[Chapter 1]

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😉 Unknown P.O.V 😉 

I watched the girl as she went on her evening jog. I had been tailing her and her twin brother for a couple days. They're perfect. All I have to do is wait for the perfect moment.

😁  McKenzie's P.O.V 😁

Once I walked through my front door, I headed straight to the shower. I washed all the sweat away and pulled out an outfit for tomorrow. It's the first day back at school, and me and my twin brother, Scott, aren't really looking forward to it. I heard a noise outside. Apparently Scott did too because moments later, he jumped in my room with moms bat. I rolled my eyes at him and pointed outside. He nodded the motioned for me to grab something. I grabbed some of my throwing knives and followed Scott downstairs and out the front door onto the porch. We slowly started walking around when all of a sudden Stiles hung upside down from the roof causing Scott to scream the girliest scream ever. His scream startled me so much I ended up throwing one of my knives at Scott. His hoodie stuck into the wall and his eyes widened even more.

"Hey! Batboy! Get off my roof!" I said to Stiles whilst chuckling. Stiles looked at me like I was crazy then shrugged.

"Stiles! What the hell are you doing?" Scott shouts, throwing his hands in the air.

"You weren't answering your phone." Stiles says in a 'duh' tone.

"Seriously, Stiles. You are going to rip down the wooden beam. Can you please get down?" I asked him. He grinned at me and shook his head. I glared daggers at him until he finally gave up and got down.

"Anyways," he said, reaching for my knife, only to have Scott slap his hand away. "I know it's late, but you have gotta hear this. My dad left twenty minutes ago. He told me dispatch called. Apparently, two joggers found a body in the woods."

"A dead body?" Scott asks, a look of confusion running across his face.

"No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body." Stiles replied, sarcasm dripping from his words. I smirked as Scott glared at Stiles.

"Not to butt in on this very, very interesting conversation but if they already found the body, what are they looking for?" I asked, running a hand through my chocolate brown hair. Stiles looked at me, then back at Scott.

"That's the best part. They only found half."


As we skidded to a stop in Stile's jeep, we heard the faint sound of water from a stream dripping. Let me tell you, the woods is so much more creepy at night.

"Are we really doing this?" Asked Scott.

"Apparently so." I mumbled under my breath, though it fell upon deaf ears.

"Yes. You two are the ones that are always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town. Besides, it's our last night of summer freedom." Stiles replied, clicking on the torch.

"Technically, it's not summer anymore." Both boys shot me a look and continued walking, Scott mumbling under his breath every so often.

"You are aware that we should be getting good nights sleep for practice tomorrow, right?" Scott asked, finally speaking loud enough for us to hear him.

"Because sitting on the bench is such an effort," Stiles sarcastically retorted.

"No. Because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm gonna make first line." Scott replied, ignoring the sarcasm Stiles so kindly shared with us.

"That's the spirit bro! Everyone should have a dream, even if it is one as pathetically unrealistic as you making first line," Scott placed his hand on his heart in mock hurt. "Just out of curiosity, what half of the body are we looking for?"

"Didn't think about that," Stiles answered my question.

"Okay then, but what if the thing that killed the girl is still out here?" Scott prodded.

"Also something that didn't cross my mind." I rolled my eyes and tuned out the rest of the conversation. Suddenly, flash light beams lit up the trees around us. I followed Scott and Stiles but something grabbed my jacket and dragged me along the floor. I didn't scream because I knew it would just attract attention. Before my mind could comprehend what happened, I felt a sharp stinging pain in my shoulder. Then, everything started going black. No matter how hard I tried overpowering it, the darkness took over. Before it did though, I saw something unhuman. Those two red orbs would forever be imprinted on my mind.


Hello whoevers reading this. Comment what you think so far and don't forget to take a guess at who the unknown p.o.v was. Make sure you click the star button! Also, I'm sorry about it being so short and I promise the next one will be longer.


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