The Truth

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After leaving New York I tried to connect the dot from where Percy and I came from. I went to the small lake in Pennsylvania where I got my powers and tried to figure out how. The only clues I get are in my dreams, I see a tiny baby grow into a small round man on the moon and a man in all black with gold eyes. Then last night, this happened.

"Who am I?" I exclaim shouting at the moon.

"Don't talk to him mate, he hasn't answered us in years," a voice behind me says.

"What? Bunny, what are you doing here?" I ask surprised to see one of my friends in the middle of nowhere.

"Helping you find answers, we all are," Bunny says as the rest of my friends step out of the shadows.

"How did you find me?" I ask slightly creeped out.

"We're the same, you're a Guardian like us," North speaks up.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Did you have a near death experience where you gained mysterious powers and immortality, and have dreams of things that seem familiar but you can't place where they're from?" North asks.

"Yeah, why?" Jack asks curiously.

"That's all signs of a Guardian, now what's your real name?" Tooth asks.

"Jack Frost, what are the dreams I have?" I ask.

"Memories of a past life with the Man in the Moon," North says sadly.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Pitch Black attacked, you sacrificed yourself bringing down the Nightmare Galleon was stranded on Earth trapped as a young child named Jack Frost," Bunny explains.

"Who was I before?" I ask.

"Nightlight, the protector of the Man in the Moon," North states.

"So, how do you guys fit into this story?" I question.

"We're the Guardians of Childhood, the Man in the Moon chose us to save the children of the world from Pitch, and when you were spotted alive. He told us to recruit you," North explains.

"I'm in, just let me deal with my family issues. Do you guys know if my brother Percy is a Guardian too?" Jack asks.

"No, not that I know of. He's something older, much older," North replies.

After that meeting, Pitch found me. "Hello, Nightlight back from the dead I see," he says walking around me.

"My name is Jack Frost," I reply spitefully.

"Ok Jack Frost, catch me if you can," Pitch says before zooming away.

I follow him around the world, until we end up in Antarctica. "What do you want Pitch?" I ask finally.

"To be feared, and you can help me. Fear and cold go so well together Jack, join me and everyone will know your name," Pitch says.

"No Pitch, go away. I will never join you!" I exclaim shooting ice at him. He counters by directing his black sand at me and they combine making a beautiful but dangerous looking sculpture in the middle.

"See Jack, look how well we work together," Pitch drawls.

"No, never," I say attacking again. Pitch fights back and eventually over powers me. He grabs my staff and looks at it smirking.

"We would've been unstoppable Jack," he says before breaking the staff.

"No!" I exclaim as I feel something inside of me snap.

"Bye bye Jack, shame you didn't take my offer," Pitch says shoving me into a crevice and throwing my broken staff down with me.

That's where I am now, hopeless, powerless, and alone. I miss my family; I hope Loki didn't mean anything he said. Hopefully he was just possessed and spiteful, I would forgive him if he said sorry. I couldn't bear to be lied to, but now I know the truth, and that's all I needed.

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