Chapter Eleven: The Aftermath

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I know it's been a while, but I decided to go on with the story. Enjoy.


Kendall POV

  "Plane to Australia is ready to board." I looked at Katelyn. "Ready to go babe." Katelyn, James, Logan, Carlos and I, decided to take a trip after the bloody day. We're going to Australia for a month. We all boarded the plane. We all got first class. I took Katelyn's hand kissed it. The plane finally took off. Leaving behind all the tragedies that happened that day. "You know Kendall." I looked at her. "You, you're like a bad apple, but it's ok I guess." I put my eyebrows up and down.   

End Recap.

Katelyn POV

One Month Later

"What do you want for dinner Kendall?" He put his finger to his chin. I rolled my eyes, knowing this was going to take forever. I'm living with Kendall. I moved in a week ago, but its been a month since my brother was killed. 

By me. After all that time, I was trying to protect him, I ended up killing him. He was going to take someone else's life, I did what I had to do. When I bring it up to Kendall, all he says is, "it was bad business". He is often sympathetic about Jonas, but I can tell he didn't really care. He only cared for me, if he did. It has been rough for me. I mean, I did kill my own brother, so, I don't blame myself. Kendall said it wouldn't be a good idea to hold a funeral because it'll raise one big question. How'd he die? Kendall said he could make up a good alibi, but he didn't want to. 

"Have you made up your mind yet?" I asked getting annoyed. He chuckled, "I want Chinese food." Really? "You don't even want me to make anything. Yet, it took you five hours to think about it." He nodded, "I knew you would get annoyed so, it was worth it." He kissed my cheek and walked passed me. 

"Oh, and I'll pick up the food Katelyn. I want no one knowing where my house is." I nodded, "Ok, I'll call it in for pickup." I order Kendall and I some food, wait, I'm sure the guys want some too. "Yes we do." I jumped up. "We could tell what you were thinking." Logan said. They told me what they wanted and I added on to the order. 

"I'll pick up the food," said Carlos. "Thank you." I said. I sat next to Kendall. "So, how's your gang. Are you still doing it?" He sighed, "Um, yeah." I nodded. "Listen, I know that my gang has been a touchy subject for you, but it's my thing. I'll try to keep it away from you as much as I can. I promise." I sighed, "It's whatever Kendall. I just don't want to remember that day." He nodded.

"Yeah I'm sure, but you saved my life." I stared at the floor. "He was going to take it. For a stupid reason, I had to save you." Kendall took my hand. "You didn't have to. I only knew you for two weeks while you've know your brother your entire life. You killed your own flesh and blood to save me. That was, crazy." I looked up at him. "He's my brother, I don't want him to be the reason you got killed. If my brother is about to do something stupid, I-I have to take action."

He hugged me. "Thank you and I'm sorry you had to do that. It would be hard for anyone in that kind of situation." He let go of me. "I'll never understand what you're going through, but I understand that it hurts a lot." I looked away from him. "Yeah..."

"Food's here!" Carlos busted through the door. They all dived into the bag full of food. I slowly trailed behind them. Kendall and I's conversation we had made me lose my appetite. "You know guys, I'm not that hungry anymore. I'm just going to go to bed." They all looked at me. I knew Kendall was watching me as I left the kitchen. I walked up the steps to Kendall and I's room and laid on the bed.

"Katelyn?" It was Kendall's voice. "I'm fine Kendall, just not hungry." He sat beside me. "I know the conversation we had, is making you act like this. I'm not going to force you to eat, but I just want to know if you're ok?" I rolled over to face him. "Yes, I'm ok." He looked forward and nodded. "I'll be up soon."

I grabbed his hand, "Take your time eating with the guys, I know you've wanted guy time. Just enjoy the time with them." He chuckled. "Nah, I'd rather be with you." He got up and went back downstairs. About an hour later, I awoke to someone in the bed next to me. It was Kendall of course. "Goodnight Katelyn. I love you." I hugged him and fell back asleep.

The next morning was just like any other morning for me. I had to get up and go to work. Kendall insists that I quit my job, but I don't want to live off of him. I need my own money. "You want me to pick you up Katelyn?" I nodded. After my brother died, the South hates Kendall because they think he killed Jonas, and they hate me because I'm with Kendall. "Here let me drive you there."

Some of the guys from my brother's gang has been sneaking over and I'm scared to go anywhere without Kendall. He has the boarders protected good, even better now. To the point where no one can almost get in. 

We arrived at my work place. I kissed him. "Thanks for dropping me off." He nodded, "Of course. Katelyn, I'm going to be right across the street, Carlos is coming too." Carlos popped up in the back, nearly giving Kendall and I a heart attack. "Already here." Kendall grabbed his chest. "O-ok, so Carlos is h-h-here. How?" He shrugged, "Snuck in at the last minute. Stealthy Carlos." He chuckled. "I'm going in now." They nodded.  I ran across the street to the coffee shop I worked at.

I heard the door on the shop door ring. I looked up and saw these two guys. Very suspicious looking. I saw Kendall and Carlos get out. Oh this can't be good. They ran to the door. "You're Jonas' sister right?" I didn't do anything. I didn't want them to know, if they didn't. "I don't think that's any of your business," said Kendall. He lunged at the guys. 

Here we go again.

What'd you think? Sorry for the wait. We're back though. Until Next Time.


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