[Chapter 11]

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McKenzie P.O.V

"It's a rare form of Wolfsbane."

"That's not good," I said to Stiles as I was texting Scott back.

"I need him to bring me the bullet," Derek said through gritted teeth.


"Because I'll die without it."

Scott P.O.V

I walked back into the dining room of Allison's house, the bullet tucked away in my pocket. This is one of the most awkward dinners ever.

"I should really be going," I said to Allison's family.

"Oh no non no, you have to stay for desert. I want to know more about you," Kate, Allison's aunt said.

"Okay," I said sitting down. For some unknown reason she scared me. It might just be the fact she shot my sisters boyfriend.

"Allison was just telling us how you work for a veterinarian?" Victoria spoke up.

"Yeah. He put a cast on that dog, the one I hit," Allison piped up. I just simply nodded.

"What does your boss think of the animal attacks?" Chris asked me.

"Everyones just saying its a mountain lion," I said. Kate scoffed.

"It'd have to be a pretty large mountain lion," she said bitterly. Chris sent her a look.

"What do you think, Scott?" Victoria asked me.

"I don't know. We usually get cats and dogs at the animal clinic. Nothing that large," I answered, bending the truth a little bit.

"Never had to deal with a rabid dog?" I shook my head. "Oh. I grew up with a lot of dogs. I saw one get rabies from a bat. It was transferred through the bite. You know, people think that a rabid dog just suddenly goes mad. It's a lot more gradual. First stage is subtle changes in behavior - They're restless, morose. It's the second stage that people know - the furious phase. That's when they attack. And we're talking any moving object. Did you know that a caged rabid dog will break its own teeth, trying to chew through the bars ? It'll even rear back and snap its own spine. Can you imagine the amount of force it would take to do that? It's a complete character reversal. This harmless animal - Turned into a perfectly vicious killer. And it all started with that one bite."

"But it died, didn't it?" Allison asked.

"Because you're grandfather shot it," Victoria answered, clearly not happy with the fact he shot it.

"Because he wanted to put it out it's misery."

"Because it was dangerous. Something that out of control is better off dead," Chris said, looking straight at me. I think he might just know about me and Kenzie.

McKenzie P.O.V

"Okay. You know, that doesn't look like something some Echinacea and a goods night sleep couldn't fix," Stiles said, looking at the bullet wound disgustingly. Derek grimaced before peaking.

"Once the infection reaches my heart, it WILL kill me. It would also leave McKenzie broken and she would never be the same person she is now."

"Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" Stiles said sarcastically. I sent him a glare and he shrunk back.

"If he doesn't get here in time - Last resort."

"Which is" Stiles asked stupidly.

"You're going to cut off his arm."

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