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Rainy Day Harry Imagine

You and Harry had just enjoyed a lovely picnic in the park but you decided to cut it short when you saw the sky become darker and the clouds became threatening.

"Babe, we don't have much time! Run!" Harry grabbed your hand and ran, pulling you along with him as you two sprinted towards the flat you two shared.

You suddenly felt raindrops hitting the bare skin on your arms as you tried to escape the storm.

Harry picked up the pace when your flat finally came into view, forcing you to run faster alongside him.

When you two approached your front yard, you stumbled on a part of the sidewalk that was sticking up higher than the other parts, forcing you to fall to the ground. Due to the fact that you were holding tightly to Harry's hand, he stumbled with you and fell on top of you.

You couldn't help but burst out laughing when you saw the confused look on Harry's face but it wasn't long before Harry did the same. Suddenly, the slight falling rain turned into a complete down pour as you and Harry laid on the front lawn laughing hysterically.

Harry stopped laughing at looked intently into your eyes, slowly moving one of his hands up to stroke your cheek. "You're beautiful, baby." he whispered as the heavy raindrops rolled of his soaked curls.

"Harry if you're going to kiss me, do it now, because we're already soaked," You slightly chuckled.

"You're so romantic," Harry rolled his eyes sarcastically and didn't hestitate to crashe his lips to yours. You completely forgot the the rain was pelting the bare skin on your arms as the kiss deepened and Harry pulled you closer to him.

When Harry pulled away he smiled and kissed your forehead before getting up off of you and pulling you up shortly after.

"I"ll race you inside!" You shouted as you belted for the front door.

"Hey that's not fair, you got a head start!" You heard Harry yell not too far behind you.

When you made it to your front door you swung it open and quickly stepped into your cozy flat and let the warm air enfulge you and calm your shivering skin.

"I beat you," You smirked as Harry came inside behind you and shut the front door, vanishing the cold air.

"You cheated," Harry tried to argue with you with a goofy smile on his face.

"I did not! You're just slow!" You defended yourself.

"Okay, okay. You win." Harry threw his arms up in the air and surrendered.

You took a step a closer to him, closing the gap between your cold bodies.

"What's my prize?" You smirked and snaked your arms around Harry's neck letting his wet curls brush against your already freezing skin.

Harry grinned and quickly returned the favor by wrapping his strong arms around your fragile waist and pulling you as close as possible.

"How about a kiss?" Harry grinned as he inched his lips closer to yours.

"Tempting... but that's not much of a prize," you giggled, Harry's lips were only about an inch from yours.

"Excuse me?" Harry's confident voice quickly turned into an offended whimper.

"That's not what I mean. I love kissing you, I really do. But I can kiss you anytime I want. A prize is something you only get on special occasions like when you do something good or beat your boyfriend in a race," You tried to make him feel better with a warm smile on your face, but there was a slight teasing tone in your voice.

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