1. Losing Her (Picture Of Official Story Banner)

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Midnight: When The Wolves Come Out (Twilight Fan Fiction)

Chapter 1

•Losing Her•

What if Charlie and Renee Swan had never been divorced? What if they'd stayed in Forks and Bella was brought up as a Washington child? What if that impacted Bella so much that she was only loved be one guy?

*Many many years ago*

"CHARLIE SWAN!" hollared Renee Swan as she stormed down the stairs in a fit of rage.

"Yes, hun?" he asked gentally, standing up from the kitchen table.

"I want a divorce," she said flat-out.

Charlie stuttered to get his words out. He couldn't believe his eyes. "N-n-no. Don't leave. You're my beautiful wife. We have a young daughter. You can't go," he exclaimed.

"Yeah? Why?" she retorted freshly.

"Because... Because I love you," said Charlie desperatly.

"Ha! Like I'd believe that! You don't care about me. You never help with baby Bella or support me with my job! All that matters to you is Billy Black this, police station that," yelled Renee.

"I wanted to call her Isa..." muttered Charlie.

"Yeah? Well why does your opinion matter. I'm the one who takes care of her so I deserve to nickname her!" screamed Renee. The whole neighborhood could probably hear her side of the arguement.

"Okay. Fine. We'll call her Bella if it makes you happy. I'll do anything to make you happy, to stay with me," pleaded Charlie.

"I wouldn't stay with you if you got down on your knees and begged," she sneered.

"Want me to? Because I will," he asked stupidly.

"Life isn't a big comedy! It's not all fun and games and fishing! I'm leaving. I'm going to live with my mother in Pheonix. I'll raise Isabella since you couldn't be bothered." And with that, she sprinted upstairs.

She snatched three huge suitcases. In one, she threw in all her and Bella's clothes. In another, she tossed in all her belongings that would fit. In the other, she placed all of Bella's precious items that fit.

Then, she rushed to Bella's room and carefully lifted her out of her crib. All the yelling had woken her up and she was crying. Renee hushed her. She's a good mother, always knows what to do to solve a problem.

She ran down the stairs and through the door. She strapped Bella into her carseat and hopped into the drivers seat of her truck. She drove off into the pounding rain. The house door was still open.

Charlie sat down on the floor in defeat. He stayed for a minute or two, his world crashing down on him.

He suddenly jumped up. "What am I still doing here!?" he said to himself. "I gotta go find Renee! She can't live with her mother. She won't be able to afford keeping a baby by herself. She can't live without me! Or I can't live without her..."

At that, Charlie sprinted through the door at full force and bolted into his police cruiser. He turned on the lights and sirens and raced off, leaving the door open, in hope that the next person to walk through it, would be Renee.


Author's Note: Hey, Nickie here, author of A Kidnapping and The Students Of Palm Tree High School.

I'm glad you took the time to read this chapter. I'm almost on summer break so I'll have more time to write and I'll post more often.

This is a fan fiction of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga. Why am I writing it? Because I've been wanting to write a fan fiction for a while and I finally got a good idea this morning. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think of it!

The banner of this story was made by the user that this chapter is dedicated to, keysandguitar. Thanks for the awesome banner!

I do not own any of the characters used from Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, or Breaking Dawn. They belong to Stephenie Meyer and I'm only using them to write a fan fiction. I do own any of the characters that are not from the Twilight Saga that I created myself.

Thanks for reading, keep it up!



AKA gymnast17

PS - Hey! 2018 Nickie here. This story has had a ridiculous amount of support since originally being published. As of today we are at 292k reads and that's honestly amazing! My goal is 300k! Honestly these are some of my wildest writing dreams coming true here, but I still have an even bigger goal, which is winning something in the Watty's. I've tried a few times but it hasn't been very successful. My latest attempt is this new story called "The Boy Who Fell Off a Lawn Mower." When you get done reading this or want to hop over there right now, please give it a look and help me with my literary dreams! I have gone on a few Wattpad breaks, so I haven't gotten the chance to individually thank everyone for their comments, votes, reads, and follows over the years, but just know I read everything you all say and it is always the best pick-me-up when I get some support from you all. So, thank you!!

New story: https://www.wattpad.com/story/151650034-the-boy-who-fell-off-a-lawn-mower

Fun fact, the first time I wrote this chapter, I was sitting on my bathroom floor and I accidentally deleted it before I posted it and had to rewrite it over again. I was so mad!

Thanks everyone! xx 6/13/18

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