Dad Challenged Me

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"So, party?", Sid said raising an eyebrow.
"Party? What for?", I said confused.
"Common! Party for us to be back together and Alia's and my patch up."
"Oh yeah! Sure!", I said.
In just few minutes, all the students came to know about our patch ups. Everything was now soughed out, besides Kriti and me. I still missed her so much.
Normally, I had stopped crying like babies but sometimes I use to fall in depression.
Alia, Sid and I decided to go for party in a club. We got our old team back; Sid, Alia, Jeet, Sana, Shruti, Sudo, Lucky and me.
We all went to the club. Everybody was happy. Sid and I was the most drunk.
And as I was drunk, memories of Kriti and me started flashing back in my mind. The message started echoing in my ears in Kriti's voice. I felt so dizzy.
I took leave from everybody and decided to return while others still wanted to party.
Jeet decided to come with me. I seriously now believed that he was my best friend. He helped and supported me so much.
We returned to hostel. Jeet drove the car. We entered our room.
Jeet and I changed our clothes and brushed our teeth to get minty freshened. Thanks to God that I at least was in the condition of brushing my teeth and changing my dress.
After everything we lied on the bed.
I was happy. And since last two months I actually sad. I really wanted Kriti near me.
I wished at least she would come to me for once so I could tell her everything. Then it would be her wish, to go New York or to stay back.
I soon felt asleep.

9 Months Later:-
I can't believe, it has been 11 months without Kriti. But, I still remember her and miss her. Actually I miss her more than before.
I got out of the bed early morning. I was getting better in studies. Actually, I became a competitor of Sudo, the book worm. I wasn't actually a book worm, but I rose up so much academically that not only me all the professors, friends and my parents to were shocked.
I hadn't met them, but I actually didn't missed them as much as Kriti.
Kriti had become a part of every second of my life. I used to think about her so much. They say that when student fall in love they spoil their studies, but I was actually improving after falling in love. I wished I could tell her how much I loved her, how many changes had she brought in me and how much I needed her near me.
I hadn't told anybody about her. Sid and Jeet kept on asking me that what was the reason behind my depression, but I never said them. I was confused whether to share about Kriti or not.
Throwing out all the thoughts from the mind I searched for my phone to see the time, as I remembered that today it was the most important assembly of the year.
Last year's this assembly was a disaster for each an every one as it was declaration of Student Of The Year competition.
Hope that fat principal has realised that Student Of The Year competition is actually illegal according to rule of friendship. Hope he has realised it after that drunk speech by Sudo. I thought getting ready.
Jeet already had dressed up, cause today it was his turn to pack our bags. We had made a scheme of packing our bags, turn by turn in daily basis.
Jeet handed me my bag and we all were present there in the hall. Everybody wore St. Teresa's official blazer. This year the Tata and Bata rule was demolished. Everybody treated each others equally. And this was because of that drunk speech by Sudo. I actually salute him for that speech.
The principal started speaking, "Silent!", he yelled in a long tone. The hall went pin drop silent.
"So my dear students, as we've been doing a very important program since this university established. That is Student Of The Year competition.", the principal shouted smiling and all the juniors cheered.
"Not Again!", all the seniors sighed in sync.
Cheering? You're gonna understand it's side effects later, babies. I wanted to say to the juniors, but kept it inside my mind as thought. I cursed the principal so bad.
"You all were waiting for it, right?", he said.
All the juniors shouted, "Yeah!", in unison.
But I shouted 'No' in my mind. I guess all the senior students did.
"Well, I've a good news for the seniors, guess what?", he added.
We sighed looking down. His good news are always bad news for us.
He replied his own question, "Well, this time even seniors are participating."
"What?", all the seniors nearly screamed, and our eyes widened.
"And it's compulsory, for all.", he glared at the seniors.
I hated when I was forced.
"Now Mr. Ram Dhawan is going to give a speech...", as soon as principal said that, as always my headphones were on.
You didn't changed me that much, Kriti. I thought and smiled.
I heard everybody clapping inspite of the loud music banging my ear drums.
The assembly was dismissed and we all went out. Somebody called me from the back. I turned back. It was Jeet.
"Your dad is calling you.", he said and pointed behind him. I looked behind him, dad was standing near the railing of the corridor behind showing off his attitude. I made a disgusting face.
"Fine. Meet me at parking lot.", I said to Jeet and went to dad.
"Hey dad.", I said making a disgusting face.
"Be smart you moron.", he smiled at me pretending to be good and shoe that we had good relation between us. Who would care whether his words were rude, when he was smiling.
"What's it dad? I have got work.", I said ignoring eye contact with him.
"You why it's a compulsion for seniors too?", he said and I immediately looked at him with curious eyes.
"Because you are a loser.", he said still smiling. I made a 'What!' kind of face.
"Sid lost purposely. I know that. You're still a loser for me. Show me by winning it this time. Sid promised me that he's not going to lose this time. My money is still on Sid.", he said smiling.
"When did you talk to him?"
"Just a minute ago.", he said, "Heard that you are friends back. Is it?"
"As if you care.", I rolled my eyes.
"That's a good way to talk to your dad.", he said and went away.
I saw Jeet and Sid were waiting for me at the parking lot. I wanted to talk to Sid.
"You said that you lost purposely to my dad?", I asked him politely, in front of Jeet.
"Yes and that's true.", he said, proudness filled in his eyes.
"I know that, damn it! But competition again? We will lose our friendship again.", I said worriedly.
"Chill dude. We will remain friends forever. Let's not interfere our personal life with academic life.", Sid said smiling.
I smiled and looked at Jeet. Three of us dived into a big bear hug.

Hey friends. Please tell me that is the story getting boring? Cause somewhere I fell like it's getting super boring. Also tell me what do you think about the competition.
Love you all.

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