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"Can we get to work? The vashta nerada will be here tonight. We need to be ready," Jack reminds us. And we get to work.

Tosh and Owen go into the other room to work on a way to light up the world.

"Are they together?" The Doctor asks.

"Not officially," I reply. "I tried to make a bet with Ianto that they were but he agreed with me." The Doctor chuckles. "They were planning on going out for drinks but then Owen died and couldn't drink so he didn't want to."

Now Ianto's just staring at me. "They were gonna go out? How do you know this you weren't even here?"

"Parallel universe, remember?" I grin. But of course now the Doctor's upset about that.

"Yeah, about that," he says, frowning. "The way to travel between worlds was lost, so how are you here?"

"Um, weren't we supposed to be getting to work?" I ask. The Doctor sighs. He knows I'm right, and before he can question me again I ask "Am I needed here? Can I go out? Explore?"

"Yeah sure we won't need you. Just be back by five. You can go too if you want Ianto," Jack replies.

Ianto grins and follows me out the door. "I bet he just wants to be alone with the Doctor," I tell him. He gives me a disapproving look. "Not like that, gods. They just work well together is all. Probably stems from not being of Earth."

Ianto laughs as I start to ramble. "I know what you meant." He pauses between thoughts. "So where do you want to go?"

"Oh, I've no idea. I've never been here or thought about being here or talked about this place much."

"So... Just walk around and see what looks interesting?"

"Pretty much."


Four thirty rolls around and we've made it to the other side of the city. We didn't really do much, because people couldn't see us. But it was a nice walk and things were pretty enough. I don't know. I'm not really a city person. Ianto told me about Torchwood one, and I went into more detail on the parallel universe thing.

At any rate, we're running across the city so as not to be late, when Ianto points a building out to me. I stop, grabbing Ianto to make sure he does as well, and stare at it. All the lights are off. Or out. Or smothered.

"Call Jack." I whisper urgently. Ianto is already making the call, but doesn't quite get there because his phone rings first.

"Hey, Jack-" He stops, I assume Jack cut him off. "We know. We're in front of a building with no lights. How're Tosh and Owen doing?" A pause and Ianto groans.  To me, he says, "The've got a flash but it isn't world wide yet."

"Tell them just to do it now, and them again later. They're spreading to the next building." I point.

Ianto sighs. "Do it now. We can get the whole Earth later but this city isn't gonna make it much longer." "See ya." And he hangs up.

We wait. There are three office buildings and two hotels gone before every light and every screen that could possibly be hacked shines almost blindingly for five seconds, then go back to however they were.

People around have stopped and are looking around. They want an explanation, which they won't get get. Oh well.

"We should go see what damage has been done." Ianto nods in the direction of the buildings. I silently agree.

The building that had been attacked had lights on again, but were eerily silent. We only looked through the first one, as it was very depressing and the others were bound to be the same.

We ended up getting back to the hotel around six. Tosh announced that she was going to flash the world (that sounds really...) everyday for the next week to eliminate all traces of the vashta nerada.

"I really need to get going." The Doctor says at seven.

"No you don't, you're just bored of us," Jack retorts, but he's grinning.

"It was really nice to see you," Tosh says, getting up and giving the Doctor a hug, which Owen looks rather upset about.

"It was great to see you again," the Doctor says hugging back, which makes Owen more upset. He relaxes when Tosh goes back to sitting (very close to him) on the bed.

The rest of say goodbye, and the Doctor is just about to step into the TARDIS. He turns around to wave and I look sadly at him.

"He will knock four times, Doctor." I tell him. He stares at me, and I give him a sad smile.

"Who?" He whispers.

"You don't wanna know," I say. He turns sharply and closes the TARDIS door. It disappears shortly after.

I laugh, but it's sad as well. Owen looks at me. "What was that?"

I explain to them the ood's prophecy told them how I know a good deal of his future. "He doesn't like me much does he? I mean, I come from a different universe and tell him he's gonna die. Great first impression."

Jack shrugs. "When you were out he told me he liked you, but didn't really trust you. Which isn't too bad considering."

"Aw, I like to think I'm a trustworthy person."

"I think it was more he doesn't trust who you were, not who you are. I think you still count as trustworthy."

"Just let me pout." I whine.

"No. You just helped save the world. We are going to celebrate."

I give him a terrified look.

"He really means we're gonna hang out, watch movies, and eat popcorn and candy." Tosh says, silently laughing at my reaction. I relent.


Halfway though the first movie I notice that Jack and Ianto are curled up together and Tosh and Owen are almost as close. Ok not really anywhere as close but they were together. I feel lonely, so I leave the hotel room, go into an alley, and find a stray cat. There's a sleek black female that takes a liking to me, so I sneak her through the hotel back to the room so that I am not the only one sitting alone. Tosh is the only one who noticed I left and she grins when she sees what I did.

I name the cat Void.


This book is done.

Yes, done.

I'm not going to be one of those people who have like ten plot lines in the same book.

I'm feeling pretty good about it. I may write a sequel, but not right now because school starts in two days and, ya know, school. So, tell me if you want a sequel.

Thanks to everyone who voted, commented, and added this story to a reading list. Each of those things made me really happy and, just, thanks.

Also I'm not sure where the cat came from, just kinda... Yeah I don't even have a weak explanation. I guess I just wanted it?

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