Chapter Fourteen

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Brianna Garcia

"So I think we should start, isn't that right?" My eyes kept staring at my shoes, refusing to look at the man in front of me. The chair was comfortable and the room was painted in a soft gray color, a cold color, but surprisingly it made me feel calm and warm inside. The soft music on the background made me feel like it was trying to force me to keep sitting down, to tell everything I had on my mind, it was trying to manipulate me but no.. I wouldn't let that happen. "Brianna?" The man had a strong manly voice but it was so calming, so soothing, it made me feel like I shouldn't be worried about anything. I took a deep breath and slowly tilted my head to face the man sitting in the chair in front of me, his right leg resting on his left one, a notebook with yet empty papers laying on his lap, begging to be writing on and a silver colored pen being held by his hands. I wondered how his hands would feel, smooth and gentle like his voice? Or harsh and rough? I fought the urge to reach towards his hand and cleared my throat as I now really focused on him. "Yes?" my voice was quiet but loud enough for him to hear, it sounded nearly like a whisper. He slowly blinked with his eyes as if he was tired even though he looked like he got a full 8 hours of sleep at night. Lucky, I wish I could get that many hours of sleep as well. "What's on your mind?"

A lot. "Nothing."

"Are you sure?"

Completely not. "Yes."

"Well if so, are you ready for your session?"

No. "I am."

"Great, then let's get right into it. I've heard from your husband that this therapy has been helping you. He said you're going more often out of the house, is that correct?" Yes and no. I didn't answer this time but just nodded my head. He hummed a yes in agreement and wrote something down in his notebook.

Therapy, I still couldn't believe it. Why was I there? This was nonsense and I had no idea how I could sit there for an hour, talking to a complete stranger. This had been my 6th? 7th session? I couldn't remember, I didn't count, all I knew is that I had to be there on a certain date on a certain time which I didn't even remember, Bryan told me when I had to go so I listened like a good wife would and went to my therapy sessions. I must admit, they helped me, I slept an hour more at night, okay maybe sleeping 4 hours is still very bad but it was great for me. I told the man a few things that were on my mind and he helped me through them. Mr. Andrews was his name but he told me to call him Jack. I told Jack about my life, my past and he always nodded his head as if he was trying to tell me to continue with the story when I suddenly stopped and glanced at him. He didn't mind me walking around the room, looking at every object as I was talking about myself, nor did he mind when I was sitting in my chair and drinking water out of a small glass with shaking hands after I let out a couple of tears. He listened to what I had to say, not like Bryan. He understood and even when he didn't he tried to get some more information out of me to make sure he kept up with the story. He looked like such a calm person but I always imagined him like a rebel, like Dean and something about my little imaginary story for him made me attracted to him. When he moved his hands under his chin as he listened to my stories I wanted him to place his hands on my thighs. When he pressed his lips together as he nodded his head I wanted him to press his lips against mine. And when he actually rarely showed a grin I wanted to see that same grin as I would look down with his face between my legs, caressing my thigh with his fingers.

"Brianna?" His voice knocked me out of my thoughts and I softly shook my head to focus again. "Uh, pardon me. Yes?" I swallowed roughly. I had to keep those thoughts out of my head, maybe he could read minds, then I was screwed for sure. There were so many things happening to me but one thing I knew for sure wasn't and that was that I wasn't getting screwed. Ever since I came back home Bryan hasn't even touched me, I should be happy because he's finally kissing me but the only emotion that comes up to me when he does, is disgust. I didn't want him to kiss me, I'd rather have Mr. Andrews at my lips. I'd rather moan Jack's name than Bryan's. But most of all I wanted Dean. I wanted him besides me, I wanted his fingers running through my hair, telling about the most random things. I wanted him to make me laugh, I wanted him to kiss me on my forehead, making me smile from ear to ear. But Dean wasn't around anymore and I had to deal with that, I didn't know where he was or what he was doing and I had to force myself to not want to know, no matter how hard it was.

I looked up to Jack, signaling that he had my attention. He nodded his head and placed his hands together. "So, let's continue, shall we?"


Small update, I know but I'll try to make the next update longer, after all it's been so long since I updated this book and I'm so happy I finally did. I can't explain how much I missed writing in this book but now that I finally do I feel great about it.

Cheers, to the hopefully many more chapters to come :)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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