me."

"Well alright darling," I felt my heart racing when he grabbed my chin and made me stare into his ice cold dark eyes. "but you didn't answer my question, sweetheart. Where is your lovely savior?"

I swallowed and felt tears flowing down my cheeks. "Just kill me now, he won't come anyways."

"Oh is that true? Well then I have you all for myself." Before I could even say anything he planted a kiss on my lips. "Oh and I'm gonna enjoy it so much, right before I kill you, sweetheart." My breathing got faster and quickly I pushed him away. "Get away from me, pshyco!" I didn't even realize that I was shaking so badly and I was scared, I will be completely honest, I was terrified. And I was disappointed. How could Dean not come? How could he just leave me here? How could he do something like that?

"You better watch your mouth, darling." I wiped my tears away as he slid his hand to my thigh and gave me that stupid seducing look. All I did was nod, knowing that if I would talk back I would be beaten and I could not take any pain anymore.

"That's better," He chuckled. "Now let's hope that Prince Charming is gonna come with my money, otherwise this pretty little baby face will be a pretty little dead baby face, won't it?" He laughed before leaving my room and slamming the door shut.

I placed my face into my knees and didn't even realize that I was crying. I couldn't believe that Dean left me, forgot about me. I counted on him but he left me in the cold, he left me to freeze, to hurt, to die. He was my only hope and now, I don't even know.


So here's chapter seven, I'm so sorry that it's short but I had to babysit my baby niece today and she's only 2 months so I only had time to write when she slept. But now I'm already starting to write the next chapter so y'all won't have to wait that long and I'm gonna try to make the next one much longer xD

Anyways thanks for reading, voting and commenting!

Oh and btw, 1K reads! asjlkfjrfn, thankyou so much! ♥


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