preference: you're insecure about...

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You're Insecure About...

Harry: your weight. It wasn’t just the hateful comments you received on Twitter, but it was the girls that crowded around the both of you when they spotted you out together. When you saw skinny, tall, flawless fans asking for autographs and pictures, you immediately felt insecure. You just wanted to walk away and hide from everyone and everything. But Harry didn’t want you to feel the need to hide because of your insecurity. He thought you were absolutely beautiful. He loved your body, and he thought you were very, very sexy. He wouldn’t ever trade you over someone with the body of a model. He didn’t want that. He wanted you. He didn’t want you to change one thing about yourself. At the end of the day, it was you he was coming home to.

Liam: your smile. You hated the way your eyes crinkled up on the side. You always faked a smile in pictures, afraid of people commenting on how ugly you looked. But whenever it was just you and Liam, he would always do something to make you smile. And whenever you’re around him, you’re justyou. You always end up letting that side you never let anyone else see come out, and he loves it. "There’s that beautiful smile." He tells you that every time he sees you with that big, adorable grin plastered across your face.

Niall: your nose. You’d always thought you had a big nose. It always stuck out to you, and sometimes fans commented on it. But Niall always reassured you that nothing was wrong with it. Heloved pressing light kisses to your nose, or giving you an eskimo kiss. Your nose was one of his favorite things about you, and he hated how you hated it. Niall always knew how to make you feel beautiful. 

Louis: your laugh. You had a loud, obnoxious laugh, and you were always insecure about it. Kids can be mean, and they would constantly tease you about your laugh when you were younger. You always tried to hold in your laugh, but sometimes you just couldn’t do it, and Louis loved it. It was contagious, and whenever he heard it, he would laugh along with you. He thought it was so cute, and so damn adorable. He didn’t want you to hold it in. It was one of his favorite sounds.

Zayn: your skin. You didn’t have the best skin. You broke out quite a lot, and it could get oily. You never wanted Zayn to see it, and you always wore foundation to cover it. You knew it was only making your skin worse, but you felt as if you had to do it. Zayn knew how insecure you were about your skin, and he knew how bad it made you feel whenever you broke out. But he didn’t want you to feel the need to cover it for him. He knew everybody had bad skin days. But it didn’t make him love you any less. And one day, when he walks in on you covering up your skin with various makeup products, he grabs a makeup wipe and pushes your makeup to the side, beginning to take off all of the makeup. "Hey, you don’t have to cover yourself for me. I love you just the way you are."

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