Dead of Night

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When we arrive in LA as the sun is setting. None of need much sleep, seeing as we are ghosts and an immortal, but we still get tired and decide to find a hotel. We'll need a base anyways. 

I stay visible so that it isn't too weird when Jack gets two rooms. He might've wanted three but we can't pull that off. So we have two rooms, (connected with that door in the middle, ya know?) four beds. I think Ianto and Jack will be sharing. I hope Tosh and Owen do too, but I doubt it.

We all go to sleep, Tosh and Owen in one room, Ianto and Jack and I in the other. I can here them whispering and kissing as I go to sleep. They won't do anything else with me in the room. I hope not anyways. They sound happy.



That's the first thing I'm aware of. I'm running. Running down a corridor. From something, but I'm not sure what.

Turn around

It's not a conscious decision, but I glance behind me. My step falters, but I don't stop. Lights are going out behind. I am running from the darkness.

"Almost every species in the universe has an irrational fear of the dark"

The phrase echoes in my head. It takes me a while to place it. But I do.

"But they're wrong, 'cause it's not irrational"

I stop at the end of the hall. I notice the shelves filled with books that line the walls now. The darkness, the shadows, approach me. There is nowhere for me to run. I can only wait for it to consume me.

"It's vashta nerada"


I wake up breathing heavy. I can't tell myself it was just a dream. Because they are here. Or will be here. John said the people were stripped of flesh. Okay not exactly he said there were only bones, which is essentially the same thing. I am suddenly very afraid of the dark hotel room.

"Not every shadow, but any shadow."

The Doctor's voice plays in my head. I don't think they could harm me if they were here. I turn the light on nonetheless (and cover it because I'm still tired and it's really bright and I don't need to wake the others up).

I get up and walk over to look out the window. Thankfully, there are still people walking around the streets below. Admittedly not many, but, I check the clock, it is 12:37. Those who are up all night have already found their bar or whatever and are staying there for a while, and those don't are already home.

I have no idea how to prevent or stop this. The vashta nerada are tiny and many. I don't think even the Doctor got rid of them.

I go back to bed, falling into a restless sleep, the light still on.


So, this update came a little later than I would've liked, and it's kind of short, but I like how it came out.  Not action, not filler. More building and suspense. We'll see when I update next. I'll try for no later than next Thursday, but hopefully before. Within a week. Not tomorrow or Saturday though. I'm busy (like actually busy not reading fan fiction all day, I do have a life).

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