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Natasha Romanoff

I step off the plane into the bright sunlight, and put my sunglasses on. Prior to landing Percy, Wanda, and I changed into disguises to blend in. We would go and find Bruce and Percy would talk to him. Percy and Wanda walk off the plane, they would go as a young couple, while I would be on a business trip. They both hate the idea, Percy because he had a girlfriend, and Wanda beacuse she doesn't trust him. I straighten my pencil skirt and jacket and walk towards the city, my high heels clicking on the pavement.

I know a few minutes after me Percy and Wanda will start heading towards the city as well. I walk around searching for a hospital. We know Bruce is a Doctor, so we will search the hospitals.

I put my finger to my finger to my ear where my COM is. "Percy, Wanda, I have an idea," I whisper into the COM.

"What Natasha?" Wanda asks.

"Well, we know Bruce is a Doctor, and he probably wants to help people. So we bring out his doctor instincts, and bring him an injured patient," I say thinking over my plan.

"But who would be the patient, Bruce knows Natasha and I?" Wanda asks.

"Percy will be the patient," I say answering the logical answer.

"So, what should we do?" Percy asks.

"Wanda you have your gun right? Well shoot Percy," I say.

"What?" Percy and Wanda exclaim.

"Shoot him, just not someplace vital, like his head, stomach, or chest," I reply.

"Ok, but let's find Bruce first," Percy says.

"Yeah," Wanda echos, probably still shocked at what I'm having her do.

I walk into a visitor's center. "Can you help me, I'm trying to find my boyfriend. He's been working abroad as a doctor for a year and I'm going to surprise him by visiting. Do you have a phone book I can use?" I ask the man at the desk.

"Yes, of course ma'am, but I'll need a name and ID first, as well as the name of the person you're looking for," the man replies, I look closely at him name tag, it reads Juan.

"My name is Natalie Romanov, and I'm looking for Bruce Banner," I reply looking grabbing the ID I made earlier for this reason.

"Ok Miss. Romanov, here's a book of all the hospitals and doctors in Rio," Juan says pulling out a brown book. I take it, sit down, and start searching.

Finally, after 30 minutes and 100 pages I find him. Dr. Bruce Banner at Hospital Federal dos Servidores do Estado. I return the book to Juan and leave to find this hospital. I meet up with Wanda and Percy at a cafe, and explain the plan.

We go into an ally near the hospital and I take out a gun and shoot Percy in the leg. Wanda and I hobble out of the ally supporting Percy between us.
We walk to the hospital, and walk through the parking lot to the front door. At the front desk they call a stretcher and lay Percy on it. Then they sweep him away.

"Who are you and what are your relations to that young man?" The lady at the front desk asks. Her name tag reads Claire.

"I'm Veronica Smith, and this is my niece Maxine Smith and that was her brother Perseus Smith," I lie expertly pulling more IDs out of my purse.

"Ok Miss. Smith, but I'm afraid you can't see your nephew untill Dr. Banner is done operating on him," Claire replies. Oh good, Bruce is operating on Percy, this couldn't be better.

"Thank you, can you lead us to the waiting area?" Wanda asks.

"Sure thing," Claire replies, then proceeds to lead us to a waiting room. We each sit down in a chair and wait for the operation to end.

Finally, Claire comes over and leads us to a white hospital room. Inside Percy is laying on a bed talking to Bruce.

"Percy, you're OK!" I shout running towards him. I hug him and make a big show of making sure he's alright. Next, Wanda comes and hugs him and they start talking. I turn to Bruce.

"Hello, I'm Veronica Smith, thank you for taking care of my nephew," I say extending my hand to Bruce.

"I'm Dr. Bruce Banner, and the pleasure is all mine...Natasha," he says the last part quietly so only I can hear. "What are you doing here?" He asks leading me into a corner. I explain everything that has happened so far with Thanos and Loki. "I vowed not to fight again," Bruce says. "But the world is in trouble yet again, so I'll help. Let's go back to New York." We get Wanda and Percy and walk back to the jet.

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