Preference: Carving Pumkins

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Louis: He smirked happily, looking at you over his pumpkin. His blue eyes were squinting while he held the curving knife, trying to remove the filling of the pumpkin. "No peaking, Tomlinson," you warned playfully, not lifting your eyes off your orange creature, making him whine playfully. "I was just admiring my gorgeous girlfriend," he protested with a fake hurt voice, making you smile when you carved a crooked smile to the orange pumpkin in front of you. Louis was sitting across the table, his pumpkin not as half messy as yours while he worked it, smirking to your seriousness. It was your idea to make the traditional pumpkin carving night a competition of which one of your creatures would look scarier. "Yeah right, cheater," you scowled with a smirk, trying to cover your pumpkin with your hand, making Louis laugh happily. His little hands were working creatively, making you frown when you tried to move your hands as quickly as his, only making a mess. You were quite competitive when it came to winning, and Louis wasn't one to let you win either. "I'm so gonna win you, babe," he smirked, making you poke your tongue out for him, making him giggle happily. His blue eyes scanned you when your eyes stayed on the pumpkin, feeling how his eyes roamed you. He smiled, while turning his finished pumpkin around, making you cuss angrily. He had won with perfect pumpkin, making you growl annoyed. "I can't wait until my prize," he murmured teasingly, eyes sparkling when he took another look to his pumpkin before flashing you a cheeky smile, "Quite perfect, I'd reckon. Just like you babe."

Niall: You froze, looking at him at the doorway. He had laid your baby son down to his blanket where he kicked his tiny feet around, not aware of his daddy's attempts. Niall on the other hand was covered with orange slim. He had laid down three different sized pumpkins what he had carved, still working on them while your six months old son babbled on his blanket, looking up to the cealing with his blue eyes. "Hi guys," you said slowly, not knowing should you be angry or happy. The idea was sweet; Niall had wanted to carve pumpkins with his son for years, and now he finally had one, but the mess was unbelievable. Instead of bowl, Niall had laid the fillings to a floor, making a pumpkin pile next to your son. Niall froze a little, blue eyes scanning you when he held the carving knife, mouth hanging a bit open. Your son screamed enthustically, reaching his chubby legs to his hands, bringing his feet to his mouth before falling to his side. You giggled, kneeling next to him, giving him a small kiss, before reaching to give a pumpkin covered Niall a hasty kiss. "I promise to clean this up, darlin'," he smirked, nose wrinkling when he kissed you back, whipping pumpkin juice to your lip before licking it off. "You better do that," you smirked, kissing his nose when he chuckled pulling you to his side, eyes on his son when he baby talked to him, smirking when he giggled back. You smiled sweetly, eyes landing to the three pumpkins on the floor. You could feel your heart flutter when hot tears blurred your vision. "Darlin'? Is everythin' alright?" Niall asked concerned, taking eyes off his brown haired son. You nodded, chuckling when he cradled you to his arms, pumpkin juice fouling your clothes. "Yeah, I'm fine, and I love you two," you sniffled, reaching to stroke your son's silky hair when he gave you a toothless grin. Three pumpkins stood in front of you, each of them holding one words: Mom, Dad and James.

Harry: "You're kidding me kitten," he said eyes widen. His mouth was hanging open when he looked at you almost shocked. "Nope," you giggled, shaking your head when you stared to his green eyes, getting lost to them. "You have never carved a pumpkin? Never ever?" He asked, eyes still widen when you rolled your eyes, giving him a small kiss. "No, I haven't. Not once in my whole life," you chuckled, making his lips curve up. "Well, let's go, kitten!" he smirked, pulling your hand to the balcony where the pumpkins were laying and waiting for you. He kneeled next to them, picking few of the largest, putting them next to you. "Here you go, kitty," he smirked, sitting next to you, holding a small knife on his big hands. "Okay," you giggled, when he pulled you to his lap, kissing the nape of your neck. His hands were around you when you held the knife, looking the pumpkins with big eyes. "What's wrong kitten?" he asked, breath tickling your neck when he kissed it again, nose running on your skin. "Well, you haven't told me what to do...Do I just start carving or..," you asked with confused smile, feeling how his smile pressed against your neck. "Cut the lid off,"he mumbled, running his lips over your shoulders, making you shake. You could feel your breath hitching when his fingers stroke your sides, making your mouth fill with saliva. "Harry you need to stop that if you want me to do that," you stuttered out, making him chuckle when he ran his long finger along your spine, making you shiver. "Mmh, kitten," he answered mumbling, making your skin go goose bumps," We could carve later love...I could do some trick or treating now, kitty," he murmured, making you smirk and throw the carving knife away, turning around to kiss his soft lips, "Your jokes are terrible Styles, but you're lucky they turn me on."

Liam: You smiled, looking at your brown haired boyfriend. His hands were elbow deep on the pumpkin, tongue poking out when he concentrated, trying to make the best pumpkin of his life. His brown eyes scanned the orange pumpkin critically, almost frowning. "What is it this time?" you smiled, looking at him while he chewed his lip, almost too frustrated to talk. "It's all crooked up, stupid, stupid crooked up smile," he mumbled, looking at the pumpkin whose half carved mouth was only a bit skewed. "Liam, honey, it's fine," you smiled, pecking his cheek when he looked at it, dark brows furrowing when he tried to repair the pumpkins creepy smirk, only making it worse. "Oh fuck," he mumbled, throwing his hands to his hair, covering his face. His hands were orange even when he had his rubber cloves on. His shoulders shook a little when he took a deep breath, trying to calms himself down. He had been working with the pumpkin for hours and all he had accomplished was a crooked smiled pumpkin. You sighed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, kissing his temple with a sad smile. He shuddered against you, kissing your shoulder when a frustrated sigh left his mouth. "I just wanted it to be perfect," he mumbled, resting his forehead against your shoulder, kissing the top of your arm when you frowned confused. "What?" you asked, sad smile covering your face when you stared at the pumpkin, trying to ignore it's hallow eyes what stared you back. "Our first Halloween...I wanted it to be perfect but I messed it up," he sighed, brown eyes full of sorrow, making your heart hurt. "Liam," you whispered, feeling how your eyes filled with tears, "This is perfect. I don't need scary pumpkins to make this perfect. I have you and that's all I need." He raised his eyes, smiling at you when he took a deep breath, kissing you long and hard, pulling your lower lip between his. "You're right. I don't need perfect pumpkins; after all I have a perfect girlfriend already."

Zayn: His brown eyes were full of pride and joy when he looked at your daughter. She was just big enough to hold a spoon and carve the fillings out of the tiny pumpkin in front of her. "You're doing a beautiful job, sweetheart," he mumbled to her ear as she sat on his lap, concentrated smile on her face. You smiled, carving a bigger pumpkin while Zayn was looking after your girl, not wanting her to get hurt. Her hands were covered to orange juice while she giggled, making Zayn's smirk widen. "Look at that," he said happily, shaking his head when he looked down to the nearly fist sized pumpkin what was hollow, "You are quite an artist, aren't you, sweetie?" He chuckled, making you and your daughter smile when he pressed a stubbly kiss to your daughter's cheek, making her giggle. "Daddy, no kisses at Halloween!" she screamed happily, almost dropping the small, orange pumpkin down. She had drawn a small frown and eyes to the pumpkin with her daddy's help, and now she was staring at the marks, brown eyes widen. "Daddy, can you do its eyes?" she asked with her small voice, making Zayn beam at her. He loved to help her, whatever the problem was, and this was not an exception. "Of course sweetie...Let's see...We can use this, yeah it's cool..," he mumbled to himself, not noticing your tender smirk when you watched your family sit around the small table, having the time of their lives. "This is gonna be the scariest pumpkin of all times!" your daughter announced, making you and Zayn laugh agreeing to the small black haired girl on his lap. Zayn gave her forehead a kiss before connecting his eyes with you, winking, "It's gonna be the coolest pumpkin ever, sweetie, and it's gonna have the best Halloween of its life."


Hi there,

I haven't posted in a long time.... oops. But, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and I am really enjoying Story of our life! I cant wait for Midnight Memories!

I'm going to try to post more but classes have been killing me! So many assignments and essays! uggg



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