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Liam: He was kissing you. It started off innocently enough, you were sitting on the bed, your hands entangled in his hair. his wrapped lightly around your waist. This was good, easy. You liked being close to him, but you knew this was as good as it could get. You keep your sleeves long and makeup heavy to conceal the wounds. There used to be a monster, a green eyed, cold blooded monster with no remorse. The monster spewed words that clung to your bones like heavy things, breaking you down to nothingness. If that wasn't enough, and it usually never was, it would pound you until you were black and blue. You felt ugly, disgusting, dis formed, and weak, but with Liam you could be strong. He never had to know about the monster, the pain. As the kiss deepened, his hands began to roam, finding their way beneath the hem of your shirt. You jumped at the contact, you were still sensitive, you flinched with every hug, every touch. Hoping he didn't notice you slid his hands away and began taking charge. You would touch him, that way he wouldn't have to ask questions. He knew your ex and you had a rocky relationship but you kept the details private. Straddling him, you placed his hands on either sides of your waist for balance. You kissed him passionately, pulling away only to catch your breath. As you leaned back in, his hands began to roam again, causing you to pull away violently.

" I want to touch you" he said, voice raspy from passion. He hadn't understood, he thought you were pulling away in fear of him. You bit your lip, backing away. You were fighting back the urge to scream, this isn't how you wanted it to happen. You weren't ready for this.

" I- I guess I should just tell you" you stumbled over your words. He squinted in confusion, " What is it love?" he asked. You honestly couldn't say the words. You choked ever time you tried to utter the truth. Any time you thought maybe just maybe he was ready to hear it this always happened. You took a sharp breath deciding there was only one way to end this once and for all. You pulled off your top, slowly revealing every inch of bruised skin. He flinched at the sight, making you cringe. He was disgusted, just as you had expected him to be. You grabbed your shirt, this was a mistake, you knew it. Before you could leave, he pulled you close.

" What- Don't tell me... Did he?" he asked his voice tight and controlled.

You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, trying your hardest to maintain composure. "He did" You peeped, it was the first time you had said it aloud, the first time it felt... real and it hit you. Hard. He was angry, how anyone could want to destroy something so beautiful astounded him. He was shaking now, from anger. You buried your head in his chest crying silently, letting it all out for the first time. Hes running his hands through you hair, lightly kissing a top of your head. It was hard for him not to go out and find him, and hurt him like he hurt you, but that wasn't the answer.

"I'm so sorry" You gasped through broken sobs. He sat perfectly still, turning you so you were facing him. " You do not need to be sorry. This is not your fault.. You don't deserve this" he said, fighting to keep his voice steady, "Never again Sweetheart. Never ever again"


My Instagram is 1Dharryslove if any one wants to follow me. It would be totes rad. I will follow back all the 1D pages if you tell me you came from here !

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