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Annabeth Chase

I feel really bad for Percy and Jack, I mean they seem pretty in shape. But if they're not, then Coach will whip them into shape. After we do a lap we circle up around Coach. "Ok cupcakes! We will be playing dodgeball today!" Coach booms. Great, dodgeball again.

"How do we pick teams?" Percy whispers to me.

"School yard pick," I whisper back.

"Just great," I hear Percy mutters. Once again, Coach picks Dylan and Aster to pick teams. Dylan, of course, chooses Piper who persuades him to choose Jason, Leo, Nico, Thalia, Frank, Hazel, Percy, and I.

Aster chooses North, Tooth, Sandy, and Jack. He also chooses Peter, Danny, Luke, Sam, and Ava. Then they fight for the rest of the students. We get John, and they get Wanda.

Finally, we start the game. My team is better then the other, except they have Luke, Danny, Ava, and Aster. I have no idea how good Percy and Jack are at dodgeball.

I see the twins giving each other the evil eye from across the room. This could be bad.

We take our positions along opposite walks of the gym. A line of foam balls are stacked on cones. I get ready to sprint to grab a ball.

"Ready...set...go!" Coach shouts as we sprint to the center. I see all the main players grab a ball and step back. Peter Parker trips and falls like always. I take a step back and prepare to throw the ball at Danny as to get him out early. I chuck the ball and Danny steps out of the way and it hits Peter.

I suddenly see a ball heading towards me. I jump out of the way and it hits Leo. He sadly walks to the side where the corner of shame is.

I see Percy pick up a ball and chuck it at Jack. Jack easily dodges it and picks at up to return the attack.

Soon, the only people left are Jack, Percy, Dylan, Luke, Ava, Wanda, and I. I quickly get Ava out and Luke gets Dylan out. Then, Percy gets Luke out and Jack gets Dylan out. I finally get out by Jack and Wanda gets out by Percy. I sit in the box of shame waiting to see what will happen next.

Percy and Jack both have a lot of balls on their sides. Percy picks up a ball and throws it at Jack. The throw misses and Jack returns the fire with his own try. It goes back and forth like this, nether one getting hit. Finally, Percy wins a lucky throw and hits Jack while he's bending over for a ball. "Yes!" Percy exclaims jumping in the air.

"Ok cupcakes, that's class. Congratulations Percy," Coach booms. We walk out of the gym as the bell rings. At my locker I see Percy next to me at his locker.

"Nice throw," I say nervously. Why am I acting so girly? I already said I wouldn't like anyone here.

"Thanks, you played well too," Percy says. I see he's starting to blush as well.

"Do you want to hang out after school today?" I ask.

"Sure, just let me tell John," he replies grinning. I see him run over to the strange British kid. John seems kind of robotic to me. Percy runs back over, "OK, let's go," Percy says grinning. We walk outside and meet up with my camp buddies. We walk to my apartment that I share with my dad.

"Welcome to my home," I say gesturing around.

"Annabeth, is that you?" Dad asks walking into the room.

"Hello daddy," I grin hugging him. "This is Percy," I say gesturing to Percy.

"Hello Percy, I'm Mr. Chase," dad says shaking Percy's hand. This will be an interesting afternoon.

A/N: Happy New Year!

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