Chapter Seven: Game Plan

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Enjoy. We're to 7...

Katelyn POV

I feel so bad for Kendall. He is driving himself mad with this whole situation, just to protect his life. I walked in on my brother having a meeting with his gang. "Ah Katelyn, just the girl I wanted to see." I saw Maze. My breath hitched. Jonas grabbed my arm and pulled me over. "Listen, we know Kendall will let you into the boarder so..." Uh oh. This cannot be good.

"Please baby sister, I need you to get inside, so you can give us a signal." I shook my head, "No, no way. I'm not involved in this Jonas, never will I even be close to involved." Maze jumped in, "He said he's going to do a raid on you Jonas." Jonas smiled, "Not if we get him first." Everyone laughed.

"Oh come on baby sister. You're not, feeling anything for him right? Because that would be a problem." Oh crap, I'm literally scared of my brother. "You are my sister. If you're with him, that'll make you an enemy. This is business Katelyn." I shook my head, "Jonas what the hell is wrong with you! You would kill me, your own sister for this stupid gang. I can't believe you would say that to me Jonas. You are my brother!" He walked closer, "But he's after me Katelyn. You should be the one wanting to kill him Katelyn. Save me Katelyn, save me."

I shook my head, "I don't want anything to do with your gang or his. You're scaring me Jonas." He chuckled, "Don't be scared Katelyn. I'm your brother I-I wouldn't hurt you, ever." Somehow I didn't believe. He cared about himself more than anything right now. "Jonas, I'm going with Addison." He nodded, "Whatever." He wasn't acting himself. He looked at me as, one of them.

I wasn't really going with Addison. I was going straight to Kendall. If Jonas wasn't going to protect me, then I know someone who will.


"Hey babe." I bursted out in tears. He grabbed me. "What's wrong Katelyn? Tell me?" I sighed, "Kendall, Jonas is scaring me. I'm-I'm afraid my own brother is going to hurt me."

He looked disgusted. He wiped my tears off. "Ok, this is serious. What did he say?" I sat down. "He said that if I was together with you, it would be a problem and I was considered an enemy." His eyes widened. "Wow, was Maze with him?" I nodded, "Yeah he was telling him about your raid plan." He punched the wall. "I knew he would, I knew it! That's why I gave him a fake plan."

Thank god it was fake. Kendall put his hands on his face. "I can't believe this is happening. I have to plan for this big, big war. Everyone is against me Katelyn. Everyone! The only people I trust right now are, Carlos, Logan, James and you. Everyone is trying to get me."

"You're not going into this alone, you have your three closest friends that will do everything they can to protect you." He nodded, "How about you go in my room or something. I really need to talk to the gang about this plan." I nodded.

I went into the living room and watched TV. Kendall rounded up his gang and took them into the basement. I got curious an hour later and listened carefully behind the basement door.

"Now, when they come and get us. I'm sure Maze is going to come and try to get in my house, by hanging out or something." I couldn't listen anymore. I could be a resource to see what the plan is. I do remember them talking about something though. Maze was going to actually try and hang out with Kendall, but bring his "friend" with him. They were going to take Kendall in the basement for some "business proposition" and then take him out.

I had to tell Kendall. My brother was being a complete psychopath. Even though Kendall shot my brother, it was for self defense. My brother is trying to assassinate him. I knocked on the door. Kendall stopped talking and ran up the stairs. He opened it. "Katelyn what is it?" I sighed, "I have some information that you will want to hear."

He eyed me, then nodded and led me downstairs. "Guys this is Katelyn. She's Jonas's brother, and she's taken so back off." One guy said, "Shouldn't you be questioning her, if she's trying to kill you." Kendall got pissed. "I trust her, Brodie. Now shut up!"

"Didn't you want to say something Katelyn?" I nodded. "Jonas was going to have Maze hang out with you in three days. Maze would come in your house and bring his "friend". Then, to talk business he would take you downstairs in the basement, then take you out." Kendall nodded, "Ok. Carlos, Logan and James will come down with me. If they try and stop them, then I'll tell them we can't talk." Logan cut in, "Then Jonas will probably come out." Kendall nodded.

"Can I see your phone Katelyn," Logan asked. I gave him a confused look and gave it to him. He threw it on the ground as hard as he could. "What the hell!" I said. He sighed, "Just as I suspected. Jonas put a bug in your phone. He's trying to listen. It's not active right now though, so they didn't hear the plan." Kendall grabbed his heart. "Thank god. If he did, I'd probably actually do a raid."

Kendall calmed down then started talking again. "Ok, boys, we've got our plan. I need five guys on the second floor. Five guys behind the wall of the basement door. I need the entire perimeter of the house surrounded. Don't make a move until I give you a signal. We'll have our walkie-talkies. This is in motion people. Get ready. Katelyn, I want you no where near the house when this goes down."

Here we go.

Oooh, about to go down. Tell me what you thought. Until Next Time.


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