7.8K 136 9

I know this book is officially finished, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. Red Eyes has just hit 100 votes. When I saw it, I literally screamed. Thank you all so much.

*Stands up*

I would like to thank everyone who voted, everyone who read this, everyone who commented on this, but most importantly, I would like to thank you. Yes you. The amazing person who took time out their own day to read my book. It really means a lot to me, and to think oh how far we come. It may not seem very far to you guys, but this is massive for me. I have 3.3k reads, and 101 votes. And just think, you're one of those people, and I thank every single one of you, for making me feel special. I know I'm not the best writer, and I know I update at dodgy times, but thank you so much for helping this book get where it has. Thank you so much. I love you all. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It really means a lot that people want to read my book. I mean, what's the odds of people logging in one day, scrolling through recommendations and all that other stuff, seeing my book, and thinking 'Hey, this seems alright. Lets give it a read." If I'm being perfectly honest, this was just a hobby for me to do during the summer when I was bored, but it has grown into so much more. I mean, I've been coming home from school, logging in, and thinking 'Woah" and "Holy crap' and 'never did i ever think I would get this many reads,' and that is actually what I think. I also think that whoever read this, all the way through, and is still reading this, deserves an extra big round of applause, so go ahead and clap, no matter where you are, just clap. I'm clapping too and my dog's looking at me like I'm a freak, so go ahead. Clap for yourself, clap for everyone else, heck, clap for anyone you want to. Just clap. And be happy. You guys have made my week, and nothing is going to bring me down off cloud nine, and nothing should bring you guys down either. Be happy. Whether its cos you finally got that homework done, or you got a promotion at work, or your excited for anything and everything. Just be happy. Don't let people drag you down.

     - Jupiter (Aimee)

Red Eyes {Teen Wolf/Derek Hale}Where stories live. Discover now