Preference Innocent

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Harry: You're the quiet girl that skims along the shadows, trying not to be seen, trying not to be heard. But he notices you trying to hide. Those emerald eyes pick you out from a crowd, see your soft skin and bright eyes and he wants that. Wants to take all that innocent and taint it. For Harry, innocence on a girl is cute. For him it's almost a challenge. To take to you and bring you out in the open, shake up your world and roughen the edges. He doesn't want you to hide on outskirts anymore. That beauty should be front and center, right at his side. "Trying to hide behind your innocence." he murmurs in your ear, "Isn't going to work this time."

Zayn: So you may seem innocent, you may seem quiet. But on the inside there's a girl who just wants to scream as loud as she could and run away and not look back. Zayn notices that in you right away. He draws you into his mysterious world. The boy with the cigarettes, the leather jacket, tattooes running up his arms. Exactly the opposite of innocent. People tell you to stay away, he's bad news. But that's just what you're looking for, and that's exactly what he wants to show you. He thinks it's cute how innocent you are. "There's another side of you, isn't there babe?" he whispers, smoky breathe hitting your cheek. "Let me see it."

Liam: Everying had been simple for you until he came into your life. It wasn't suppossed to happen, for he was the boy with the dark eyes and half smirk who always skipped class. But he sought you out that one day. "You're cute." Liam had said, muscular frame blocking the doorway. "Very innocent. I like it." He would show up late at night outside your window, ready to take you out and show you everything you had been missing in your sheltered life. "I'm gonna show you a good time." And you'd drive through the shadows, windows down and music loud and feeling free. With him you weren't a goody two shoes, you were a girl and boy on the run.

Niall: Being the quiet kid had become your routine. Nobody really wanted to hear what you had to say, and that's was just fine by you. You're the quiet one, the innocent girl with long hair who reads a lot. But it was unsettling. You skipped class one day, thinking if you sat inside the room for one more second you would blow up into a million peices. He was out there behind the school. "Ah, if it isn't the quiet one." Niall cackled, dropping his cigarette. "You may have fooled everyone else, but I can tell you aren't so innocent." He smiled, leaning closer. "Skipping class? Let's see how much worse you can do then that babe."

Louis: It was something he was drawn to about you. He was loud and got into fights and smoked and had tattooes. But you were the opposite, like light is to dark, you were to him. You were quiet. And didn't like to be seen. But it was so cute, you radiated this pure innocence. So tiny and delicate, with soft hair and round eyes and vanilla smelling skin. Louis felt the need to protect you. He wanted to hold you and all your sweet innocence against him, keep you safe, because the world is a big and bad place and you could get easily hurt. "You're innocent." he chuckled, running a hand down your cheek. "And I'm gonna make sure you stay that way."


My Instagram is 1Dharryslove if any one wants to follow me. It would be totes rad. I will follow back all the 1D pages if you tell me you came from here !

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