Chapter Thirteen: Cyber Catastrophe

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Hey guys, sorry about the last chapter's POV it was supposed to be Kendall but eventually went to Katelyn. So this will be Kendall's. Again, very sorry.

Kendall POV

I know I sounded crazy but, when it comes to Katelyn, that's how I get. Right now, I'm at the bar with Carlos, James and Logan. "So now that Jonas is dead and your other "friend",what happens now?" Said James. I sighed, "I have to get the rest of Jonas's gang to surrender and Maze's. Then we should be the only gang left."

"I like this idea." Said Carlos. I chuckled. "Now we just need to plan how to do it. How do we do it?" We all looked at Logan. He slowly looked at us. "Um why are you looking at me?" I shrugged. "Maybe you do some cyber threat."

He laughed, "Cyber threat guys really?" We nodded like five years olds. He rolled his eyes. "Ok I'll get on it." I put up my hand signalling for another drink. Carlos laughed, "Don't drink too much Kendall." I gave him the middle finger and scoffed, "I watch my drinking."

"Heyyy babe." I guess I was a little drunk. I could barely see Katelyn. She grabbed my arm and sighed. "Guys!" She said. James put his hands up in defense. "He told us he would watch himself." That clearly did not happen. I barely knew what was going on, so I tried to get up the stairs. They talked some more, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

I assumed Katelyn helped my up the stairs. I fell on the bed and heard Katelyn say something, but then again, I couldn't understand. Next thing I knew I was out.

The next morning it was a drag because I had a humongous hangover. "Ohh," I groaned. "Shouldn't have drank that much Ken." I glared at Katelyn. "Well I did so..." I had no time to stay and bed because we would need to plan this cyber attack against the remaining members of Maze and Jonas' gangs. I pulled myself together and got up.

First, I went to take a couple pills for my hangover, so I could feel somewhat better. Then, that's when I went down to our database down in the basement. I saw Logan already at work. I sat next to him, "Alright, what's your take on this cyber attack?" He chuckled and stood up. "Ok Kendall I hit the jackpot for both gangs," I motioned for him to continue.

He smiled, "They keep their orders for their prostitutes and the drugs they sell on their computer. If I delete all those orders, they'll get so much heat from the people and gangs that ordered it. They have a billion dollar order from The Cartels. Imagine if I deleted that order, they can prevent this from happening if they become our allies and part of us."

I clapped, "Genius idea, so smart. Alright we'll send them the message soon, but not now." He nodded. "Ok, I'll figure out the other details Kendall." I went back up the steps and saw Katelyn. I smiled, "What's up?" She shrugged. "Nothing just thinking about you getting back into a war." I gave her a weird look. Did she know? She nodded, "Yeah I know about the cyber attack." Who told?! I looked at James.

"Sorry she talked me into it, I couldn't lie to her!" He ran upstairs. I ran my hands through my hair. "Listen, you're not gonna be involved in any of this and plus this should be a bloodless war. We're calling it the "Bloodless War"." She glared at me. "Ok then, I'm not going to question it." I tapped her nose, "That's my girl. I love you." She crossed her arms and walked around me.

I watched her walk upstairs. "What's wrong with you?" She glared and went into our room.

"Fine then."

What'd you guys think? Tell me in the comments. Until Next Time.


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