24. The Power Trials (Picture of a Story Banner)

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Chapter 24

•The Power Trials•

*a week later*

"Jakey... do you think I'm special?" asked Bella. Her and Jacob were sitting in the woods together, their backs up againstthe side of a boulder.

"Of course I do, Bells," he said, smiling. They'd come outside so no one could eavesdrop on them.

"That's not what I meant." Neither of them had been looking at each other. They'd been staring at some unknown point in the woods up until now, when Bella swiveled her head to look at her boyfriend.

"How did you mean it then?" he inquired and then turned his head to face his girlfriend. The tips of their noses weren't even a foot apart.

"Do you think I have a special vampire talent? Like Jasper? 'Cause he can control emotions. Or maybe like Alice, who can see the future...usually." Bella trailed off when it came time to speak of Edward's talent. She hadn't spoken to him or of him since that meeting of her first hunting trip.

"Or maybe you can read minds, like Eddy. What am I think about right now?" asked Jacob, staring at Bella intensly.

She closed her eyes and playfully pressed her fingers to her temples. Then, she turned, opening her eyes and removing her hands, so she was only an inch away from Jacob's face. "You're thinking about how much you love me."

"How'd you know?" This question wasn't meant to be answeres because just after he said it, he pulled Bella even closer and kissed her, ever-so-slightly, on the lips.

"Magical," whispered Bella.

"Well, I guess it's safe to say that I have imprinted on a vampire." Jacob smiled at his vampiric girlfriend and leaned back against the massive rock.

She leaned back also. Jacob would of put his arm around her, but he remembered Carlisle's words from a few days before. "Do not do anything to her that isn't directly in front of her eyes. She'll believe she's being attacked and fight back."

Then Jasper had added, as usual, "Remember, she's still a newborn."

He settled for setting his hand, palm up, on his jeaned leg. Once Bella noticed, she placed her hand inside his.

"I love you," whispered Bella.

"Well you don't need to be quiet about it," said Jacob, who smiled.

"I can if I wanna be," said the always-stoubborn Bella.

"So, I was thinking, about this talent. Maybe we, including your whole new vamp family, could do some tests on you or something to figure it out," suggested Jake. He took his hand out of Bella's and started to play with her fingers, intertwining them with a flower.

"I'm not so sure that it works like that," said Bella, finding his suggestion rather odd.

"We can make it work," argued Jacob, but still in a quiet tone.

"How?" asked Bella, confused at his idea.

"We all ask you questions like ' What am I think right now?' or 'What will I eat for breakfast tomorrow' or 'How am I feeling' and stuff like that. I don't really know of all the special vampire voodoo powers so I think Carlisle would do most of the questioning.

Bella sat there for a minute, contemplating the idea. "That's actually... a good idea, Jacob!"

"Score one for the werewolf!" he exclaimed and did a fist pump.

"Ha-ha okay, pup, don't get too excited," she taunted. "So when will we plan this for?"

"How about...this afternoon?"

*the afternoon*

"Okay, Bella," began Carlisle, "Don't you think that this idea incredibly ridiculous?" All the vampires plus Jacob, Leah, and Seth were there in the living room.

"Well, her precious Jakey-wakey thought of the idea so she just adored it," teased Emmett.

"No," said Bella coldly. "I agreed because I thought it was a good idea."

"Sure sure," said Emmett.

"But Bella," started Jasper, "Your 'power' should just come to you naturally, and that would be if you even had one. Look at Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and Rosalie. None of them really have a power. They just all have some rather strong characteristics. You may just happen to be a reject like them." He smiled at his teasing. Rosalie, being the closest "reject" whacked him in the bicep playfully.

"Nice one, Rose!" called out Emmett.

"Anyways. What I'm saying, Bella, is that you should just let your power naturally come out," concluded Carlisle.

Then Edward, being sitting the farthest from Bella, timidly said, "I think she's a sheild."

Carlisle paused his speaking for a second then said, "A... sheild, Edward? Why would you say that?"

"She has a mental sheild. I cannot read her mind. Still."

"Edward, that genious!" exclaimed Esme.

"It could only be expected," he commented.

"Me? A... sheild?" Bella couldn't believe it. That was actually a decent kind of thing to have.

"I also believe she should be able to push the sheild out towards other people," he said.

"I can... help people?"



Author's Note: I'm so sorry for not updating in so long. I just didn't really feel motivated after not making it to round 2 of the Watty Awards with Death Doesn't Due Us Part. Also, I'm writing a movie script for a movie my friends and I are going to film... so I've been rather busy. I been busy with the rest of my life, too and blah blah blah...

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