Chapter Eight

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"If you take away what's mine, then may hell and death be written upon your future."

Brianna Garcia

47 hours. 47 hours have past and Dean is still not here. I guess, he just won't come. I mean who am I to him? Nobody. What do I mean to him? Nothing. He's my kidnapper, I'm his victim. And who would save his own target? No one. It is obvious already, I'm gonna die, he's gonna live his stupid criminal life. The asshole doesn't care about anyone or anything eitherwise. I still don't get why I didn't run away, I had so many opportunities to do it but I didn't. He was right, I'm like a little teenage girl that doesn't dare to do anything out of her comfort zone. I have my secrets, I have my demons. I have things I'm not proud of, I have things that I know are wrong but that make me stronger than ever. Believe me I have tried to get out of this place, but what's my price? Something I can't even describe as regular pain, I would wish to die and be done with it. That guy Vincent or whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is would keep on telling me 'Life's a bitch so deal with it.' Like that would bring me courage, he would only tell me things that put me down. I mean that's obvious, right? Who would even tell you encouraging things when he would be the one to kill you?

And so did the minutes pass and that skank walked in, looking as stupid as always, his tie strangling his neck, his too-large jacket hanging over his small snobby body and his white completely-not-matching pants wrapping around his tiny legs. His hair was a mess like he just jumped out of a plane and landed on a big field full of bird nest. Oh and his rough voice that didn't match him would give me rillings all over, making every inch of my body feel how terrified I was. And as they say 'don't judge a book by its cover.' The man was small but he was strong and dangerous. He was like the last thing you would want to ever come across with in your life. And sadly he was here, standing infront of me with that ugly, stupid smirk on his ice cold face, gently grabbing my hand and pulling me up as I felt my body shaking and scream for help. All I did was bite my lip as he smashed his fist into my stomach and whispered some shit into my ear. "Soon you will be all mine, beautiful. And you will not enjoy it." I whimpered has he put strength into the grip on my hand and continued to speak. "25 minutes left, tick tok." I gasped silently as he left go off my hand and pushed me back onto the dirty, uncomfortable bed. The pain shouted out loud inside me as pressed a black object against my ribs. "Keep track on the time, princess." He spoke before leaving my room and letting me wipe my tears off of my face. I took the object with my hand shaking wild, only realizing it was a small old clock. The ticking made my pain even worse and I felt as like someone stabbed an old rusty knife into the side of my head and going deeper and deeper by each sound the old thing produced. I leaned myself against the wall and stared deep into the nightmare colored painmaker as tears of pain and anxiety left my eyes and colored my face into the pain I felt inside.

Dean Ambrose

I breathed heavily as I felt rage running through my veins. I buried my nails into the palms of my hands and bit my teeth tightly as I watched the building I had been given on the address intently. I could feel my eyes burning as I saw hell infront of me. I was completely unaware of what as I was doing when I realized I was already in the building and throwing some auburn haired guy against some steel stairs. My lunges were cramping like I had shortage of air, only having to realize that anger was pressing them as hard as it could and delivering sharp pains to my heart. "Vincent!" I shouted out loud as I slammed my fist into a wall, smirking as I felt the stones crumble.

"Well, well, well." A distant voice boiled up my blood as I exhale out loud. "Who do we have here? Dean Ambrose with... well hopefully with my money." I ran my fingers through my hair as I stared sharply at the small but dangerous man. I would have attacked him right now and stabbed a piece of the misshapen steel stairs into his neck but I couldn't. I had to handle this well so nothing would overcome Brianna. A silent laugh escaped my mouth as I rubbed my fingers against my tense yaw. "You see, Vincent. I could kill you right now but firstly I need to know where my woman is, old man."

"Mhm, firstly I want to see my money, Ambrose. And secondly, last time I checked she wasn't your woman, my dear friend." I smirked as I tried to calm my tense muscles and slowly cracked my neck. "But alright, for your pleasure. Bring her in!" Quickly my smirk faded as I saw Brie being dragged in by two large men. "Dean!" Her voice only calmed me down but rapidly I reminded myself the rage I had when one of the men hit her in the ribs and covered her mouth. I could feel every bit of myself shattering when I saw tears of pain rolling down her wounded cheeks. "Let her go now or I swear-"

"You what, Dean? Will kill me? Will kill us? Look around, idiot. You make one wrong movement and precious little Brie will have to watch and scream as she cries over your dead body." I quietly sighed as I glanced around and saw at least 20 men giving me death stares. "So, Ambrose. What is it gonna be? The good way? Or the bad way?" He raised an eyebrow as he stared at me and I felt like his sight bit into my soul. I shook my head and took a large metal briefcase and placed it on the ground as I watch a huge smirk appear on his face and kicked the briefcase towards him. "Ah, that's what I thought." His laugh was pain to my ears but all I could do is give him a death glare as he slowly picked up the case. "Let her go." I sighed in relieve as I saw Brie run towards me, using all the strength she had left to fall into my embrace. "Cover your ears," I silently whispered into her ear as I watched Vincent place the case on a box. The world nearly froze as his fingers slowly unlocked the bolt after putting the code, I felt like everything was in slow motion when I quickly jumped behind some wall and held Brie close to myself as I heard and felt the explosion. Brie quietly yelped as she pressed herself close against me and I could feel her body shaking wild. I would have to be lying if I'd say that I didn't shake for a bit too. "Run outside, you'll see a black chrome car, get in and wait for me." I handed her the keys and all she did was nod before leaving my embrace and I watched her disappear behind the large rusty doors. I calmly stood up and slid my sight on every person in the building and felt the anger take control over me as I was Vincent laying on the floor and all it did was bring me pleasure when I saw his trouble over breathing. My feet quietly lead me towards the bastard and I silently laughed as I bent over, facing him. "Hard to breathe, Vincent?" I ironically said as I pressed my foot deep into his midsection. "Talk to me, bastard." I demanded as I chuckled when he tried to let something out of his disgusting bloody mouth. "You should have realized this before messing with me, you piece of shit." He silently groaned and I kicked him roughly in the ribs, probably breaking a couple of them. "I'd kill you, but I'll just let you suffer." I took a sharp wooden stick and stabbed it into his side, making him scream from pain. "No one.. but no one takes away what's mine."

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