3. Cullens Come Back Soon (Picture Of Bella)

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Chapter 3

•Cullens Come Back Soon•

"You're such a goof, Tyler," said Bella Swan, the young child told of in Billy Black's tale.

"You have a problem with that?" asked Tyler, air-headedly. It was lunch period for the Juniors at Forks High School.

"Not at all!" joked Bella happily.

"Okay, Bella," began Jessica, "You must spill. Who's your new boyfriend? Is he hot? Does he go to this school? What's his name? Is he..."

"Slow down, Jess. He's from the Quileute tribe, his name is Paul!" gushed Bella.

"Woah, another Quileute boy? I think you've dated all of them except Jacob now!" exclaimed Angela.

"Jacob is my best friend! I would never date him!" said Bella, a bit uneasy.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say," chimed Jessica.

Before Bella had a chance to retort, the bell rang and she walked out of the lunchroom, talking to Jessica, who was hand-in-hand with Mike, a couple that's been together since the begining of high school.

*later in class*

"Did you hear?" whispered the always-gossiping Jessica.

"Hear what?" asked Bella softly. They were sitting in biology, watching a boring, tedious movie.

"The Cullens are moving back!" said Angela excitedly, who was single at the moment.

"Those freaky people who were really hot, but seemed to ignore me... on purpose?" asked Bella, a bit confused.

"Yup! I thought Jasper was really cute," said Angela.

"Oh come on Ange, they moved in at the begining of our freshman year, they left after the first day! You barely even knew them! Besides, wasn't Jasper dating Aly?" wondered Jessica.

"There was no Aly, it was Alice, and Jasper was dating Rosalie. Alice was dating Emmett. Oh wait...that's wrong. Jasper was dating Alice and Edward was dating Rosalie. No, that's wrong... I don't know now..." said Angela, her voice trailing off.

"Yeah, they were each like... a thing with one of their siblings," said Bella.

"Yeah, because they live together, I'm not even sure that's legal," exclaimed Jessica.

"Jess, they're not actually related," said Angela.

"But they're just so... close!" argued Bella.

"Whatever. It's not like they cared about us, so why should we care about them?" asked Mike, who was just joining the conversation.

"When did you get here, baby?" asked Jessica playfully.

"Let's move out of this love-fest," laughed Angela.

"Agreed," said Bella, and they moved a seat forward, so Mike and Jessica could be alone...

*at the Cullen house*

"Carlisle, are you sure about this?" asked Edward Cullen, who was lifting about five heavy boxes into a home they lived in in the past, but will be living in again, now.

"Yes, that girl's parents must of split up by now! So she would of gone away with her mother and you won't have to worry about slipping up around her! You'll be able to control yourself," said Carlisle Cullen, the "father" of the family.

"Tell me again why Alice can't see them? Why she can't see Isabella's family's future?" asked Edward, lugging the boxes into the living room with Carlisle following him.

"Because," said Alice Cullen, practically bouncing into the room, "Bella, that's what she likes to be called, is messing with wolves. Anything that has to do with those wretched dogs won't be clear in my mind and I can't see what will actually happen, just what would happen without the wolves. I don't think the newest generation has turned to wolves, though... So if Bella is messing with the Quileutes, or was messing with them, then her parents will have contact with them, too, so... yeah."

"But what if she's there?" inquired Edward.

"You have enough control, you can endure it," said Esme Cullen, the "mother" of the family, who was just passing through the room. "Maybe the smell has worn off."

"Or maybe, she has moved away like we anticipated," said Edward, a great amount of hope in his voice.

"Yeah right, you're not that lucky," teased Emmett Cullen, who was carrying twenty boxes at once.

"That girl best be gone!" snapped Rosalie Hale, who was overseeing Emmett. He was carrying his stuff and Rosalie's stuff because she didn't want to break a nail.

"Okay..." sighed Edward.

"Where are Jasper and Alice?" asked Rosalie as she was walking up the stairs. Alice had just slipped out the door with Jasper being towed along.

"Hunting," replied Carlisle nonchalently.

"I wanna go," said Rosalie.

"You can go later with Emmett. Stop with the whine!" barked Esme.

"Fine. When do we start school?" asked Rosalie.

"Tomorrow," said Edward, obviously not too happy about it.


Author's Note: [Update from 2016] Whenever you get a minute, take a look at my 2016 Watty Awards Entry, called "It's a Service, Really." It's romance.. and I think readers of this would particularly like it. Thanks!

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