4th grade

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Yea! First day of fourth grade and this year is just getting started.

My teacher is named Mrs. Rodgers and she was a good teacher. We had to do a book report on a book that we choose. I forgot what book I chose but it was a good book. Before that we had to read the book hatchet and I liked it.

The book was about a boy named Brian who went on a plane ride by himself with a pilot. The pilot ended up having a heart attack and died. Brian was left stranded in the wilderness because he didn't know how to drive a plane.

He was left there for quite some time and didn't know where to go or which way was what town. He tried to get a signal from a radio that's in the plane but nobody got the call.

He was going on for miles searching for someone or something but he meets an Indian girl and a dog. She asked him if he needed some company so he went to her house and met her family. Her dad was very fond of Brian yet he didn't know Brian.

One day, their was a bear that was trying to attack the Indians and Brian. Her dad decided to kill the bear and the bear died. The dog tried to but the dog got injured. The dad gave the dog some stitches that was made out of some string.

Next thing Brian knows is that there is a helicopter flying above and he waves his hands trying to get the helicopters attention but fails at it. So Brian is left stuck in the wilderness forever.

So that's pretty much the whole book but it wasn't easy that year. I had the two same people pick on me hello Kailyn and Morgan. They were still friends and it killed me I thought that it may get better this year but I was so wrong.

I still got my clothes ripped still got punched in the eye and I couldn't do anything about it unless I want to get beat up even more.

Next thing I know I'm being punched and kicked by them at recess everyday and I can't do anything about it. I want to I'm just scared that I'm going to get in trouble by them and maybe even get my things stolen.

As the year goes by day by day it's nothing but getting punched, kicked, getting my clothes tore apart and I want it to stop.

But as always, I'm worthless and mean nothing.

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