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As the trees wizzed by me, I knew I couldn't stop running. They were after me. They had been chasing me for days now! It wasn't my fault! I don't know how it happened! I didn't mean for anyone to be harmed! What happened was super natural. Now they plan to kill me for it. I still remember there angry screams at me. "Burn him"! "Kill him"! "Let him rot"! They screamed as they perused me. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks. I have nowhere to go! I have no one and nothing. What can I do?! Then I stopped running. At first I didn't know why I did, but then I felt the anger swell up inside of me.
"Let them come"! I thought angrily. "They have no right to do this"! If they tried to kill me I should show them how powerful I can get! As I stood there in darkness I heard the townfolks yells an cries as they ran through the woods after me. But I knew I could get the best of them. I flicked my wrists and saw blue flares of light at the edge of my fingertips. As the townsfolk rounded the corner and saw me, they started yelling curses and ran at me. But they didn't intimidate me at all. "Let's see how they like tasting fear"! I thought. "I've tasted it my entire life. Now its there turn to feel it"! As they were almost upon me, I felt the anger rush through me. I lifted up my hands and screamed "I... am... A GOD"! My blue flares then let full power and shot straight towards them instantly! As the flares reached them they blasted through they're body's. The screams of pain echoed through out the entire woods. The streaks of blue light didn't stop. I smiled as I heard they're cries. "Feel my pain. Taste my pain. Know my pain"! I screamed at them. I then let my hands down and the blue flares stopped. I then saw the large holes in they're chests. Each of them dropped dead. I then walked away quietly. "My entire blood line will have my power". I thought. "They will have infinite strength like me. They will be God Spawns"!

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