I Did It!

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Really friends, so, so, so sorry that I was unable to update the story since so many days. That happened due to some technical problems which has now been solved. Hope you guys are not angry! Enjoy!

We reached the cafeteria. She pointed an empty, two-sitter table. I went forward and pulled the chair for her to sit, all because it had been taught to us in our school. She gave a smile and sat down. I too sat on the chair right opposite to her's.
"Which coffee would you like to drink?" I said.
"Umm, this time, Mocha chino."
"Wow, good choice." I commented, although I hated it like hell.
I said again after about 10 seconds, "Well I would like to drink a..." I took a pause and thought - If I choose anything, there might be chances of she hating it. So I continued, "...Mocha chino"
She gave me a surprising look and said, "Really, you too?"
"Yes. I just love it."
"Anyways, I super hate it."
I was like - Huh? What? Why? How? Sh*t!
"But why, why do you hate it?"
"I don't know it tastes 'eww!'."
"Then why do you want to order it?"
"I felt like coffees in this cafeteria are pretty good, so I thought 'Incase if I start liking it', so I preffered it."
My face was like - a poor begger who doesn't have any energy to beg anymore and don't have the energy so that he can atleast cry. Really, men are right that they say that nobody can ever read a woman's mind.
"Fine" I said, got up and went to the counter and ordered two Mocha chinos and came back.
"So, it seems like you are rich enough. Is it?" She asked me as soon as I sat on the chair.
"Umm, yeah. My dad is the biggest business tycoon in India."
"Really? You are the son of Ram Dhawan?"
"Yeah." I realised that I was proud of my dada for the first time.
"Well then I guess you are a kinda bad boy."
"What? Not at all." I was shocked.
"Common accept it. All the sons of rich daddies are bad boys"
"Not at all. Not all of them are."
"Common even I have seen.." she paused and started talking to herself counting her fingers. I looked at her curiouly. She finally looked at me and continued "...Umm, I have seen about 19 live examples."
"Really? But I'm not one of them."
The waiter came with a tray of two cups containing coffee, two packets of sugar and four chocolate cookies.
"I didn't order chocolate cookies."
"Sir these cookies are absolutely free for dating couples."
My eyes went big and round. I looked at Kriti. She was giggling. I partially blushed.
"Ok, thank you. You may go." Kriti said to the waiter.
"What? But we are not dating." I said, looking at her with a confused but happy face.
"No we aren't." she said smiling.
"Then why did you keep it?"
"Oh common. I love chocolate cookies and after all these are free, so don't enquire and just eat them up." That line impressed me so much. I thought that the girls who are millionaires have a kinda bad attitude and over-proudness, but she was different.
I tore the sugar packets and stired in both our cups. I served her a cup and took one for me. She looked at me with emotionless face and suddenly look into her cup, took it near her mouth and drank a sip. As soon as, she sipped, she made a weird face, but yet she looked cute.
I remembered our previous conversation and threw my question once again, "So, I was saying that I am not a bad guy."
"May be."
"Ok. Tell me any one guy whom you think is bad."
"My brother."
"Nope. Own."
"Huh?" I was confused, how can somebody say his or her own brother a bad boy. Anyways, I continued "Well in that case, I guess you like bad boys. Isn't it?"
"Nah! I hate my brother. He is equal to this Mocha chino."
"Anyways I am good guy. And above all I'm a virgin."
She looked at me with a weird look for a second and giggled.
We both remained silent untill we finished our snacks and coffee.
We both got up.
"So, who's paying?" She asked me with a naughty smile.
"Ofcourse you." I cracked a silly-joke. Her face turned totally shocked as soon as I said that. Before the situation went wrong, I continued "Gotcha! Just Kidding."
I burst into a loud laugh and every one in the cafeteria stared at us. Seeing that, I felt uncommon, and went into my normal form at once. Seeing my sudden reaction, Kriti giggled.
I stared at her, and turned toward the cashier in the cafeteria counter.
"What's the bill?" I asked the cashier.
"Rs. 480, sir."
"I took out my credit card and paid."
After the payment, Kriti and I went out side the cafeteria.
I saw the watch and realised that we had exactly spent an hour together.
Kriti turned to me and said "Thanks! So friends?"
I blushed "Yes."
Kriti went away. I praised myself and said myself - Not a bad start, boy. I smiled.

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