Long Drive (Ending)

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After a minute of silent ride, we reached the hills, in middle of dark woods. When Kriti said, "Stop!"
I suddenly preesed my brake and the car bumped, due to the sudden brake. "What now?", I said in a tired voice.
"Move out."
"What? But why?"
"Just do what I say."
"Ok.", I opened the door and stepped out. She too came out. Wondering what she was going to do, I asked, "What's up?"
She ignored my question and came to the either side of the car and sat on the driver's seat. Closing the door of the car and putting the window down, she said with a smile, "I am gonna drive."
My jaws dropped, "What? Do you even know how to?"
"Shut up! What you guys think of yourself? Are you the superior? Can't girls drive?"
"Yeah they can.", I said with a smirk.
"So now get into the car."
"But, there are hilly roads right here. After 20 minutes, plain road will arrive. Then you may drive. For now let me."
"Shut up! Or I will leave you here all alone and drive away."
I sighed and got into the car.
She drived. Soon the plain arrived.
"See! I made it through.", she said, meaning that she had drove very safe.
"Yeah.", I said with another smirk.
"Stop smirking."
"Fine", she said.
Every think was going alright. We had lots of talk in the middle, related to driving, cars and stuff.
When suddenly my heart and brain insisted my mouth to ask Kriti a question, again.
I said, "Kriti?"
"Umm. I want a proper answer and a clear one so can I ask you a question once again."
"What? Sure. Why not?"
"Actually I am still confused about today's trip."
"What confussion? I will clear all you doubts, my son.", she said, with a low pitched voice, pretending to be the father of the church.
Not reacting to her silly words, I said, "Umm. We just met 3 days ago. How can you trust me so much? Like, you know me since just 3 days. And you trusted and came with me to a trip as if we are childhood friends. I meant, I may harm you." But suddenly I felt that she was not listening to me, cause she was driving without any expression, as if we were strangers. So I said, "Are you listening?"
"Yeah.", she said, expression less.
"So answer me."
"Fine. Just listen to me. This is the last time I will tell you."
"No first time was there, when explained me this thing."
"You're listening? Or should I stop."
"Fine, start."
"I first saw you at St. Terressa, when I first entered the college. Well, everybody was starring at me. But, I felt like you were dying to see who I was. Then I that you felt down and after some seconds you were again standing on something, far from the crowd surrounding me. I noticed you there and then also I noticed you in the college. When you came out of your class. You pointed at me and said something to a girl. What was her name? Uh! Sana. Then after sometimes you left her and came to our group. You introduced yourself and asked for a coffee. I felt like you were going to tell me something important as you had pointed me. But you didn't. Well, in the cafeteria, the way you behaved with me was quite impressive. So I enquired about you with my friends. The way they described about you, your Student Of The Year trophy rejection, Alia and you, Sidd and you and many more, I started like you. Well not as anything, but just as a friend. And since these last two days, my likes increased and I realised that I had never met a guy like you. And also I liked you. so therefore I trusted you. I believed and still believe that you are not gonna harm me. That's it. Clear?", she said, turning at me. I realised that it was already very silent and dark.
I gave her a smile. I liked that she liked me.
Well suddenly, I moved backward with a high speed due to some force. I realised that Kriti took the car's speed upto the top. "Zoo-o-o-o-o-m!", she screamed.
"Kriti, stop. Don't.", I said and trying to stop her I caught the steering and said again, "Press the brake."
But as I said that the car jumped due to its high speed taken over a bumper on the road. I slipped my hands and the steering turn total right, and at a glance the car took right turned and moved straight to the opposite side of the road. There was a street light infront of us. In miliseconds, the car stopped. We were just a centimeter away from the street light. She fell upon my shoulders with a sigh and hair all over her face. I blushed internally. I brought my left hands up slowly and moved her hairs, pushing it behind her ears. She realised and slowly brought her head up. I didn't know what happened to me, I closed my eyes and moved near her. She too came near me. We were so close that I could fell her hot breathe. But suddenly we heard a sound, that brought us out of our thoughts. We both opened our eyes at once. She pushed me back and she too went back. I hurted my back as it hitted the door. But again some other continuos unpleasant sound was heard which was slowly getting louder. I realised that was the horn of a vehicle. I looked out of Kriti's window and saw a big truck was coming with full speed. Kriti too realised ad turned back. With no delay, she said, "Varun, get out of the car. We must go to the left side, or the truck will hit us."
"No. Kriti, the road is open the truck will manage going from the other side.", I screamed. But before I said that she had already gone out of the car. I came out when I saw that she was running and was at the middle of the road. A screech came out of the vahicle, as it braked itself but it was too late. The truck hit Kriti. She went some distance straight away from the ruck and fell. I ran towards her. I fell on my knees and pulled her up placing her on my laps. I realised that she was bleeding very hard. Her forhead was hurt. She was unconcious. Tears rolled off my eyes. The truck fled away. I seeked for help but nobody could be seen.

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