4. The Morning (Picture Of Jacob)

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Chapter 4

•The Morning•

*the next morning at the Swan Residence*

"Good morning, sleepy-head!" exclaimed Renee Swan as she saw Bella entering the kitchen.

"Hi, mom," said Bella, all but enthusiastic.

"And good morning to you too, honey," said Renee as the half-asleep chief of police slumped onto a chair.

"Hey," he grumbled.

"I'm making breakfast for us three!" exclaimed Renee.

"Mom, why are you so perky this morning, you're normally like a sloth who just woke up after a bad night's sleep," said Bella, her similie reflecting herself, also.

"Well, I went for a power walk with Jessica and Angela's mothers before you two woke up. We're going to do it every school day from now until the end of the year! And it's only October!" exclaimed Renee.

"Mom, that's great," said Bella truthfully.

*at the Cullen Residence*

"Did everyone go hunting yesterday or last night?" shouted Carlisle, trying to get his "kids" in order for their first day back at Forks High School.

"Carlisle, do I have to go? It wasn't just the smell, I couldn't read her mind either! This could be the end of her! It could be the end of us! I don't want to risk it. Let everyone else go. I'll stay behind today. They can survey the area! It's too dangerous for me!" yelled Edward.

"No," stated Carlisle calmly, "You must go. I don't think she'll even be there. Go. Now. Bye kids."

"Wait, Carlisle, something is different..." began Alice, her eyes glazed over as she was reading the future, "Something is different, something happened in the past two, maybe three weeks. It must have something to do with the wolves since I can't really tell what it is. Maybe a new addition to the pack? Or one already in the pack was killed? I don't know.

"Well, just go to school, but stay on your guard," decided Carlisle.

In a scramble, they all ran at lightning-speed to Rosalie's car. They hopped in and drove off.

*back at the Swan Residence, a half hour later*

"Mom, Dad," called Bella, "I'm leaving now or I'll be late!"

Renee rushed into the room and gave her little girl a hug. Charlie hollered a goodbye from his study. Bella ran out into the pouring rain to board her big orange truck that Jacob had given to her as a birthday present. Jacob seems to be avoiding her lately. Well that, or what Billy says is true and he actually has mono...

She drove to school, humming along to the radio. She didn't get stuck in any traffic and she got to school with extra time to spare. But someone was at the school waiting for Bella.

Bella jumped out of her truck in happiness and ran into his arms. It was Paul. And with Paul, was Jacob.

"Oh my gosh, why are my boyfriend and my best friend here?" asked Bella excitedly, finally waking up.

"Well, Sam Ule-I mean Billy Black wanted us to warn you to stay away from the Cullens," said Paul.

"Yeah. They're bad news, just stay away from them," added Jacob.

"Ummm, okay?" agreed Bella, now hand-in-hand with Paul.

"Great!" said Paul and Jacob in unison.

"Well, we must leave, we have to get back to the pac-uhhh I mean the... packaging... club, at the... school on the reservation," tried Jacob.

"Okay, have fun!" said Bella, totally buying the lie. The boys strutted off. She sighed. Jessica and Angela walked up behind her, each standing on a different side of her.

"Look," whispered Jessica, "It's the Cullens." She stared in awe at their red convertable. I couldn't quite see through the windshield because of the light rain.

A couple clusters of people were standing around in the parking lot staring at the approaching car.

Bella on the other hand, could care less and turned on her toes to face the entrance. She tapped her friends on their shoulders to let them know she was leaving. They didn't even notice. Bella sauntered inside to her locker. She was unloading her backpack when Eric walked up next to her.

"I see that you're not interested in the all-important Cullens either?" sighed Eric. Everyone knows that Eric has a crush on Angela, but she was currently more intrigued with a mysterious family than him.

"Nope. I'm just not understanding what's so important about them."

"I guess it's because they were here for a day, then they left. No warning or good-bye. On that one day they were here, everyone thought that they were just so gorgeous. Don't get me wrong, those girls looked amazing, but it's not like they tried to befriend anyone. They didn't talk to anyone except each other unless necessary. They didn't reveal their personalities. So why was everyone obsessed with them? Because of their looks and that alone. I'm not going to love some girl I've never met."

"You know what, Eric?"


"That's just the answer I was looking for. You're pretty good with words. You should be on the school paper."

"Angela's on the school paper..."

"So you're going to join?"

"Definitely." He started to walk off, but a massive accumulation of people started creeping up the hallway. He came back over to me. "What up with all the people?"

"Look, it's the Cullens. They're trying to spy on them. They want to ask them why they left, but they're too chicken."

"How do you know?"

"Jessica and Angela just walked up behind us talking about it." Eric and Bella swiveled to see Jessica and Angela behind them, deep in conversation. "Best not to bother them. They're probably talking about which one is cutest, now." Eric laughed uneasily at the thought of Angela talking about other guys. I was about to walk away when the Cullens got a bit closer up so I could see their faces. They didn't look any different. They were in mid-conversation with each other, but all stopped speaking at the same moment and slowly raised their heads to look at me. The one that I think is called Edward looked utterly horrified. He shot what seemed like an I-told-you-so glance at his adopted siblings and stormed away. The four of them that were left looked very alarmed and swiftly walked in the other direction, not following Edward, but going to their first class. Edward was already out the front entrance.


Author's Note: I know that I only usually dedicate chapters to my fans, but I'm dedicating this chapter to a user that commented on every chapter [that had been posted when they came along to read it] Thanks for commenting, -EverSo.

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