Freaking Day

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I guess you all are very angry. Well can't help besides apologizing. I have lots of studies, due to which I may be updating very slowly. Anyways enjoy this part.

And that night I slept without remembering the day back. I was too tired. The next day I woke up. I wasn't that excited. I don't know what happened to me that day that I was feeling upset, or maybe lazy. I didn't wanted even get up of the bed. Though I remembered that I had a very important lecture to attend, so I got up. I searched for my iPhone on the table besides my bed with half opened eyes. It was near my wrist watch which yesterday night before sleeping I carelessly threw on the table. I took my iPhone to see the time. As I opened it, I saw that it was 10 A.M. I just opened my eyes wide to check, whether I was correct. And unfortunately, I was.
I had my lectures at 9 and I already had missed it. I was really frustrated. I looked around searching Jeet. I couldn't see him. I got really angry.
Common man! How can he attend the lecture without me? He didn't even try to wake me up. Playing these things in my mind, I got freshened. My anger kept on increasing. After coming out of the washroom, I opened my wardrobe to get a fresh pair of clothes to wear. I selected my white full-sleeved lose T-shirt and a blue jeans. I wore the T-shirt, but when I was about to enter my right leg in the pant, somebody banged my room's door intending to knock. And I just got a big shock which partially made me scream, but I controlled it, though I couldn't control my physical body which left me falling down with another 'bang'. The door kept on banging calling out my name. I could recognize that it was Jeet's voice.
I got up. And this time my anger had crossed the limit. I went to the door without my pants on. I was naked legs. And after all Jeet has been my childhood friend. I just opened the door, trying to hide myself behind it thinking that others in the corridor may see me pant less. I saw Jeet showing off his lemon yellow teeth with a wide big smile. He entered with a jump and closed the door. And before I could say anything he jumped over me and gave a hug.
"Yaar! I am so happy today.", he said with a shivering sharp voice. I pushe him back.
"What happened?"
"Sana and Me...", he said in such a loud voice that I guess,all the guys in the corridor had heard him.
"What?", I said, curiously waiting for his reply with big eyes. And without any clue of his reply.
"We are dating each other.", he said in the same voice.
"What the fuck!", I said with a voice even more higher which may had thrilled the whole school area.
"Yes!", he said and started jumping.
I had no clue, how should I react. I was silent and didn't moved even an inch for a minute. Jeet, in a very happy mood, jumped over the bed and started cuddling and banging the bed.
After a minute, I went to my pant that I had left on the floor and started wearing on. I wore my socks that I had already taken out of the wardrobe. Going to the mirror, I dressed my hair. And without any words to Jeet, I went out of the room.

Common! how can Sana date Jeet? I mean Sana never talked to me about Jeet. Anyways I don't wanna give a damn. I just wanna meet Kriti. I can't just stay just a friend. Damn it! Why doesn't she understand that her face is not permanently pasted on my heart? She is my oxygen. I want to make her my everything, not just my life. I love her. I went on walking searching for Kriti thinking these all. I realised that I had reached downstairs. Suddenly, I saw Sana talking to a girl. I just felt of knowing more about Jeet and Sana about themselves. So I went to her.
"Sana, can you give me a moment.", I said.
Sana turned back, to see who I was, or maybe she recognized my voice. After admiring me for a couple of second, "Sure." she said.
I brought her to a corner of the corridor.
"Would you please tell me what's going on between Jeet and you? I mean I don't remember you talking about him. And well remembering the last year, you both hated eachother isn't it?"
"Umm. Yeah. But now I really like him.", she gave me a wink with a cheesy smile.
"Cool. And what about Jeet?"
"He ac--", she was about to say, but I stopped her with my statement, "Well I guess I know what's going on with him."
I chuckled.
"Good", Sana said.
I gave her a smile and was about to leave. But suddenly she started, "Hey did you hear about Alia and Sid?"
"No. And I don't even wanna know either.", I said making a cheesy face.
"Common. Listen.."
"They broke up!", she said in as low voice as she could with a smile and wink.
"Knew it. Sid is a feeling less guy."
"Ok I gotta leave.", I said, getting back to my actual goal of the day and started searching Kriti again.
I went on searching Kriti. I didn't found her.
When suddenly I felt a grip on my wrist. Before I turned back, the person pulled me. And after turning I saw it was a girl. And I could easily recognize that it was Alia. I was clueless. She dragged me to a corner of the cafeteria as we reached their.
"Hi.", she said with a smile and gave me a hug. Before I could say anything she started again, "I know right know you may be having another girlfriend. But could you please help me?"
"Help?", I didn't had any idea what was it all about. Well somewhere in my heart I could say that, I was happy cause the girl who dumped me ruthlessly was now asking for my help.
"Yeah. Can you please act as my boyfriend for some days?"
And I went like; Seriously! What the hell is happening today? What will Kriti say?
My eyes went larder and round.
"What?", I said in surprise, even though I had understood everything.
Suddenly, the bell rang.
Maybe Alia had a class or something important to do, so as soon she heard the bell ring , she said in a hurried tone, "OMG! I gotta go right now. Bye. Meet me in the cafe at 3PM."
And she ran, before I could say any further.
Why would I help her? Why the hell would she want me to be her fake boyfriend? What's happening today? Unexpected events. Huh! I thought, with a sigh.

Well I apologize again to be so late. And this time also for coming up with boring chapters.
Though, if you all have any ideas to continue this story further, share your ideas in the comment section below.
Love you all. xx

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