[Chapter 22]

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Scott P.O.V

I ran inside after the match and tried to find Stiles or McKenzie.

"Stiles. Stiles! Kenzie! Has anyone seen Stiles or McKenzie? McKenzie?" I shouted frantically. I bumped into someone and was about to apologise when I recognised the brown hair of Alisson Argent. I was left speechless and was probably stood there, gaping like a fish.

"Uh, you were – pretty awesome out there," she said, not making eye contact.

"Thanks. You too. I mean – that's not what I meant," I stammered.

"No, no. I – did some pretty awesome cheering. You can thank me," she replied, smiling slightly.

"You did?" I asked.

"Totally. I went from, 'Go team, go' to 'defence, defence,' without a breath a – a breath. I brought my A game." I smiled. Greenberg walked over and stood in front of me, blocking Allison from my view.

"State. State. State." I glared at him until he shrunk away. I looked back and saw Allison being ushered out the door by her dad.

"Oh, isn't this just heart-breaking? Gosh, I bet it causes a lot of sleepless nights. You know what, though, McCall? I actually sympathize, which is why I'm gonna make this mutually beneficial. You give me what I want – and, uh, I'll help you get her back," the annoying voice of Jackson sounded through the corridor.


"Well. Three days makes it just in time for the winter formal. Uh, think about you taking her instead of me. And also think about all the things you have to do to get her out of some tight little dress by the end of the night. See how this could work out for everybody? Three days McCall. Have fun," he said. You could practically hear the smirk in his words. I walked into the changing rooms and showered. I was in the middle of getting dressed when it was only Danny and I in the room.

"By the way, McCall – Apology accepted," he said, throwing his t-shirt over his head.

"I didn't apologise," I said confusedly.

"Every time you got the ball tonight, you passed it to me."

"Every time I passed the ball to you, you scored," I shrugged.

"Apology accepted," he replied, walking out to go home. The lights turned off and a lacrosse ball rolled away from the showers. I walked towards the showers and saw Derek there. He refused to meet my eyes and I was slightly suspicious but just ignored it.

"Thank God! Where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea what's been going on?" I asked him. I let a hint of frustration coat my voice. He didn't reply, only looked behind me. Kenzie was there, but she was being held hostage by Derek's uncle. Peter, I believe it was. Kenzie looked angry, but nor at me, at Derek.

"I can't believe you Derek. I thought you really loved me, apparently not," Kenzie said. Every word was laced with venom and Derek backed away into the shadows when she flashed her eyes and growled. Peter finally decided to speak up, but only after tightening his hold on Kenzie.

"I really don't get lacrosse," he said, holding a stick in the hand that wasn't holding my sister.

"It was you," I started, only to be interrupted by Peter.

"When I was in high school, we played basketball. There's a real sport. Still, I read somewhere that lacrosse comes from Native American tribes and that they played it to resolve conflict. I have that right? Hm. I have a little conflict of my own to resolve, Scott. But I need your help to do it," he said, completely unaware of the blood dripping down Kenzie's neck from his claws.

"I'm not helping you kill people," I said confidently. Peter smirked.

"Well, I don't want to kill all of them. Just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include," He looked to Derek for help and I turned around and saw Derek not in the shadows anymore.

"Allison," he replied, looking at me. His face was clear of any emotion and his eyes were like trying to break through steel.

"You're on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?" I asked, completely shocked.

"It was a mistake," Derek said. Kenzie scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"So he says," she muttered under her breath. I could try to get her, but Peter would claw her neck the minute I took a step towards either him, or Derek.


"It happens," Derek replied, all too quickly.

"Scott – I think you're getting the wrong impression of us. We really just want to help you reach your full potential," Peter said, almost softly but there was no hiding the hint of anger that laced his voice.

"By killing our friends?" I asked, motioning to Kenzie as well.

"Sometimes the people closest to you – can be the ones holding you back," he replied. I almost burst out laughing.

"If the ones closest to you are holding you back, why is Derek still alive? Hm? Wouldn't a pack just hold you back?" Kenzie answered smartly.

"If they're holding us back from being psychotic nutjobs like you, we're okay with that," I replied after he glared at McKenzie.

"Maybe," he let go of McKenzie. "You could try to see things," he got out his claws and started walking towards me. "From my perspective," he finished. He sunk his claws into my neck and I heard Kenzie scream. She was about to lunge for Peter but Derek held her back. After that, I could see Peter's memories, playing like a movie. There was the fire, then all the people he killed. The one that stuck out the most was when he killed Laura. The fire started up again, and I could hear the screams of people. Then everything went dark. I woke up a few minutes later to find I was lying on the bench with a wet cloth on my forehead. I saw my clothes folded up on the bench with a note on top.

Get dressed then meet me at your gym locker,



I got dressed and walked to the water fountain, taking a drink then walked over to my gym locker. Kenzie was there, but she was on the floor curled up into a ball. I heard soft snores and I knew she was asleep. I picked her up and was about to walk out when Stiles came bursting in.

"Dude, we have a huge problem," he said. He was panting and I knew that he had ran from the gates to here, leaving his jeep outside.

"Trust me, I know."


Hey guys and gals! It's super short and super boring but it's just a filler. The whole chapter is in Scott's P.O.V so it should all make sense. McKenzie's mad at Derek. What do you thinks gonna happen? I've had a really bad case of writers block and it is so annoying. I'm thinking of starting another book but I can't decide, should I do a divergent fanfiction, a supernatural fanfiction or one of my own stories? Please remember to comment and vote. Comments have been running dry and I feel like you guys aren't enjoying the book anymore, it's slightly depressing. Anyways, thanks for reading! Bye!


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