Arjun Went Too Fast

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We were shocked. No one had anything else to say. We just kept on starring at Shruti. Somewhere I felt like she dod a hair plastic surgery and that's really funny. But seriously she was totally changed.
We went to the back stage. Kriti jumped at me hugging me tightly. Suddenly Alia bumped on Sid.
"Woah, where is your mind?", Sid held Alia and made her stand straight.
"Nothing. Just was...", Alia was about to say when Shruti walked passing us.
And we all went silent. She was talking to a guy. A geeky guy who looked as if he studied a lot but his team was not selected in the treasure hunt round.
Maybe Shruti was in the team who came third in the treasure hunt roud. But it was really weird that we didn't notice her since a year.
"Who is she?", Kriti asked.
"Umm, she is...", I paused. I was confused about what to say.
"Very long story, Kriti. Will tell you later.", Sid said smiling at Kriti. Kriti smiled back.
"Hey guys.", Priyanka was there in the back stage.
"Hey Priyanka, everything went good?", I rushed to her quickly.
"Yup. Very much cool.", she winked at me.
"Give me that spy cam.", Sid asked for that spy cam that was attached to Priyanka's dress on her shoulder.
"Here take it.", Priyanka gave Sid the camera. Seemed like she had already taken it off.
"Thank you so much.", I smiled at Priyanka.
"Anytime.", Priyanka smiled back.
"Let's go to the hostel now.", Sid said.
"Yes.", I shouted excitedly.
We all rushed to the hostel.
I switched my TV on. And took the micro SD card out from the camera. I put it into the slot of the TV.
All our conversations were recorded before Priyanka went and talked to Arjun.
The visual was faded due to Priyanka's hairs but we could clearly hear the sounds.
I fast forwarded and skipped the video untill Priyanka was talking to Arjun.
Priyanka: Hi
Arjun: Hi
**After some seconds**
Arjun: Hi
Priyanka: Hi
Arjun: How are you?
Priyanka: I'm good. But do I know you?
Arjun: I don't think so.
Priyanka: Oh.
Arjun: So how come you are here?
Priyanka: I just am here to see my friends performance.
Arjun: Oh. Who friends?
Priyanka: Siddharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan.
Priyanka sounded very uncomfortable. Here, Kriti and others couldn't stop giggling. Priyanka just was hiding her face.
"Shut up, guys. Let's hear.", I shouted and there was pin-drop silence.
Arjun: Oh they?
Priyanka: You know them?
Arjun: Yes. They are my fiancé's friends.
Priyanka: Oh wow, you are engaged?
Arjun: Um. Yeah. But I was forced to. I'm not interested at all.
**Priyanka clear's her throat**
"What the...", Kriti stood up with a jerk and big eyes. And suddenly started laughing holding her stomach.
We were speechless and expressionless.
But that was really funny. And seeing Kriti laughing, we started rolling on floor laughing.
"He is such a jerk. Bloody flirt.", Kriti giggled.
Arjun: By the way, you don't have any boyfriend? I mean just getting a little bit personal.
Priyanka: Huh? Um. No.
Arjun: Oh, wow! I meant why. Why don't you have a boyfriend?
Priyanka: Didn't find any good one.
Arjun: Oh. Well don't worry, you soon will get one.
**Priyanka stayed silent**
Arjun: Um what about, friendship?
Priyanka: Huh?
Arjun: I mean can we be friends?
Priyanka: Well isn't it going to fast.
Arjun: Maybe, but I'm a very active guy. So I do everything in fast forward.
**Priyanka giggles**
Priyanka: Well, right now, I don't know about friendship.
Arjun: Oh, okay. But I can atleast get your phone number. Please?
Priyanka: Um.
Arjun: Common.
Priyanka: Ah.
Arjun: Please.
Priyanka: Fine. 78*******5.
We all turned to Priyanka with big round eyes.
"But what could I do? He was pleading so much.", Priyanka made a puppy face.
"Ok fine. It's okay.", all of us said in sync.
Arjun: Thank you so much. Uh. What did you say? 7-8-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-9. Right?
Priyanka: No it's 8-5-5. Not 8-5-9.
Arjun: Oh. Thanks again.
**There was a big round of applaud**
It seemed like it was the ending time of the round. We just cut off the remaining clips.
"Told you, bro. Arjun will go clean bold.", Sid said.
"Yeah, man. That was surprising. The way he said he wasn't interested in Kriti. Oh my god!", I said and laughed slightly teasing Kriti. But it was of no use. It didn't effect her at all.
"Yes. Yes. Yes.", she jumped on my bed and dived into my arms pushing me slightly back.
"Woah, baby. Everyone is here.", I said, a little bit shy.
"Now I'll tell him that I love you.", Kriti said and pecked me hard on lips.
Everyone took out 'oo' sound.
"Um. Baby?", I was too shy.
"Oh, I'm sorry.", Kriti realised that everyone was still around and got off my arms.
"It's okay. Carry on. We will proceed outside.", Sid winked.
"No guys. Wait. I need to rush to the hotel now. Arjun must be waiting.", Kriti said.
"Yeah. I'll drop you.", I said.
"Don't worry. He must be deep in dreaming about Priyanka now.", Sid said and we all giggled.
I took Kriti to her hotel.
I let her in her room. I pecked on her lips and went to ground floor by lift.
While I was about to get out of the hotel, I bumped into a familiar guy with giant body. I realised that it was Arjun.
"Hey hi.", I said.
"Hey, Varun.", Arjun smiled.
I smiled back and waved but he interrupted, "Bro, I need to talk to you."
"Yes.", I said.
He put his arms around my shoulders and walked outside.
"Actually I had something to confess.", Arjun said.
"Yes.", I was pretty excited about what would he say.
"Actually, I'm not interested in Kriti at all.", Arjun said looking here and there.
"What?", I jumped out of his arms. I realised that I was sheepishly smiling.
"I mean what?", and now I said in a lower voice showing sadness.
"Um, yeah. Can you help me?", Arjun said.
"Yes, ofcourse. Say what.", I said.
"I want to break Kriti and my marriage. Please convince her about it. I don't want myself and her to stay in this false relationship.", Arjun said.
So now you realised? But this is not realisation. He will do the same thing with other girls. I thought.
"Um. But isn't it bad that you are cheating on my friend?", I acted to be sad.
"Yes. But I don't want to cheat her more by involving her in this fake relationship.", Arjun said making a sad face.
"Okay fine. You go now.", I said and Arjun hugged me and went inside the hotel.
Woah! Priyanka. How can you? This plan is going to smooth than I thought. This is beyond expectations. I laughed inside.
"Oh bro.", I heard someone's footsteps.
I turned back, and saw it was Arjun.
"Yes?", I was confused. He had no reason to come back.
"Do you have a friend?", Arjun said.
"Yes. I have lots of friends.", I said weirdly.
"No. A girl? Who came to see your performance today.", Arjun said when I realised that he was talking about Priyanka.
"Oh yes. Priyanka.", I said acting as if I was remembering her.
"What?", Arjun said calmly.
"What, what?", I was confused again.
"No. I meant, Priyanka and what?", Arjun said.
"Priyanka and what?", I still couldn't get him.
"I meant what's her last name?", Arjun said.
"Oh. Chopra. Priyanka Chopra.", I said.
"Chopra. Priyanka Chopra. Interesting.", Arjun murmured and went inside the hotel.
I couldn't help but laugh as hard as I could. That was really funny.
I called Kriti as fast as possible. In a ring she recieved the call.
Kriti: Yes love.
Me: Baby, talk about Arjun and your break up with Arjun.
Kriti: But..
Me: And don't tell him that you love me. Just say that you are no more interested.
Kriti: Oh O... Hey Arjun?
Arjun already was in the room.
Arjun: Hey Kriti. I want to talk to you about something.
Kriti: Before that I've something to say. Please hear it.
Both sounded as if they were pretending to be sad.
Arjun: Fine. You say.
Kriti: See you are trying to marry forcefully. But I want to continue my carrier. So I wanna breakup. I dont want to marry you. I know I have told this to you thousand times before but still.
Arjun: I understand. And that's it. Let's breakup. I dont want to marry you too.
Kriti: Are you sure?
Arjun: Yup.
Kriti: But what will I tell my friends?
Arjun: There is nothing to hide. Just say them that we didn't make it together so we broke up.
Kriti: Fine.
Arjun: Fine I am going to the counter. I guess you need a different room now?
Kriti: Yes.
Arjun: Cool. I will get you one in this hotel itself.
Kriti: Thanks for understanding.
**Sound of door opening and locking**
Kriti: Baby, it's done. I'm so happy. I'm jumping.
Me: I love you.
Kriti: I love you tooooo.
Me: Can you meet me then? We need to celebrate.
Kriti: Yes. With everyone. Tonight. In Hard Rock.
Me: Done. I'll pick you at 9.
Kriti: Love you. Bye.
She never sounded so happy.

Hey guys!
I was again late! -_- Sorry!
Anyways, did you all watch Dishoom's Trailer? Oh my god, it rocks. Just loved it.
Varun looks so good in it.
Anyways guys. Vote, comment and keep reading.
Love you all!
Bye! xx

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