A Switching of Sides

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Steve Rodgers

"What?  What did you do?" Tony asks curious.

"They stole some valuable metals from Asgard," Loki replies.

"What did you guys steal?" Tony asks.

"An Asgardian alloy that can vaporize any creature in the galaxy, except Midgardians and Asgardians," Percy replies.

"That sounds useful, what's the problem?" Tony asks.

"It's against the law for the alloy to leave Asgard," Percy replies.

"What's the punishment?" I ask worried for the twins.

"Death or imprisonment for life," Percy replies.

"Aren't you worried?" I ask confused.

"About the punishment, no.  Odin will understand, it's for the protection of Midgard," Percy reassures.

"And if he doesn't?" I ask.

"Let's not think about that, we need to fit your weapons with the alloy," Jack quickly replies, "Tony, can you wield this into bullets, arrows, and a cover for Cap's shield."

"Course I can," Tony remarks lighting up the mood.

"Ok, you and Jack go to that as fast as possible," Percy replies.  Jack goes over to Clint for and arrow and Natasha for a bullet, leaving Tony to come over to me.

"Sorry Cap, I'm going to have to take your metal Frisbee," Tony jokes causing both of us to laugh.

After Tony and Jack leave, Percy starts assigning sides.  "Ok, since Tony already called one o'clock, Cap you get two, Natasha three, Clint four, Bruce five, Me six, Jack seven, Thor eight, Loki nine, Wanda ten, Vision eleven, and Rhodey twelve," Percy assigns.

Soon, Tony comes back with all the weapons and some left over alloy.  "Here you go, Percy," he remarks handing the metal to the Asgardian.

"Ok, the ship should land in several minutes, let's get going!" I exclaim looking at the countdown clock.

We all suit up and get ready to go.  I sling my shield on my back and take charge.  "Ok, we need to get going.  Everyone to the Quinjet!" I exclaim.

We all go to the Quinjet and climb aboard. Natasha goes to the pilot's seat and starts up the engine.

We fly over the city, and land close to the center of the city.  We all exit the plane and I hand out COMs for everyone.  We then go and take our respective positions waiting for Thanos' attack.

Suddenly, a giant ship looms out of nowhere blotting out the sun.  Thanos has arrived!  I assume a fighting stance and see everyone doing the same. Some smaller ships fly away from the mothership and make their way down to us. On one of them is a purple guy who must be Thanos based on the Asgardian's descriptions.

Thanos lands on the ground in the middle of our circle as planned, and look around. "Who is the leader here?" he asks surveying us.

"I am," I say stepping forward. I'm met with Thanos' full gaze which feels like he's staring into my soul.

"You can surrender now and live, or choose to fight and die for false purposes," Thanos explains. I look around at everyone and see they're all willing to fight, well except Loki. I cans see his mischievous mind working out the problem and debating which side would give him the best outcome. It seems Thanos is gaining influence over him again.

Percy sees it to, and goes to confide his brother followed by Jack and Thor. "No brother, I won't let you. He's tricking you, fooling you," Thor tries to reason.

"No, no one tricks me! I'm the god of trickery!" Loki shouts. Ignoring his brother's protests, he strides over to Thanos' side. Looks like we lost our god of mischief.

"Well, at least one of you has some sense," Thanos smirks, "Chitauri, attack!"  And like that the army came crashing down around us.

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