Breathe his essence

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AN/ SURPRISE UPDATE!!! LOVE MEE, LOVE ME NOW! :p I'm kidding, jk I'm not but seriously you should hate/love me because it took me forever to update BUT I updated while I've got a cast on so MEH.... Listen to the song while you read this and enjoy!

I felt his fingers caress my skin, the feeling of him sending sparks up my body.

Fingers caressing my abdomen, going up my stomach to my chest. Gentle loving kisses from his soft and tender lips. His breathing slow and almost trancelike as it soothed me into a dreamlike state.

No words were heard as his lips pressed onto mine, as my hands roamed his body.

No sound was made other than his breathing, not a sound in the entire room.

I ran my fingers up his smooth skin, wanting this heavenly feeling to go on.

I sucked in a deep breath, almost like I was trying to breathe him in. Like I was trying to breathe in his essence.

His lips molded perfectly with mine as his fingers ran over my back, the rush of adrenaline lost in his touch. I wanted to devour him, wanted him to scream my name but every part of me told me to slow it down.

I opened my eyes, the darkness gone and all I saw was light, his eyes sparkling like I'd never seen before. His eyes full of life, of lust, of love.

His skin seemed to be lighting up the room, like he was glowing as his naked body moved against mine.

His breath fanned over my face as he looked down at me, I sat up straight, pulling his chest against mine as I attached our lips again.

Fingertips, lips, chest heaving against mine, the feeling of him overwhelming me.

He tilted his head back, exposing his neck. I kissed his jawline, and down his neck, sweat beginning to form on his body as I kissed down his chest.

He licked his lips, making them look just so much more inviting, his teeth grazed his bottom lip, making the animal inside of me whimper at the sight.

The animal inside of me wanted to burst out but I was scared of letting it out, scared of his presence leaving me if I went to far.

He looked so fragile as he sat there, leaning back so I let my fingers run over his chest. Feeling his heartbeat against my fingertips, like a drum was hammering, like a thousand drums, playing the song of life.

I wanted his touch, I wanted his essence, I wanted him.

I moved over, laying him down on the bed, pressing my body against him, needing to feel every inch of him.

Lips caressed my shoulderblades as I closed my eyes, willing myself to calm down before I couldn't hold it in. The animal inside of me fighting it's way out, layed by layer, inch by inch it was getting closer to the outside.

As his hands lay on my back, I could swear I felt his heartbeat in his palms, like every inch of him was thumping to the beat of his heart.

My fingers ran up his sides, to his face as I cupped his cheeks and pressed my lips on his, he kissed back with all the need I felt, all the love he could push into it. He kissed me back with so much feelings I felt like I was floating.

His touch lingers as he moved his hands, like he was desperate to feel me like I was desperate to feel him. Like an animal inside of him was clawing its way out too.

I moved away from him, shaking my head to drown the voices out, drown out the Beast, drown out the thumping I heard in my head.

However he felt different about it, his legs soon straddling mine, his chest once more pressed against me. The beast inside of me was close to the edge, I could feel it taking over me.

I kissed his collarbone as he pressed his body against mine, his arms wrapping around my neck. His chest heaving against mine once more, the thumping of his heart taking over my mind, no other sound was heard.

The room fell silent as his fingers tugged at my hair.

His heartbeat was gone, his breathing had stopped yet when I looked at him his eyes were set on me, bright blue and his skin was still glowing, his skin warm and sweaty yet it felt so nice.

He leant down to me, his lips ghosting over mine, his eyes not blinking.

Then as his lips pressed against mine it's like an orchestra started playing, drums beating, violins and harps soothing out the loud thump. I hear a choir chant his name, I heard a piano and a cello. I heard everything except for his breathing, except for his heart.

"Michael." His voice echoed through my head, sounding out the orchestra, the animal inside of me was going to burst free any moment now but I didn't want it to. I wanted his heavenly touch, I wanted his body on me, every inch of him suddenly felt like it was on fire. His body alight in the darkeness that once clouded my mind. His face clear in the dimness of my life. He smiled as he closed his eyes, that smile that could make me melt.

"Michael." His voice spoke again, but his lips never moved, the sound like a distant memory as it was pulled further back into my mind. I focused back on the angel on top of me, his lips finally firm on mine once more, this was it.

The Beast was released, I felt it, felt the thump that I was trying to hold back. I felt the thump that meant it had broken free.

Unexpectantly his nails dug into my back, his body pressed immensely close to mine as I felt the world around me spin, lights seemed to shoot from between us as the beast sprang free.

It however wasn't a Beast like I thought it was, it was a golden light, encircling us like it was putting us into it's own little bubble of light. Our own little bubble of Love, because no it wasn't a beast it was my heart, my feelings, my love. The beast inside me was overpowered by everything that was good in life, and that everything was HIM.

That everything was Luke.

AN/ I feel so much feels reading this, idk do you guys feel that too???  Can you guys guess what this was? It was of course Michael pov, but Michael doesn't dream :p he sleeps when he's not high on Calum's blood because even vampires need sleep but what was this then?

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