Preference: Snapchat

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Harry: Tipping your head against the window, you tucked your feet up to fill the rest of the space between the two of you. You allowed your eyes to fall shut after a few sluggish blinks, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your hoodie before heaving out a final, sleepy sigh. Harry was sat adjacent to you, feet propped up beside yours with his legs spread so his left knee nudged against the back of the second bench while the other was against the middle seat’s back cushion. Everyone else in the van had fallen fast asleep, save for the driver that kept tapping his fingertips along the steering wheel to keep himself occupied every stop sign and twenty second red light. Harry fiddled with his phone, opening up the Jelly Splash app before subsequently closing it after losing yet again at level 13. “Oooh,” he hummed, getting a better grip on his phone as he discreetly opened up the Snapchat app. “Say cheese,” Harry sang out, more to himself than anyone else, before he proceeded in taking twelve pictures of you, adding them all to his Snapchat story. He even bothered to flip through and add a couple of filters to them, zooming in sometimes so they all didn’t look completely identical. “Take another picture of me and I’ll punch you in the throat,” you grumbled under your breath. Harry’s posture perked up in surprise, thinking you had been asleep the whole time. An amused half smile spread across his lips before he plopped his head onto your lap, surrendering through a murmured, “Sorry, baby, I love you.”

Liam: “Babe?” Liam called out, dropping one of his arms over the edge of the bed, as if that alone would be enough to get you back in bed. “In here,” you called back, fumbling with your phone, making sure to keep your thumb pressed against the screen as a row of pictures played out. Puckering your lips and squinting your eyes, you clicked on the circle at the bottom of your screen, typing out a small conversational response before hitting send. You then turned your attention back to the pot of macaroni and cheese set on the stove in front of you, eyes occasionally flitting back to your phone as you awaited your cousin’s response. You were in the middle of another funny face - eyes crossed to the best of your ability and mouth contorted into a wide smile - when something nudged the small of your back. “Snapchatting again?” A familiar voice murmured, lips brushing up the back of your neck before a firm kiss was pressed into your hairline. “You know how I am,” you mumbled in response, one shoulder shrugging before you instinctively leaned into him. “Addicted.” Liam let out a little hum in agreement, his arms slipping along your waist until his fingers knocked together above your left hip. “I wanna be in ‘em,” he whined lowly, nudging his chin further into the crook of your neck to make your shoulders scrunch up and a huff of a giggle fall from your lips. “Take another,” Liam egged with the beginnings of a pout on, bumping his waist to yours. “Okay, okay,” you chided playfully, opening up the camera once more.

Louis: Sticking his tongue out as far as it could go, Louis’s brain suddenly sparked with an idea as he flipped it up to try to touch the tip of his nose, scrunching up his face and straightening out his shoulders like that’d somehow make his tongue a few centimeters longer. The snaps of the camera went off a couple of seconds apart, Louis changing up his face to an over exaggerated angry one and then a goofily happy looking one and a cross eyed one and, like, twelve different tongue-out ones with every new click. “Are you.. you’re just sending them to Brittany, right?” He inquired, hunching forward as he tried to peek at your screen. “No,” you replied, drawing out the single syllable slowly. “I’m kind of adding it to my story?” Louis’s posture straightened abruptly at that, sputtering out, “Your what? Delete them!” Fondly patting the palm of your hand to his shoulder, you murmured, “Too late for that, babe. ‘Sides, I’ve only got, like, six people who I snapchat anyway.” Heaving out a dramatically heavy sigh, Louis fell face-first into your lap before decidedly flipping over onto his back, head rested on your left thigh so he could look up at you. “Well,” he hummed. “There goes my ruggedly manly man persona.” Absentmindedly running your fingers through your hair, you teased, “Please, you’re not rugged. You’re adorable.” Grumbling a string of incoherent objections under his breath, Louis stretched his arms up in the air before hollering, “‘M not adorable. Zayn, get your ass up, we’re going to the gym!”

Niall:“I need to snapchat that to Greg and everyone else ever on my whole contacts list,” Niall spoke as soon as his laughter dribbled down to a couple of sparse chuckles. Exaggeratedly, he wiped the side of his index finger across both of his eyes. “I am so in love with you,” he murmured, more to himself than anything else. You stuck your tongue out at him mildly, scooting over so Niall had the liberty of tugging you onto his lap, keeping his hands placed on your hips for good measure. “Do it again, please,” he commanded politely, squeezing his fingertips into your hipbones like that’d be an extra incentive. And maybe it was, to be fair. “Do it, do it, do it, do it,” Niall reiterated, bouncing up and down in impending excitement. “Okay, okay,” you relented, dropping your hands from his shoulders and situating them by your face. “Just this once, okay? Y’ready? I’m never doing this again ever in my whole life.” Eagerly, Niall nodded his head, laughter sputtering out of his mouth not even a moment after you were pulling your signature funny face. “Oh god,” he laughed loudly, falling back into bed because he lost balance as he clutched at his stomach. “Wait, wait, wait, do it again!” Niall cried out, making grabby hands at you when you started slipping out of bed. “I couldn’t.. I was laughing’ too hard, I couldn’t get it. Do it again. Pretty please?” Niall inquired, jutting his lower lip out and rounding his eyes, even giving his head a little tilt to the left so he almost looked exactly like those puppies you see in the ASPCA commercials.

Zayn:Another flash went off, causing Zayn to wrinkle his nose before decidedly turning his head the rest of the way into his pillow. He elongated his breathing, filling up his lungs and keeping the air in until he felt like his face was turning a slow shade of blue before exhaling. He was three quarters of the way back to sleep before another row of flashes went off, startling him awake again. “I really, really, really don’t like you right now,” Zayn grumbled into his pillow, sliding his arms underneath his pillow and turning his head in the opposite direction of you. “You love me,” you corrected, smile glazing over your words. “But I’m sorry, I’ll let you go back to sleep now.” You dropped back against your pillow after setting your phone down, bringing your knees up to your chest before smoothing your fingers through the back of Zayn’s head. “Mum wanted to know what I was doing, is all, and I was too lazy to text her so I just snapchatted her instead.” Flipping back over so he was now facing you, Zayn drowsily grinned before humming out, “Still think it’s weird that your mum knows what Snapchat even is, let alone actually uses it on a daily basis. Plus, I don’t think she’d be keen on seeing a bunch of pictures of me sleeping, either. She’s waiting for pictures of you doing something productive, probably, like shoppin’ or hanging ‘round back stage instead.” Poking your lower lip out in a pout, you murmured, “But you just looked so adorable.” Slipping his arm along your waist, Zayn quietly tutted, “Just. Go back’ta sleep. Goodnight. I love you. No more snapchats or flashing, sleep now.”

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