[Chapter 10] {EPISODE 4}

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Kate Argent P.O.V

I was on my way to my brothers house. I haven't seen him or my niece in a year.

"In other news, local authorities remain perplexed by the recent animal attacks," the radio man droned on. I scoffed and changed the radio station. I bobbed my head to the music, but couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched. As I approached a road, I completely ignored a give way sign due to the fact I was looking around, trying to figure out what was 'stalking' me. As I turned back around, I slammed on the brakes and almost crashed into someone's jeep.

"Nice driving Kate. Nice driving," I muttered to myself.

Suddenly, there was a bang on the roof of my car. I heard walking around and reached behind me for the shotgun I kept under my seat. A clawed hand smashed my window and grabbed me, pulling me away from the weapon. I grabbed it and shot the roof of my car, hoping to spill the blood of whatever was trying to kill me. My guess was the Alpha that Chris has been telling me about. I skilfully rolled out my car.

"Come on," I fired a shot into the air. "Come on!"

Scott P.O.V

I heard the gunshots that woke me from my sleep. I quickly dismissed it and lay my head back down to sleep. It was the howl that caught my attention. I heard McKenzie wake up and she ran in my room.

"C'mon! We need to go check it out!" She rushed. She already had yoga pants on so she grabbed one of my hoodies and laced up her trainers. I got dressed quickly and we ran there together.

Unknown P.O.V

Watching the hunter load up a special Wolfsbane bullet when something growled at me. I turned around a certain blue eyed beta. I fled, knowing he had more experience in fighting, and he was stronger than me, for now. He chased me. We ran across the roofs. I jumped over and was about to land when I heard a gunshot, and a thud. I knew he had been shot and didn't stand a chance of surviving. I ran into the night and howled.

McKenzie P.O.V

The howl lead us to some old, abandoned buildings. We hid behind a wall and couldn't see anything, only hear. I heard someone groan in pain, but thought nothing of it. I heard a car pull up.

"Get in!" I heard a man say aggressively. It sounded like Chris Argent.

"What? No hello? No nice to see you? " A female's voice asked.

"All I have right now is 'please put the assult rifle away before someone notices'," he said. Clearly these two knew each other.

"That's the brother I love," Brother!!! "Chris, there were two of them."

"The Alpha?" So they were both hunters. God damn it!

"I don't know, but one of them tried to kill me - " she started to explain.

"One of them is gonna lead us to the other. He can't do that if he's dead!" Chris snapped. Damn he's got a temper.

"Well, I can't help kill either of them, if one of them kills me first," she replied.

"How long?"

"I give him 48 hours. If that." I could hear the smirk on her face. Millions of questions were running through my head. The most common one was:

What does she mean by 48 hours?

Kate P.O.V

It was around 7am and I was unpacking my bag into the spare room when I heard a squeal. I turned around and instantly grinned. It was Allison. We hugged and started giggling.

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