Chapter Thirteen

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Brianna Garcia

I woke up gasping as I felt sweat flowing down every part of my body. My eyes went crazy and scanned every inch of the room as my heart dropped by seeing the man next to me. Bryan Danielson, my husband, staring at me with a tired yet worried looking. "Love, are you alright?" My mind kept telling me to answer 'no' and run away, run away of this place called 'reality'. But I couldn't, I just nod my head as I turned around, sitting up and placing my sweat broken feet on the cold wooden ground. It was all a dream, another one of my crazy dreams ever since I left Dean. It has been days, weeks, probably months but I didn't know, all I did was suffer, suffer from the pain of losing him, letting go. They say if you love something you let it go but it hurts, it was less painful of holding onto that rough robe than being like this. A broken mess. That's all what I was. And that's all I'll ever be without him.

I took a slow deep breath, feeling the pain in my chest as I slowly stood up and made my way to the bathroom, trying to process the dream I'd have frequently. My hands reached for the water as I washed my face with the cold liquid. Is this really how it'll be from now on? Is this really how I will live my life now? This boring married couple life, waking up in the morning, washing my face, getting ready for the day, not even going to work because everyone thinks u need some 'rest' from the 'horrible experience', make breakfast and fake a smile as I watch my husband watch tv. My husband wouldn't even look me in the eyes anymore, he wouldn't comfort me, wouldn't touch me... I missed being touched, being loved, being comforted, oh and I sure as hell did miss sex. Maybe that's what the dreams were about? Maybe I don't miss him? Maybe I just miss the feeling of being important for someone? Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts were all what was going on in my mind, thoughts and question without an answer. I felt every part of my body breaking down, every question that I craved an answer for felt like someone took a knife and stabbed me in the heart.

But I knew, I felt it... the only escape was being in his arms, being held by him, his smile would brighten my day and even though he wouldn't speak to me, just seeing him made me feel safe, knowing he's around was something I craved. I was never the type of girl that would love to be in the center of attention or love to be in the center of problems. He changed it all, all I wanted to do was chase after danger, chase after action, chase after adrenaline and feel amazing.

I quickly shook my head, trying not to think about him which was like wrestling with the devil. I put my hair into a ponytail and walked back to the bedroom to the sight of Bryan dressing up and leaving the room without even looking at me. Great, this wasn't gonna be a success again. I loudly sighed and opened the closet, taking some random, comfy clothes and swiftly putting them on. A small smile appeared on my face as I saw the reflection of the man I loved in the mirror. "D-Dean?" I quietly said as I quickly turned around and sighed in disappointment. I didn't see anyone, not even a thing. Was I going crazy? I shook my head in disbelieve. I mean, I couldn't be going crazy, right? It isn't possible that u start seeing things just by sitting at home 24/7 and not doing anything else by missing someone. It isn't, right?

I sighed as I felt my body shake. It can't be that I'm starting to see him, he's not dead, right? He can't be dead, or do I just miss him? God, please don't tell me that he's dead, please don't.

"Brianna." My eyes widened as I heard Dean's voice but after scanning the room I didn't see anyone. "Dean?!" I yelled out loud, praying for an answer. "Brianna." The voice said my name again, leaving an echo behind. "Dean!" I yelled again, tears flowing down my face. "Dean, please don't say that you're gone, please don't."

Goosebumps appeared on my skin as I heard a silent chuckle and the same voice saying my name again but leaving, without an answer, without anything, just leaving a big question mark on my mind behind. "Dean! Dean!" my voice cracked as I cried and yelled, trying to get some kind of answer but hearing just silence and no more. Without realizing I collapsed to the ground, hearing myself saying Dean's name all over and over again as I felt my husband's arms wrapping around me and trying to comfort me. My heart was pounding like a racing car as I felt myself get lack of breath and saw darkness form before my eyes. I heard his voice one more time, shushing me as if everything was alright before I saw no more but darkness, a darkness full of questions. Questions without an answer.


Finally I wrote again :/ I know this might be short and it sucks and I'm sooo sorry I didn't update in so long but school is just the center of stress and sadly I have to go there :''') so i hope you all will understand.

I hope u guys liked it :) what do y'all think? Is Dean gone or is she just going crazy? O_o



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