preference: your injured and he helps you

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You're Injured and He Helps You

Harry: Leaning against the wooden doorframe, Harry watched you persist on. "You know a skirt would be easier to..." "Zip it Harold", you snapped before he was able to finish the sentence. "That's the whole problem", he murmured just loud enough to hear. The pupils of your eyes dilated, and you furrowed your eyebrows, irritated at his constant whining. Well aware that he stuck his foot in the mud, he tried to make it right. "Just stand tall", he grumbled in defeat. The stubby ends of his large hands gripped onto the top of your denim pants, heisting them up around your waist before fastening the fly. You placed a light peck just under his defined jaw line. "Would you look at that", he goofily grinned after he took a step back. "The colour of the sling and those legging's match", earning him playful punch against his chest with your free hand.

Niall: "Stop it Ni". Niall's high pitched chuckle rang through the whole bottom floor, finding hilarity in the fact that you struggled to open the jar of stir fry sauce. The solid palms of your left hand started bashing against the lid in hope it would pop open. Desperately trying not to also burst into a fit of giggles too, you kept a stern tone, "If you keep it up you'll be going hungry tonight". "Come here my special little cripple", Niall's body embraced yours from behind as he effortlessly loosened the metal lid. Swiveling on your feet you were now face to face, as your hands found a way around his lean neck. "You know you're the one who is responsible for my fingers being in a splint", you quietly reminded the giggling mess of his actions. Niall took a deep sigh, "I'm never going to live it down am I?"

Louis: "That too tight babe?" "No, that's perfect", you sat still as Louis finished fastening the plastic bag around the bottom of your knee. Your plastered leg was extended across Louis' lap as he sat on the edge of the steaming bath that he had poured for you, while preparing your wounded leg with the plastic. Bowing his head towards your bruised foot, he shot his head backwards after pretending to take a sniff. "Geez, talk about toe jam", Louis dramatically teased. "If you keep tormenting I will find a way to take a bath all by myself". His lips formed a theatrical 'O' shape before your straight face cracked, and you giggled at his melodramatic acting. Brazenly he winked before tantalising, "So are you going to get those clothes off or do I have give you a lending hand with that to?"

Liam: Losing your footing, your bare back slammed against the carpeted floor while your neck kinked as your head sharply thumped the end of the mattress. After hearing the collision from downstairs, you could hear Liam's footsteps running up the timbered stairs. "Don't open the door!" In barely more than a set of skimpy panties, you warned Liam off, embarrassed of your exposed injured body. "Babe, what are you doing in there?" Liam called from behind the door. "Just getting dressed, I'm fine", you reassured him despite being immobilized on the ground due to the moon boot suffocating your leg. "It didn't sound good". "Li, I'm fi...", your sentence was cut short by your scream of pain as your tried to move your limp foot. Soon the door was wide open and your body was hanging from his sculpted torso. Liam noticed the apples of your cheeks turning a shade of crimson as he tried to contain his giggles, "I have seen you in much less than this love".

Zayn: "Ready", Paul took a deep breath standing outside of the dark vehicle. The high pitched squeals erupted as Zayn took the first step out of the van. A handful of the hired security contained the pubescent fans as Zayn faced your seated body, holding one hand out for support and the other cradling your hip. Holding onto the crutches, Paul also did his best to support you. "If you just let me carry you out of the car", Zayn persisted with his idea. "Zayn", you interrupted his concerned rambling, "You have to remember I'm not completely disabled from my waist down." Knowing how independent you are he rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath, "I know, I know".

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