[Chapter 4]

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🎈 McKenzie P.O.V 🎈

Last night was a blur. I remember running through the woods and finding a rock that overlooks the whole of beacon hills. There was also a humongous tree stump. I then remember hearing a growl before I passed out from exhaustion. I woke up to ACDC's shook me all night long. That's Stiles' ringtone!

"Hello? Stiles? Are you aware its twenty to seven in the morning?" I asked groggily.

"Yes, I am well aware. I was just calling to see how your first full moon went. Did you kill anyone? Did you see your brother? Oh, and Derek's a werewolf too. Just thought you aught to know." He fired question after question.

"It went well. No, no and I kinda figured. Him living in a burnt down house, in the middle of the woods. Is that the only reason you phoned me?"

"Pretty much. You can go back to sleep now." He answered.

"Wait. Can you meet me at the Hale house?" I asked him.

"Um, sure. Why?"

"Because. I need answers. And I need you go out and hide somewhere so that I can focus on my tracking abilities. I'll ask Scott to hide with you." I offered.

"Yeah sure. See you there in an hour." With that he hung up. I put on my black running shoes, my black and grey running shorts and my grey running tanktop. I grabbed a hoodie and tied it around my waste incase it got cold later. I filled up a bucket with water and ice and sneaked into Scott's room. I smirked deviously and hit record on my phone. I tipped the water over his head and he jumped up from his bed.

"McKenzie. I'll give you a five minute head start whilst I get ready. 3... 2... 1... Go!" I ran out the house and headed towards the Hale house. I was there in three minutes flat.

"Derek? You here?" I asked to mid air. I heard a snap behind me and turned around. When I turned back around, there he was.

"Can I help you McKenzie?" He asked me.

"Yeah, actually. Can I see your eyes?" He looked at me weirdly then flashed his wolf eyes. Bright blue. "So, my suspicions are correct. You're not the one who bit me and Scott."

He nodded his head.

"They are correct indeed. It was the Alpha. Alpha's have red eyes. If you didn't kill anyone last night then yours are yellow, right?" He asked. I focused on trying to get my eyes to shift to their wolf colour. When I opened my eyes, everything was red, like thermal vision.

"Well done. Most people can't willingly do that so fast. Any other reason you're here?"

"I may or may not have tipped a bucket of ice cold water onto his head," I said. I could of swore I saw the corners of his mouth twitch. "I'm also meeting Stiles here. The two boys are going to hide in the woods and I'm going to try and find them. Have you got any tips?" I asked.

"Yeah. Focus on all your senses. Not just your nose. These woods are over 260 square acres so good luck." He mocked me. He thinks I can't do it!

"It's not about luck. It's about skill. It's like firing a shotgun and hitting your target bullseye first time. There's a rhyme. 'One shot, one kill. No luck, just skill'. That's all it takes. Skill." He smirked at me after I said the phrase.

"That's a wise phrase." He pointed out. It was only then I noticed the smell of blood. I looked around and saw what looked like a hole, filled with dirt.

"What's that?" I asked him, pointing to the purple flower that stood out among the dead leaves.

"Use your senses. What does it smell like." He asked.



Monday rolled around quicker than I hoped and I found out that Allison was giving Scott a second chance. I also found out that Allison's dad, Chris Argent, is a hunter. The entire weekend consisted of me training with Derek and trying to improve my stamina.

Scott P.O.V

"So, what happened? You left me stranded at the party." Allison said and sighed straight afterwards.

"Yeah, I - I know, I know. I'm really sorry, I am. But - You're gonna have to trust that I had a really good reason." I - sort of - explained.

"Did you get sick?" She asked.

"I definitely had an attack of something" I replied, bending the truth.

"Am I gonna get an explanation?"

"Can you just find it in your heart to trust me on this one?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Am I gonna regret this?" She asked.



And we have finally finished episode one!!!!!! Yay!!!!! Tell me what you think of this so far. This is also on Quotev. It's pretty much exactly the same. This is something that I'm doing for fun as I am currently on break. I'm not American, so you Australians and English will understand my spelling but I am trying my best to use the American spellings. I'm sorry I've missed lots out things out but I'm probably going to recreate this book, but from Scott's P.O.V. so you can catch anything I missed. Thanks for reading, go ahead and vote and comment and I will get the next update out ASAP!

            ~ Jupiter

Red Eyes {Teen Wolf/Derek Hale}Where stories live. Discover now