fairy godmother

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Its taken hours to get to the castle. I don't understand why he didn't just run each of us there then come back and get the next person, so on and so forth. Tarras dad was carrying Tarra on his back since her feet where killing her. Tarra is so lucky her dad is such a strong person. My brother has feel a sleep in my moms arms and Daysa looks like she is about to pass out along side her mom.

"I wanna be carried," I complain. "Daysa let me on your back!" I say demandingly. 

"Hell no! I'm not carrying your heavy ass!" She screeches back at me. 

"Daysa, language!" Her mom shouts at her. 

"Ya Daysa, your being a horrible friend!" I say mockingly.

Obviously we are all tired and grumpy. This probaly our sixth argument.  

"Let me on you back!" I say to William with a pouty face. Ya, I probaly lost my mind. 

"Nooe," he says popping the 'p'.

"Why not," I whine like a toddler.

He lets out a sigh. "Will you shut up if I do?" I nod my head, my brown hair swinging around my face.

"Fine, get on!" He says, stopping for a second. I jump on his back and squeal happily.

"Yesh, eat that Daysa!" Daysa just sends me a glare and I lay my head on William. About fourty five minutes later I'm dowsing off.

"William?" I mutter sleepily. 

"Hmmm?" He asks me softly.

"You act like a big bad scary vampire wolf, but your really like a huggable teddy bear," is the last thing I say before falling into the darkness of sleep.


When I wake up I'm in a huge queen size bed with silky sheets. Hmmmm, I don't remember my bed being this big and comfy. I rub the sleepiness from my green eye's. Thats when I see some one sitting on the edge of my bed making me scream and roll out of the bed. The gold and red sheets are tangled in with my legs and falls with me. My legs and sheets are now tangled in a limb.

I hear a deep voice chuckle. "Good morning to you too Princess." Thats when everything comes racing back to me. Oh right, a sixteen year old girl (me) is marrying a 400 something vampire prince who looks 20 (William).

"Great so your not a dream," I grumble, trying to un tangle my self.

"Sorry babe, your not going to get rid of me that easily."

"What happend to Princess?"

"I was just trying out new pet names for you, but you're right, I like Princess better. Or I could call you Mels, like your friend Daysa, but then it wouldn't be original."

I roll my eyes. He just loves getting under my skin. Stupid Vampiers.

"Where's Daysa and them?" I decide to ask.

"They are in the other guest rooms. Anyways a girl name Bree will be up here with a bunch of hair and make up stylist to get you ready to meet my parents. Oh and I sent out a crew to get your father, he should be here later on today."

I brighten up when he minssions my father. "Yes! I get to see my dad again. And do I have to meet your parents?"

"Standard persiguers sweet cheecks, anyways I think Brees here, see ya later Princess." He winks at me and opends the door. There stands a realy pretty girl with blonde hair and a hole make up crew behind her.

"Good luck," William tells them. Hey, what does he mean by that? I feel pretty offended right now. I glare at William as he shuts the door after everyone else gets in.

"Hmmm, you have high cheek bones, very pretty eyes, a nice figure and perfect height. Yes, we got a lot to work with, perfect! Natural beauty is the best beauty!" The blonde named Bree squeals as she makes her way to me. "Okay, we want you to take a shower, use the pink shampoo, purple conditioner, green soap and the blue lotion. Its already set up in the bathroom. We will pick out the perfect under garments and will bring you a robe. Then you'll try on a bunch of dresses and heels, then we move on to nails then make up, last hair.

"Now go, go, go!" She ushers me into the bathroom. I close the door and strip. I do everything she told me to. When I'm done a girl with, is that pink hair? Okay weird.... back on topic. The girl with pink hair puts me in a black lacy bra and thong. Then she makes me put on a very tight corset making my already curvey body more curvey. She puts my hair in a messy bun and I put on the robe. She then brings in half of the crew, each of them holding a diffrent beautiful dresses.

I had to try on tweenty dresses until we found the perfect pink dress thay brings out my eyes. Its flows down to my kness, and is strapless. We pair it with gold heels. I take it off so we can now do my nails. They painted my toes and fingers a glossy pink color. They then made me sit in a chair and covered the mirror as the did my make up and hair.

"You look so beautiful! " Bree gushes at me once everythings done and I have the dress back on, this time with gold ear rings, bangles and a locket necklace.

"Are you ready to see your self?" She asks me. I nod my head slowly and drawl a deep breathe. "Ya, I think so."

They pull the cover off the mirror and I look hideous! The mascaras all over my face and they drew weird symbols all over me. Now people who believed this are truly guliable because I looked flawless, like perfect porcelian. I had on smokey eye shadow and top eyeliner on. My lips where painted a soft pink colour topped with a glossy coating. The mascara makes my eyes really pop and I have on light pink blush.

My hair is curled in ringlets, topped with a miny tiara, I look gorgeous. Before I know it I'm squealing and I jump on Bree. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I look so so, AMAZAYNNNNNNNN, ITS PHONOMINIALL!!!!!! EXTARODAHARRY!!!!!" (lol you see what I did there?;) 1D fans will get it.)

She chuckles and hugs me back. "I'm glad you like it. We have to go now. Lover boi will be here in about 2.1 minutes. See ya around!" She smiles before leaving. Now she was one cool vampire.

I sit down on the bed and wait, I wonder what he is going to say. I wonder what his parents will say. Wish me luck, I don't wanna be vampier bate!


Games We Play (Book One, currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now