Chapter Four: Dead Man

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Kendall POV

After I left Katelyn's, I went to one of my hideouts, my main one. "Ok, we've already encountered Jonas Tarver." Carlos raised his hand, "Exactly, why did he want to kill you?" I sighed, "I've been messing around with his sister." He nodded, "Well yeah that'll do it." I glared at him. He shrugged his shoulders. "We need to be on our A game, because I don't know what his intentions are, we also, don't want to kill him." There was confusion all around the room. Filled with 'why's' and 'are you crazy's'. "I don't want-."

"Guys out please," James interrupted. I gave him a weird look. The rest of the gang members left, except, of course, Carlos and Logan. "What?" I asked annoyed. He shook his head, "You don't want to kill Jonas because of Katelyn. Am I right?" Yes, "No, so not true." They all gave me a 'really' look. "You like her Kendall," Carlos said. I shook my head. Yes I do, "No I do not Carlos." He laughed, "Got damn liar."

"Shut up Carlos, I don't like her." I start playing with my fingers. "Ah! Mmhmm, right there. You always play with your fingers when you're lying Kenny boy." He said while snapping his fingers. "Ok, ok. Don't tell her, I may be feeling a little something, but I'm not 100% positive." They nodded, "Little Kenny in love." I chuckled. "Now, let's continue with the meeting." We called everyone back in.


"Hey, Katelyn, babe. What's happening?" She sighed, "Did you do anything to Max?" I laughed, "No...not yet. Did you warn him?" I heard a lot of commotion over the phone. "Babe?" She sighed, "No I didn't and I'm not going to. I know you won't do anything." I nodded, "Wow, you really believe that Katelyn, because if I were you, I wouldn't." She chuckled, dryly. "Kendall, please. Don't do a thing." I leaned forward, "Then warn Max Benson." 

She stayed silent, "No, he's not going to do anything, I promise. Why do you even care? We aren't together." I sighed, "I consider you mine. I want you and no one else." Ok I totally liked her. She doesn't believe me though, so she kind of already knows, but she doesn't, really. "Kendall, I don't want to argue with you. Don't hurt him." I hung up the phone.

She was really starting to piss me off. That Max is no good, if he puts his hands on her. He is done. I dialed Logan's phone number. "Loges, I need you to go spy on our friend, Max please. Take Carlos with you." He laughed, "Yeah ok." I hung up and sat back until I arrived home. When I did get home, about a half an hour later, I saw Logan and Carlos sitting on the couch.

"Hey, did you go see him?" They nodded, "We found some pretty interesting stuff." I looked at them. "Oh?" Logan brought his phone up to me. "This is what we found." I looked at some pictures he put up. "I guess they kind of got into a fight." Max's ticket to death. "She was telling him to leave, but he refused." I saw another picture.

He put his hands on her. He is, so done. "He grabbed her, hard." I nodded and gave him back the phone. "All I needed to see. Get some gang members to go pick him up. Take him to The House." The House was a place were we beat people. Very, very beautiful times. Katelyn called me back, "Hello." 

"Kendall," she sounded like she had been crying. "Hold on Katelyn." I put the phone on my chest, "When was the argument?" Logan said, "A half an hour ago." I nodded, "Katelyn?" She sniffled, "Yeah, listen, don't do anything to Max Kendall. I'm telling you." I chuckled, "Why were you crying Katelyn?" She sighed, "I'm not." I nodded, "I can tell, why were you crying?" She went silent, "Not important. I'll call you later." She hung up.


"Max, Max, Max." I took the bag off his head. He looked at me in shock. "You're that gang leader, what do you want with me?" I laughed, "You know Katelyn?" He nodded frantically, "What'd you do to her?" I shook my head, "She's mine. Stop being her friend, you crossed the line and put your hands on her. Don't ever do that as long as I'm around. Leave her alone, get out of her life and you and I should have no problems." He shook his head, "No." I gave him a surprised look.

"Give me the crowbar. He's not taking me serious." Logan handed it to me and I struck him without warning. "Now, what did I say about not seeing Katelyn." He was choking on blood. "I don't want him dead yet, help him." One of my gang members tilted him forward and patted his back. "Now, leave her alone." He shook his head, "Never, I love her to death, and I would be a better man to her than you'll EVER be!"

I beat him with the crowbar. "I.Told.You.To.Stay.Away." In between words I hit him. He nodded, "Ok, ok." I smiled and clapped. "I'm glad we have an understanding. Now, one thing I need you to do before we are all happy again. I'm going to take your phone and we're going to call Katelyn and you're going to tell her that you think you shouldn't be friends anymore. Got it Benson?" He nodded frantically. I smiled, "Great. Get his phone." My gang member dung in his pocket and got it. I dialed Katelyn's number.

"Ok Max, don't fuck up." It rang and she answered. "Max?" She said. "H-Hey, K-Katelyn, you're right, we shouldn't be friends." She got quiet. "What Max, I didn't mean it Max no." He struggled, "No we shouldn't be friends Katelyn, I'm sorry." She started crying. "Don't cry Katelyn, no." I threw his phone. I struck him with the crowbar. "You made her cry?! Get him out of my face. Say who did this to you, you'll really be dead." He nodded. My gang members got him up and threw him in the van.


"Kendall it was weird, all of a sudden. He didn't want to be friend anymore." She cried. I snuck over to her house while Jonas and his gang were gone. "I don't know what-." She looked at me and quickly got up. "What Katelyn?" I think she suspected me. She looked at me with disgust. "What?!" I yelled. "You-you didn't? You did something to him." I shook my head, "No, you're crazy." She glared at me. "You did this didn't you! You hurt him!" I stood up, "No I didn't!" She nodded, "You did! Stop lying!" Alright fine.

"Yes! Yes! I did it! He crossed the line Katelyn! He grabbed you!" I grabbed her arms and looked at the hand marks. "He's, so dead!" I shook my head. "You wanna know why he agreed all of a sudden? I made him agree! I told him he had to! Or else he would be dead!" She shook her head, "You're sick."

I nodded, "Yeah, yeah, a sick person who is in love with you!" She went silent after that.

"Katelyn, you gotta know. If someone messes with you. They are dead, very dead. Max got off easy because he's your "friend"." She sat down. I kissed her.

"I will kill for you Katelyn, and your friend Max, is the first one on my list."

Whoa, what did you think? Kendall was very angry this chapter. I hope you liked it. Not much to say, so Until Next Time.


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