The Two Lost Boys

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Frigga P.O.V.

I was walking through the quiet country side of Midgard. The Midgardians just found the new world America, and some where just starting to settle there.  Then I saw something strange. There were two young boys, about the age four, on the side of the dirt road. One boy had brown hair and brown eyes and the other had black hair and sea green eyes.

They were different from other Midgardians because they both had powerful auras, like gods. They couldn't stay in Midgard.

I decided to bring them to Asgard with me.

"Hello I'm Frigga. Who are you?" I ask approaching them.

"I'm Percy and that's Jack," The black haired boy replies.

"Where are you parents?" I ask kindly.

"I don't know, they left us hear a long time ago," Jack says quietly.

"Oh you poor little things," I coo, " Would you like to come home with me?"

"Yes ma'am," they reply happily. I pick them up and look up to the sky.

"Hemindel, open the bridge," I shout. Soon we go up in to the rainbow bridge. I hear Percy and Jack whooping and shouting with joy.

We arrive in the Bifrost and I see Heimdal looking at me amused.

"More boys?" He asks playfully.

I smiled back, "Why of course I love little boys. I lead them on the bridge and the gasped and pointed at everything. " Welcome to my home, Asgard," I say warmly. Now if only Odin would let them stay.

We walk to the palace. Right outside the throne room was Loki pacing in the hallway.

"Mother! There you are, Odin's throwing a fit in there since you came back late. You better go talk to him.

" OK son, while I'm in there can you watch Percy and Jack," I say placing them on the floor and nudging them towards Loki. I burst into the throne room to see Odin argueing with one of the guards.

"Odin!" I shout.

"What," he replies annoyed. He turns around and looks at me, "Oh Frigga you're back!" He shouts.

"Can I talk to you in private please," I ask. Odin shoos everyone out, after that he sat down in his throne.

"What do you want Frigga?" He asks.

"I found two boys on Midgard, they're not Midgardians, so I brought them here. Can we adopt them?" I ask pleadingly.

"Absolutely not!" Odin thunders.

"But you adopted a Frost Giant, these boys are harmless," I shout back.

"Do you even know what they are, who their parents are?" Odin questions.

"No, but it can't be worse than a Frost Giant," I say stubbornly.

"Fine, you may keep the boys, but they're under your protection, not mine," Odin says as I shout with joy. I burst into the corridor and looked around.

I finally found the three some in Loki's room. Loki was showing them magic.

"Jack, Percy lets go your rooms," I say. I see Loki's eye light up, so he likes them, that's great.

The two rooms across the hall are theirs. They both are circular rooms with balconies. The four poster beds are against the wall opposite the window. Jack's bed sheet is icy blue, and Percy's is sea green. Most of the room is gold, but each has a few details in another color. There's also a connecting double door from Percy to Jack's room.

Soon we hear a ringing. "What's that?" Percy asks confused.

"That's the dinner bell, which means it's time to eat," I explain. I grab the boys hands so they don't go running and put them in nice clothes. Then the boys grab Loki and drag him to the feast hall with me trailing behind them.

When we got to the feast hall I slow down the boys and walk in. I sit opposite Odin at the long table, Loki sits at my left and Percy and Jack sit at my right. Thor looked really confused at why two little boys were sitting at the table.

"Thor, this is Jack and Percy," I say kindly, "They're your new brothers."

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