Chapter One: Curiosity

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First chapter, enjoy.

Katelyn POV

"Jonas, I'm not involved in your little gang." He laughed, "I know sis, I know. I don't want you to be involved because you could get hurt." If you didn't notice, my brother has a gang that he is the leader of. Very, very dangerous and he still continues to do it. "You annoy me very much," I told him. His rival, Kendall Schmidt, is on the North side. One time they met up and Kendall shot my brother, Jonas. Luckily, it got him in the leg and not in the chest or head, where Kendall was intending to shoot him. My brother never gets a chance to shoot Kendall, because Kendall is really smart. He hides out in places he knows Jonas won't find. On the other, Jonas isn't that smart. 

All of his outposts have been attacked at least once. Kendall knows where they are. Even though I don't want to be involved, I keep telling Jonas to relocate them. He just won't listen. One thing they do have in common for being smart about, is the police. They are always off the radar, police can never find them. I'm glad Jonas is at least smart about that. Kendall has been taken into jail once, but they didn't have enough evidence to convict him, so he went out a free man.

That was five years ago, and since then, Kendall has never ever stepped foot near a police station. "I have to go take care of business Katelyn, I'll be back. Text me if you go with your friend." I yelled back, "Ok." He closed the door. My friend, Addison, was supposed to go to the mall with me, but she has work. I would have to go by myself and look like a loner. One problem is, it's on the North side. How the hell am I supposed to get pass Kendall's goons? There is a sale though! A sale is not worth getting your life potentially taken away. 

Well, I'm taking a risk. I picked up my purse and went into my car. I know Kendall knows who I am. He knows my face and everything. I put on sunglasses to make sure Kendall didn't recognize me, I hope. I was driving and I knew I hit the North side already. I see the familiar billboards for the mall I was going to. I was driving through this neighborhood. Nice, big, high ceiling houses. There were mansions everywhere. Then it hit me.

This is the neighborhood Kendall lives in. Kendall lives by himself, at least I think. He's a 24 year old man, so I'm pretty sure. I doubt myself because Kendall is not the only owner of his gang. His three best friends help him run it, Carlos, James, and Logan. They probably do live with him. Just out of curiosity, I start driving slower to see if I see Kendall. I go all the way to the end of the neighborhood. Shit! Dead end. On the dead end there was this really, really gigantic house on the top of this hill. On the electronic gates, it read, 'K'. Aw shit. My car stopped. "You have got to be fucking kidding me. Out of gas." Out of all places in California, I just had to break down here.

"Damn it, damn it." I got out the car and shut my door. I was about to pee my pants. "Katelyn Tarver, how funny of you to stop by." The voice that I really didn't want to hear. The voice that shot my brother. I turned around. "Hey, uh Kendall." He smirked and looked me up and down. He walked closer, "What the hell are you doing here?" I chuckled nervously, "Funny you should ask, um, I was going to the mall and um, my car sort of ran out of gas." He laughed, "First of all, this isn't the mall and second of all, you're outta gas huh?" I nodded, "Yep." He smirked.

"So you're stuck here, with me?" Oh god. "Yes, I guess so. Unless you can help me get some gas. Please?" He stepped closer, his chest was now against mine. He grabbed my waist and came close to my face. "Well, you have to spend the day with me if you wanna go home." He whispered. Why? Why? Why does this happen to me? Stupid curiosity. "Ok Kendall." He chuckled. "Can I have a kiss?" I shook my head, "Hell no." He nodded. "Why not?" He kissed my cheek. I pushed him away, "No way in hell am I spending the day with you now." He grabbed my arm, "Why the hell not?" He was pissed. "Because all you're trying to do is get into my pants." He slammed me against the car, "How do you know?"

"Because I know you Kendall Schmidt." He looked at me darkly, his eyes full of lust. He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the gigantic house. He put in the code and his gates opened. "Kendall what are you doing?" He didn't answer me. "Kendall, what are we doing?" He looked at me and dragged me toward his house. 

I think I pissed him off now. We got to his front door and he opened it. Man, was his house nice. He grabbed me again. "Ow, Kendall that hurts." He tightened his grip. Dick. We went up to his bedroom and he threw me on the bed. "No, no, no Kendall Schmidt we are not doing this." He got on top of me. "Doing what?" I motioned at us, "Doing this, get off." He chuckled, "You're spending the day with me sweetheart, whether you like it or not." Why, did I have to be so curious? "Fine, if it will get you to take me home." He smirked and got off of me. "What do you want to do?" I asked. He sighed.

"There is this party I want you to go to with me." I nodded, "Ok, when?" He looked at his watch. "In an hour." I looked at him, "What do you want to do until then?" He smirked. "No," I said. I knew what he was thinking. "You wanna take a nap with me?" Ok then. "Uh, sure." He wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, you have to go on a date with me tomorrow." I looked back at him, "What?" He nodded, "If you wanna go home." I rolled my eyes. "Ok." We went to sleep.

It was gonna be a long day.

First chapter is done. Tell me what you thought. More to come soon. Until Next Time.


P.S. I'll start naming the chapters

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